Memories and wisdom

JANU:    Memories show patterns of living, the building blocks of consciousness in the life. Always with you, coming to the surface, in droves at times. What do they serve you as? What to do with them? Many are episodes you prefer to forget. To do so, our brother, is to deny your existence. Yet they still keep coming, triggering emotions that are re-lived. Choose instead to absorb the wisdom they contain and cherish the wisdom. For that is their legacy, that you carry with you as you make choices in life and engage new experiences.

The wisdom we speak of is growing understanding of the dynamics of life. Cause and effects. Creativity. Redemptions. Merits. Seeds planted in the lives of others as well. They reflect the tapestry of life, interconnectedness and influence. Choose to seek and understand the wisdom of these. They reveal much. Be grateful that they linger with their opportunity to grow and evolve. They are part of the richness of living. No matter the memory, our brother, all of living has the gift of wisdom-gaining. Wisdom brings peace of mind and a growing sense of eternity, the flow of life. Namaste, our brother.
Apr. 13, 2017                                       Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.

Owning memories is an earlier journey along these same lines.



JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, with you moments of love and compassion for each other. This occurs frequently with humanity, more frequently when people are kind to each other, less frequently when they are not. The challenge here is obvious: those that seem unlovable need your compassion and caring even more. This is obscured in their lives through their own experiences. This is one area where the patience we refer to so often generates miracles. Caring and compassion when it is difficult is a model of strength. Applying this perspective in life draws upon life’s innate wisdom and the gifts of your True Nature.

Life has many choices which seem to conflict with no apparent solution. Too often, the seeming conflict stymies the flow of wisdom. Moving toward a more inclusive consciousness reveals solutions not foreseen. When adding something to your life, to your experience, this does not always mean it has to replace another, for life is inclusive.

Have as your foundation for understanding and insight a conviction that there is always an answer. Honest and caring communication opens the door. Patience keeps it open. Life is not inert, our brother, but very active and responsive and filled with solutions. Namaste.
Apr. 3, 2017 B                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Encouragement on the path of awakening

JANU: We often speak of peace, its true power and role in awakening and in well-being. It goes hand in hand, connecting with the nature of your being and the deeper mysteries of life. Awakening is not a bargain you make with life or yourself. It has to do with a trust and a faith in the Truth of Life. Awakening is not just self-serving but contributes to the serving of all of humanity. Everything being connected reveals that what you engage in to build life, to create it, to evolve it, to realize its potential is service that touches everything. These journeys are such a service, as are many other endeavors of those who serve.

More and more, there is expansion of consciousness inspired by the truth within. The evolution of human consciousness is the composite of all of these, the movement from darkness into light. Even those possessed of their destructive ways are purging their systems of Light, their consciousness, of the darkness that seems to consume them. Changing the direction in your life can seem difficult, for how do you replace it with something you don’t understand and, as a result, fear? Make the choice to change from within. Allow yourself to see life differently. Ask yourself what can you be that would be more fulfilling.

Large changes, our brother, begin with small decisions. Your outer life is filled with opportunities to apply those decisions and see their result. Confidence builds with each application and experience. Learn to recognize the patterns of energy, emotions, thoughts, with each decision, each application, and each result. It strengthens the connection with the Light that lives within you. Do not be in a hurry. Be patient with yourself and life’s responses. Get used to the changes, and they will become a way of living.

This is the path of awakening. Start small and build. The rest will come, and you will discover you are not alone in this. And your True Nature will bring you insight, encouragement, and strength. Namaste.
Mar. 23, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The resolution of grievances

JANU:   Resolving grievances is a challenge when the so-called grievance is only perceived superficially. The emotions involved can hardly be called “being at peace” and the results of these emotions are not peaceful, as well. So how does one find satisfaction in the form of peace of mind and the freedom to move on? What is a grievance then, but a conviction, a feeling that wrong has been done? And there is the desire for payback, getting even if you will. Getting even is an illusion, our brother. For when all is said and done, the pattern of the emotion, the memory, the results of the grievance remain, still playing out, always there.

Now, avoiding the repeat of such grievance is valid, for without the emotional reaction much to be gained in learning and wisdom, making you more secure, if you will, in your integrity. Discovering the causes, the sources of the so-called grievance is the path to victory. Understanding not only the cause of the grievance but any role you may have had, why you attracted this experience into your life, ownership. No longer victim but master of any situation is victory and freedom. Be not owned by the grievance. Be the master of it through understanding, wisdom, and management of your circumstance.

These elements of mastership are revealed and employed through awakening. Life is not an accident. So-called chaos has reason to discover. Take the time to explore and process any grievance and become conscious of the elements of its existence. There is understanding to be had for everything. Gain the wisdom to reshape your experience through wiser choices. These have always been your prerogative, when discovered. Namaste.
Mar. 3, 2017                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Experiencing universal love

JANU:  We are encouraged by the medium of choice here, that being ‘love.’ A worthy focus for exploration and achievement. Why not progress the understanding and experience of this? For it is at the root of everything. And, if so, its reach into the Truth of Life is unlimited. A reality not limited to definition, or any one perception or reality or desire. It belongs to, so to speak, the True Nature of Life itself. And it is not an ‘it’ but a presence.

So let our journey be one of awakening to that particular nature of life that connects us all. As you contemplate any experience or manifestation or reality, allow the experience and the understanding of the love that is the nature of it. The universe seems vast, physically. Love is vaster, our brother. Allow its reality to permeate your awareness and any other person. What greater peace would you find than the loving nature of everything, everyone, every reality?

Being at peace is being one with Love. There are no secrets, our brother. Loving something into your life is powerful beyond words. Be at peace. Namaste.
Jan. 17, 2017                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


Choosing a new model to start a new life

JANU: Summarizing the unification thus far of consciousness, the elements of your being are as a team of life, our brother, working together in harmony to create and to serve life and to infuse life with the manifestation of its potential, its True Nature. It has been a long journey for humanity to reach beyond the veil, leaving the isolation and returning to the larger life. Weary of the dreariness of disease, confusion, ignorance, violence, and struggle for the illusive, it is time for change.

Disease and suffering is not a part of the larger life, only the isolated life. Overcoming illness and confusion is not all there is. Be willing to leave all of that behind for something more grand and fulfilling. So much of humanity has known nothing else as a model for being. There have been shining ones in human history, but seen as something special, separate from what’s called ‘normal’ in common human experience. So human consciousness creates deities but out of reach, still something separate from their own identity.

Awakening is the path to what we speak of, our brother. No longer the need to climb over others into a so-called powerful existence, still devoid of true freedom. How much of human energy is spent upon taking from others, brutality, depression, anxieties, fear of this and fear of that? The fears based upon their own creations.

The Christmas season is a time for starting anew. Beginning again has always been an option, yet seldom taken advantage of. If you had the power to start anew, what would your model be for living a new life? Peace and freedom, well-being, clarity, love of self and of life. What would your model be for a new beginning of a new life? Namaste.
Dec. 12, 2016                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 12 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The true power of a serene and peaceful life

JANU:    Words such as serenity and peace seem strangely out of place in the current climate of world conditions. But make no mistake, our brother. These are the words that speak of true power, endurance, longevity, accommodation, and ongoingness. The healthy person—mind, body and spirit—is the one that is in harmony with these true powers, for they are in harmony with the flow of life and all the resource that brings.

Struggle, pushing, impatience, frustration have their influence but their influence does not speak of longevity and harmonious results with the other realities of life. Is the hollow achievement of the moment worth the disconnect from the richness of life, the resource of true power, clarity of understanding, insight, and connection?

The serene and peaceful life is an awakening life, the life that perceives the subtle encouragements and insights no longer obscured by doubt and worry, fear, anger, and aggressiveness. Serenity and peace, in their true meaning, does not mean an uninvolved life, avoiding the realities that exist, but a life as a ship navigating beautifully the seas of life, whether stormy or not. Achieving goals, inspiring others, serving life without demanding from it selfish fulfillment

So many opportunities, challenges, and gifts of life are unheard when one lives a brash and noisy life, without listening. Witness the confusion in the lives of those described in the media, the violence, the mayhem, even suicide. Serenity and peace are modalities of True Power and rich relationship with the flow of life. Choose wisely, our brother. Namaste.
Dec. 9, 2016                         Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The Now of the future  

JANU: We are sailing straightaway into the Now of the future, seemingly a contradiction in terms but nonetheless a reality. Not a contradiction at all with a larger view.

The Now of the future is your potential, the potential of everything. When potential is understood, the clarity reveals the future. The potential for humanity in the Now is an enlightened race of beings with associations and involvements beyond the Earth. The universe seems very large but consciousness is larger still, or can be, especially when you consider that consciousness is not limited to this universe or this reality.

So what is the human potential, then, that describes this future? Its potential is loving and perceptive beings with capacity, even while incarnate, to generate forces, energies, that support and can modify its physical existence and more. Eventually humanity will no longer need to toil to build a dwelling. They will be created to entirely different environmental standards. The challenge to humanity is to not lose physical fitness with the ease of the power to manifest, to create. So life will include the adventure of physically demanding activities and become more than humanity is at present, increasing longevity, stimulating creativity with a fully functioning physicality, brain and mind.

Each will perceive each other’s field of energy and vitality, not only of each other but of all living things. The connection between living things will become apparent and valued and a compassion for all of life will be a working reality, for no longer will humanity perceive life as something separate. The essential nature of all living things will be understood and the patterns of living will be shared.

Quite a different scenario, our brother, from society at this time, but that is a future for humanity to create. Choices are easier when greater clarity and understanding is possessed. The ability to progress patterns of consciousness, of reality, reveals their future that will guide choices in the Now, in the moment.

Practice, if you will, progressing choices that face you at this time into their future, making modifications when wise to do so. Relationships with others is a grand opportunity to practice progressions and to make choices. It takes insight and sensitivity, not only into your own nature but the potential of others. Remember, there are no secrets in life to the enlightened mind of a conscious being. Peace and love is a healthy foundation for such explorations. The future of humanity, our brother, is no secret. Why do you think so many beings in the larger life encourage and support humanity? Namaste.
Dec. 1, 2016                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Enthusiasm for living

JANU: We are summoning then the understanding needed for recharging one’s enthusiasm for living day to day. Let us begin by revealing through experience the vitality of life and what that brings to imagination, creativity, and the desire to learn and grow. Learning more of life is a grand rejuvenator, for the physical brain and other systems of your existence are all connected. Learning and growing and creating are great rejuvenators, the counterpart to the elements of life. Unmanifest potential is a vehicle for experiencing the True Nature. The joy of discovery and understanding is the catalyst for more, never ending. Choosing to be that reality gives impetus and purpose for all of your systems of life.

Embracing life in this way takes energy, but also creates it. An exchange that proves beneficial for life to move on as the flow of life. So, on a day to day basis, choose to discover, to learn something, to experience it, to understand it, to grow from it and through it. Not just as an echo of yesterday but touching the qualities of life and their vitality. You are the quest of life itself. The ponderings we spoke of earlier, employ these things.

There are many forms and levels of experience. Not all require physical involvement, but the physical can benefit from all of these. While incarnate, the physical body, made of the elements of the Earth, is connected to the Earth. Choose this day to be inspired. Discover, learn, grow, experience, and rejuvenate, and create. Be one with the flow of life. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2016        Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Freedom and choice

JANU: What does it mean to be free? In reality, humanity has always been free to experience whatever it chooses, but the choices can become experiences of entrapment with no way out seeming to be the reality. So why do patterns of choice possess you? Because these patterns are not founded on freedom in the ideology, in the perception. The reality of a larger life is not included in the perceptions so the patterns and choices become your identity reality, fixed.

Freedom to be or not to be is the choice. Freedom is everywhere. So how does one possessed by the patterns of choice reaffirm freedom beyond the choice, you see? Remember: what your attention is on you are connected to. So put your attention not on the choice but the result of it. But who made the choice in the first place?

It is wise to explore multiple choices, even set progression limits on those choices that extend to your desire to continue. Choices are not fixed or permanent. No pattern of life is. Everything is mutable. When making a choice, choose to know the wisdom of it, its potential, its life span, its manifestations. Every journey of life, every portrayal, every enactment has a range, interactions and outcomes, whether agreeable or not. Consider any current experience in one’s life and expose it to choices. There is no shame or negative connotation in changing one’s mind, deciding differently. Do not be owned by those patterns of choice. You are a free being that lives, not just in them, but beyond them. They are not who you are. They are temporary journeys.

So choose freedom and be true to your choices as their results are revealed to you. Then choose again whether to continue or change. That is exercising the freedom that you are, our brother. Choose with care, thoughtfulness, insight, and the wisdom you have gained. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2016                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.