Merging the inner and outer life

JANU:    What distinguishes this morning’s service from others is the propensity for tolerance of the lives of people trying to make sense of their lives. They rely on churches, religions, professional counselors, therapists, the external influences more than their own inner reality and are confused about how to begin. A beginning is to desire deeply to understand life, your own life, to discover your faculties for embracing a deeper and larger understanding. Many are not even grateful for being alive. Society has accomplished much to support living, but not a lot to support a clear sense of being and ownership of existence larger than their sojourn.

The peace we speak of is a wonderful pathway to understanding. They think that the resources outside of them are the substance and security of their lives. It is temporary, and flawed, unreliable. But seeing these with insight, depth, and the inner wisdom changes this. One need not embrace everything in society to meet their needs, so it is wise to choose with some care what you embrace.

Realize that there is wisdom within, insight beyond the external life. Balance the two with patience and insight into the Truth and to the existence and purpose of opportunities. Even the largest ambitions in the material world benefit from a core reality of harmony with the truth of your being and the larger life. Entertain the timeless reality of existence to have a maturing perspective on reality. Merge the inner and outer life in a balanced way. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 2, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Another look at True Peace

JANU: How does one experience True Peace within, within the consciousness, within the being, as a foundation for engaging their lives? Meaning all that occurs each day. It is not achieved primarily by analysis, but more by choosing and allowing the peace that already exists deep within your being.

When you are at peace, all that you observe in life, including yourself, is seen for what it is, without judgement, condemnation. For those reactions to what you observe do not occur when you are at peace. Peace is not a separation from, a distancing from the movements of life around you, but a stable state within you of perception, without being ‘for’ or ‘against’ it. Pure love and peace go hand in hand.

Life itself, our brother, does not agree or disagree with social or individual behavior. This does not change your freedom to choose one path over another, to choose your relationships and the life you wish to live. But a peaceful relationship with your choices and your relationships allows you to be clear enough, perceptive enough, understanding enough, and patient enough to make wiser choices in harmony with harmonious timing.

Helping another wisely includes all of these, and more. Being of service, whether to others or circumstances or any part of life, is not defined by outcomes. Allow life to unfold as it will. Intimacy with life deepens when not ruled by reactive responses. Intimacy with yourself allows the truth of your being to come to the surface as experiences to understand, accepted for what they are: part of your journey. And grateful for them, for what you have learned. Wisdom is yielded from all of this; knowledge applied to experience.

More to understand, our brother, at another time. Namaste.

Aug. 11, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We of the Brotherhood of Light have presumed for a long time, time being a relative term, you see, that humanity would engage in pursuits of happiness that transcend current social relationships that are more a part of the past than the future. A worthy question on this pursuit is: What is happiness, and where does it come from, and what does it afford?

Happiness is a condition of consciousness. It comes from deep within and radiates from an individual that is unmistakable to others. Being at peace with life and who you are allows this.

Happiness extends itself into the lives of others. Even those who, in their ignorance, reject it are touched anyway. Their choices in life are enriched and their True Nature comes closer to the surface.

Happiness is a great liberator. And happiness creates after its own kind, without effort.

Happiness is a natural healer, bringing balance to the systems of life.

Happiness anticipates, with fondness, every moment and every day. Impossible dreams and adventures become as achievable, with the confidence that happiness brings.

Happiness brightens your aura and every part of your being.

There is a lighter side to life than the stifling effect of seriousness that sees no humor in living. Take a moment and choose happiness. Allow it to come from within you and enjoy the experience of it and how it changes your perspective, bringing an energetic freedom to enjoy life. Wishing everyone this experience, namaste.

Aug. 14, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The resiliency of the human spirit

JANU: We are impressed once more by the resiliency of the human spirit. Many such encounters have the designation of ‘born again,’ renewal of the confidence within to endure and rise above. This is part of the nature of the True Nature, which is who you are.

The incarnate life, personality, ego, without a strong connection, suffers from the sense of being alone and, in certain ways, identifies with the vagaries of life. When the human consciousness comes to a point of being overwhelmed, it lets go of identification only with incarnate life and being, and is open to the truth within the True Nature. This condition, or relationship, is available not just in times of crisis but all the time. But the pressures of living make it easy to forget.

So, instead of a life from one crisis to another, open to the middle ground, the path of balance, evenmindedness, patience, and an acceptance of the love from life that is always yours. When you perceive life more in this way, you are more understanding of the conditions around you and that others endure, making it easier to inspire, lift consciousness, be encouraging. Serving the awakening of humanity, our brother, is what this is all about. Everything in the life is served, enhanced, uplifted as one awakens more and more. The challenges of life are nowhere near as powerful as the power within.

Awakening may slow from time to time. The distractions are many. Be patient with yourself and others. Process the challenges, but always return to your awakening, your True Nature, the larger Life, and the awesome power of true love. Be at peace. Namaste.

Aug. 1, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Creating a brighter future

JANU:    Welcome, then, to this new avenue of pursuit for humanity, creating a bright future even as we speak. How does one, then, describe a brighter future than the present? It is accomplished, our brother, by being one with the present and enriching and enhancing it in so many ways: owning the conditions that have been created by humanity and choosing alternatives by identifying, recognizing the elements of life already contributing to these alternatives. So, you see, creating a brighter future is already in progress.

Support everything you perceive within and without that looks like the path to a brighter future. Encourage current contributions, individually and socially. When observing a moment such as this, allow the consciousness to expand and touch every such moment with support. Be more observant in the unfolding of each day. These many sparks of Light, so to speak, at work then in your consciousness that they synergistically grow and evolve and mature. Contribute to the raising of human consciousness with fresh insights, new understandings, and the description of possibilities to be taken advantage of. Endeavor to be always truthful and honest, with sensitivity to the consciousness of others.

These moments of Light are of equal worth, not holding one moment of enlightenment worth more than another. That kind of judgement divides and stratifies, does not unite into oneness. Even a brief moment of uplift or happiness brought to another is a pearl and has results past the moment. The creation of a moment of happiness continues on.

Anticipate solutions to challenges. Expect them. Remember, peace is not the absence of activity, but activity that is in harmony with all of life. So be at peace and enjoy life more and more. All of the systems of your being will be brought into harmony. Inspire others in the same way. Namaste.

July 27, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Committing to a brighter future

JANU: We are committed to a clearer view of humanity’s contribution to a brighter future. Let us swing the pendulum towards the brighter side of the human future: loving service, personal commitment, group resolve, caring for each other individually and collectively, with the strength and courage that comes from within the True Nature. There are countless examples of this in humanity around the world. Let us focus our attention on these and support them and inspire human creativity, patience, and love for each other.

We have spoken before of the power of your attention making you connected with whatever your attention is on. Choose wisely the life and connections you desire. Commit to these, not only in understanding but the growing presence in the life of humanity, and leave behind everything else. This is how you reshape your future, create the one you desire, letting go of the alternatives.

Seek out harmonious solutions to challenges. Lift your consciousness into true freedom. There will still be challenges but commit to finding harmonious solutions that are wise, inspire others, and bring humanity together as a blessing to each other and as service to life. Choose to see more of these human contributions. Recognize them and encourage them.

Creating a more encouraging life in the present and the future has countless rewards and so many already want this, you see. In many cases, it is not changing minds but encouraging what already exists in the hearts and minds of so many. A growing mass consciousness is a powerful thing indeed. Destructive energies have no future, nothing to hook into or express through, without people. So, in a sense, be against nothing. Be clear as a bell about what you are for. And commit your life to those. Everyone is capable of this.

Accept social consciousness into your model for living that support your dreams, aspirations, inner desires for peace, harmony, creativity, and successful living. See these qualities wherever they exist and support them. Life is designed to allow either path. Choose wisely. Enjoy the uplift and nurture it. Namaste.

July 26, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Making choices

JANU: Today’s journey is processing choice, meaning: What is your chosen pathway to a choice? What does it include? Where is the balance in the considerations? In the predictability of outcomes, consideration of previous choices and their outcomes, external influences and their merits, and the innate ability to intuit, and the scope of consciousness engaging the task.

Where does choice begin? It begins by understanding or being aware of the choices that are present.

When does one even become aware of a choice to be made? Life presents these, our brother, constantly. The degree of consciousness is the perceiver. Even the ability to perceive a choice is part of the process.

And what is the motivation to make a choice at all? This engages the nature of human curiosity, creativity, and life engagements. This consideration can easily move beyond the scope of this journey. With so many choices, it is difficult to choose any.

So let us begin with the choice to be conscious, more conscious, and to understand what is revealed. When considering the day’s normal activities, is one open to the realities behind them? Does one choose to be conscious of more and more? How can one make a wise choice without understanding it? Once again the theme ‘awakening’ making wisdom possible, better outcomes more secure, and the collective humanity a conscious reality. How conscious are you of who you are and why you stand where you stand? What are you aware of, of your own being, when attempting to be aware of that of another?

There is no valid cookie cutter approach to understanding life, or yourself, or another. Life is too diverse for that. So this moment of consciousness is all-important, for everything you observe is changing. So, you see, choices in life are not based upon static conditions, but conditions that are in motion, with outcomes that are in motion as well. So, in essence, which train do you want to board and where is it going?

There resides within everyone the nature of being that includes insight beyond human perception. Choose to be one with this. Choose your innate consciousness. It can see fluidly beyond your current understanding. The past, the present, and the future are one in the Truth within you. All of your current thoughts, preferences, desires, awarenesses, compassions, and fears are part of this as well, meaning they are known and part of the Now.

Choose your True Nature and be well-guided in choice making. Even choice making is subject to change, from moment to moment. Always choose wisely, to the best of your ability, and have faith in your own True Nature to guide you. Namaste.

June 21, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Tonight’s focus is self-healing, not just for the physical body, but for the emotions and the mind and the consciousness as well. Perceive these elements of being, of experience, of expression, as a system of coordination, bound together by the model of existence of those who have chosen the human experience. The basic nature of this system of coordination, ideally, is self-maintaining and, yes, evolving. Through journeys, through lifetimes, countless encounters and circumstance, the influence of the perceptions of others, social consciousness, and the struggles to survive, how can one not carry patterns of life not altogether in harmony with the nature of the existence of this system?

So you ask what to do about this situation. Attune to the memory and current experience of all of these influences, as if they are present, viable, and influencing your being. Allow your perception of reality to include not only the eternal you, the True Nature, but the life pattern that you essentially are. And allow your experience to include your basic coordinations, life presence, and the inner pattern of life with an eternal foundation of being and the strength and the ongoingness of your connection with life itself. These external influences are experiences of a temporary nature. The experience matters, their circumstance less. There is wisdom in engaging patterns of life, understanding them, your relationship to them at the time, gratitude for what they bring you, and then move on. Do not let the circumstance define you.

In truth, you are a being of Light, not subject to aging, the so-called illnesses. Draw upon the truth of who you are, all you have gained, all you have given, all you will be. Allow this into your consciousness, keeping your truth clear. Choose wisely and enjoy your choices. Namaste.
June 8, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Why not open to a larger life?

JANU: We ask the question: Why not open to the larger life, the larger you? What is there to fear? Yes, you say, “The unknown.” Why would you think that life has misery in store for you, while opening to its truth, its richness, and its love? What evidence can you base this on? Your misery is born of ignorance and fear and a lack of those elements of the larger life. Why remain isolated from blessings when you can receive them in a perfect way and participate in blessings for others and other parts of life? How many wondrous things have you learned and experienced that were new to you and unknown, that you would have missed by remaining ignorant or unawakened?

The parts of you that fear the unknown are those that wish to remain in power and dominate your life. Including those around you, who always attempt to keep you under their control, that they might use your power and your freedom for their benefit. Not just individuals, but organizations, and religions as well. How many in your life draw their power from you rather than support your own freedom?

The question remains: Why not embrace the freedom and the beauty of the larger life? It has always been offered to you, waiting for you to agree. Letting go of ignorance and embracing the unknown truth seems risky to those living in darkness. This does not require leaving the body or abandoning the opportunities of your current existence, but allowing this adds so much to who you are, how you live and relate to life.

Why not live a life in True Peace, rather than struggle and worry, frustration, depression, anger, blaming everything but yourself for your experience? Reclaim you birthright, your true power to create your life, and re-create it. The illusion of your life being yours, independent of a larger life, perpetuates the ignorance, our brother. Your true freedom is in harmony with life and its flow, and that of others.

Open to the beauty of what’s to come and you will never turn back to live as you once did. Allow this to be your experience only through agreeing with it and discover your heart’s desire with clarity and the true reason you exist at all, with fulfilling purpose and meaning. Namaste.

May 20, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Getting to know the larger you

JANU:    Much of the dissatisfaction with living conditions on the Earth, by humanity, comes from a lifestyle, including all faces of society, that is created by consciousnesses yet to awaken fully to the True Nature. As awakening continues, the social condition will change. Enlightened humanity will not make the same choices and will see no profit in mutually destructive behavior.

Now, this does not mean the True Nature of individuals is silent but, when fears govern choices, it is difficult to hear the True Nature. Remember, the True Nature is constantly aware of everything about you. There are no secrets. And the True Nature is attuned to the larger life beyond time and space as well. Where is the wisdom in building on a fault line, dietary habits that degrade your health? Why do you think so many wish to end their lives? Even those who attempt to provide therapy would benefit greatly from the insights of the True Nature. And what is this True Nature we speak of but the eternal you, the you that remembers everything, attuned to the larger life and has access to the wise counsel of the larger Family of Life.

This is not to say that humanity has wasted all of its opportunities. It has gained much. But there are thresholds of illusion. The status quo does not apply. For many, life seems to travel in circles, every day much like another and no end in sight. It is as frustrating to the spirit.

Go deep inside. Love who you truly are and get to know and embrace who you truly are. You will find peace and joy, a love for life, and the fulfillment of countless adventures, discoveries, and capabilities, and your incarnate life will blossom. Namaste.

May 25, 2015                                                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross