The evidence that humanity is not alone

JANU:  The focus this evening represents the culmination of an element of the human journey, and that is the “alone in the universe” perception. The absence of events to the contrary would speak volumes to many that the perception is valid. But the evidence is there, our brother, to be recognized for what it is. And the evidence is humanity itself.

So, where did the human body in its present form come from? You use the term ‘intelligent design’ at this time. What intelligence do you speak of? Certainly not the nebulous one, full of vagueness, ambiguity, and belief. Belief being nudged into the background, so to speak, by a growing discernment, logical thought, a growing sense of ‘something more’ that can be understood.

Humanity co-creates, not always understanding the process or the results. Now, how does co-creation indicate that humanity is not alone in the universe? It speaks of creation without understanding process. So, if humanity was created, isn’t it likely that, in a universe this size, others were created as well? Life does not place all of its eggs in one basket. So if others were created on other worlds, with different paths of evolution, consciousness, creativity, faculties, and gifts of ability, would it not be likely that the universe has a richness of life to benefit from? Is it reasonable that a genius would separate itself into components with no communication, no cooperation, no collaboration, no interaction?

So exploring that humanity itself is the evidence of not being alone in life is worthy of consideration. And to know it’s a matter of the process of time for the discovery to be made, that knowledge of and communication with other life forms, other species, other intelligences are in the offing. We trust those will bring an inquiry of many perspectives in the search for the Truth of Life. And we invite these, our brother. Namaste.

July 10, 2014 B                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Co-creation: a continuous reality

JANU: We have again this opportunity to explore co-creation, to a degree as humanity understands it, with a look at the larger reality here, you see.

Co-creation, then, is a continuous reality. Even when dreaming in the evening, you are co-creating. Collectively, humanity is constantly co-creating, interacting with life, its world, and the subtle realities. See this from life’s point of view, being one with life. Life sees itself, if you can use that term, through the perceptions of its creation. And creation continues, our brother, through the reality of continuous co-creation.

How does one describe in words the ramifications of all of this? For in a very subtle sense, all of life is a collective reality and it continues, fulfilling its potential, evolving. And all of your thoughts, feelings, factions, and on and on, are life creating itself, re-creating, beginning anew from time to time. One must move beyond the perception that life is somehow out there, beyond your individual existence. It is, and it is not, our brother, for life is everywhere, including all you are and will be.

Life is collective. Life is one. How deeply is that grasped and experienced? Every breath you take is Life taking that breath, is the air that is breathed and exhaled, and is the magic that has on the rest of your systems. Everything is connected, influenced and influencing. Co-creation taken to a larger meaning is not just an individual creating something. Everything is co-creating. The obsession with individuality and identity does not allow for the intimacy, the oneness, that life is. And if you are one with life, and another is one with life, as they say: things equal to the same thing are one with each other.

Co-creating in harmony with life is co-creating within the Truth within you. Be conscious. Be aware of life that you are, as you move through it and it moves through you. The smallest and the largest of creation are still just Life. So the truth and presence can be experienced in its fullness in the micro- and the macro-realities, equally. The depth, the continuing depth of understanding and experience is everywhere, in everything. If you long for love, intimacy, compassion, understanding, and yes, even lightheartedness, you are at one with already all you need and can desire. Your attention moving then from lack and separation to fulfillment, richness, of everything you desire.

Your True Nature, our brother, is not separate from these desires, for it loves life as well, and you, more than you know. So continue to co-create, adding to the richness of life, and this benefits everyone, everywhere. Namaste.

June 25, 2014              Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


What is a Deity?

JANU: We have this evening what would appear to be a chance opportunity to speak directly to the consciousness of a little known deity, the product of several worlds. Let us attune then at this time to this reality and take note.

It is possible for a species, a world of beings, to invest in a concept of deity to the degree that this deity takes form from this projection and has an invested consciousness created by the people, you see. What then to make of this, in light of humans’ propensity to do the same thing on the Earth? When one observes this deity and attunes to its consciousness, it speaks volumes about the evolution of the beings who created it. It is like an archive of the life journey of those beings, giving the wise counsel that they expect, that they require, not seeing that the counsel is within them. Now, through this vehicle, they have created the collective wisdom of the entire species and can be used for insight, direction, and understanding. This is one manner in which a world’s population creates a deity and it is tantamount to being sacrilegious to reject this or find fault or disregard.

Now, yes, there are many beings in Spirit, if you will, of great wisdom and experience and can provide wise counsel. But these are beings on their own path, experiencing life and evolving as they may. Closer to the reality that is the life path of any sentient being, incarnate or not.

So do deities exist? They do. They are created by the people who require them, for meaning, purpose, integrity, and a fundamental appreciation of love and compassion. They do serve the people, until they are no longer needed and a larger and more profound truth as to the reality of life becomes required.

June 6, 2014 B                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Pure Being: True Identity

JANU:   What is Pure Being, then, to be understood, to be one with, to allow the knowledge of, into your life? Pure Being stands in the reality of True Nature. Pure Being is Essential Nature, as a spiritual being, a Light being, the prime reality of existence, the most subtle of existence. And Pure Being is not understood only as the nature of an individual’s being. It is the nature of life. An animal has a Pure Being reality, as does a plant and, in the truest sense, as does any object or creation.

Now, when a worker constructs a device or object, it is composed of, comprised of materials that have a Pure Being nature. We discuss primarily that of a human being, for the human being can do much with the information, attuning to the true reality, the primary reality, the causal reality. Through all of the elements of creation of the individual, Pure Being is present and is one with each manifestation.

What is practical about this understanding is that it affords the individual a root reality or pattern for choosing a course in life that is fully supported and in harmony with their True Nature, bringing profound integrity to that life. A more complete attunement to the reality and presence of the True Being affords regeneration, greater clarity of thought and understanding, and a greater access to the power of co-creation, discovering the solutions for challenges that are opportunities for evolution. Awakening to the presence of your True Nature brings about a harmony in the life, balance, integrity, and a unification of consciousness which enhances one’s service to life to inspire others.

When one is so centered in that reality, the incarnate experience is understood as a brief one, rich with opportunity but no longer identifies the whole of the life and its experiences. Fears for survival and power over others are seen for the illusions that they are, and no longer rule your decisions. How many can really honestly profess they are at peace and confident in their lives and know who they are and what they are? So stand in your truth, our brother, be at peace, fulfill your destiny, and enjoy fuller life. Namaste.

Apr. 29, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The creative process

JANU: For this morning’s journey through the tapestry of life, let us weave a pattern of creativity. For what would life be without it? This pattern will appear as a bright light at first, not forgetting for a moment the source of creativity and the blessing it brings to every moment.
A creative pattern first appears as this light and then transforms through the light spectrum, meaning the spectrum of Truth, settling, as it were, on one particular element of life’s potential. And then touching the consciousness that was inspired to embrace a creative moment on the path of life, that reveals itself to the genius of being. We would have you know at this time, our brother, that these creative moments spring forth continually, not always embraced to fruition, for the creative process requires understanding and commitment to the spark of truth, possibility. And this can be developed in the individual through attention on the creative process and commitment to new ideas, new solutions to challenges—the tipping point for this process—and a passion to improve life, the life experience for the self and for others.
Now, not all creations are completely unique. A life inspires itself everywhere and understandings can already exist in other consciousnesses. Now, one being might not know the creative thoughts of another, but life does. And the creative thought of similar pattern can attract other patterns. Mutually beneficial, you see, mutual enhancement. Another dynamic in the flow of life, yet to be understood and mastered. So, the creative process, our brother, is a universal one, for life is universal. Wise to become aware of how universal that is.
Apr. 26, 2014                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Living is co-creation

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, establishing a connection for you with an understanding that co-creation in a fuller sense is ‘being as creator in the flow of life.’ Now, by this we mean: any creation, any degree of it, is allowed by life when life’s co-creative elements are employed to bring about movement in the flow of life. And this includes experiences, understandings, materializations, de-materializations, energy creations, and communication through varying degrees of intimacy from one part of life to another within and without the being. For how can one create individually, without employing basic and profound life principles?

Now, the art of co-creating is a journey of its own for it involves a maturing sensitivity to, and response to, the many ramifications of creation. For, as you may imagine, any creation has an effect, to varying degrees, on whatever it touches. One must mature beyond the notion that individual thoughts, actions, emotions, behavior is strictly individual. It is not. Everything you are has a ripple effect through the movements of energies. Life is like a stream full of eddies and currents, all in motion and transforming as they move through life.

Let there be then an understanding that co-creation is a cooperative reality and, as one ponders employing co-creation, one must also ponder its imprint on the life it touches. Where is the wisdom, then, that can guide and foresee? Now, one does not stop living in anticipation of what some would call errors or mistakes, for they are part of the tapestry of life as well. But to grow in maturity while living and expressing can provide a richer outcome, preparing the way for grander adventures.

Apr. 21, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

There are two other entries on co-creation: [p2p type=”slug” value=”co-creation-incarnation-and-awakening”]Jan. 2[/p2p]  and [p2p type=”slug” value=”understanding-co-creation”]Oct. 30[/p2p]



The Nesters

JANU: I am Janu speaking, arranging then this morning for our journey that which belongs to a group of “nesters” that exist along the ridge of the Himalayas and have determined to embrace the Earth, the world, the collective of its being, as proactive service. From their point of view, in their connection with life, they see for themselves coming down the mountain and walking among people, and the conflicts of the day, as futile compared to their vantage point. Some would see as isolation, withdrawal. They see as proactive and effective.

These Nesters have a tradition that is unique for it is ancient in the sense of a continuing tradition, even though many have come and gone. Yes, they are incarnate, our brother, but they are not alone. They have gathered a view of life on many levels and have become a channel, a doorway, a window for the Great Ones not incarnate to serve the Earth. This is their calling, and this calling they have met. They are serene, indeed, and are a blessing to the Earth.

Their origins are by no means limited to that of the Earth. And they are oneness indeed. We honor them and support their service. Namaste.
Apr. 8, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Energies–the Power to Exist

JANU:             Today’s focus comes at a time when consciousness throughout the universe by sentient beings is awakening to the point that a more mature grasp of life leading to a fuller participation in it is a harmonious change.

What is the ‘power to exist’? How does one understand this, or begin to? And what does ‘existing’ mean?

The ‘power to exist’ is the result of universal consciousness and its desire to create, experience, and become one with more of potential manifested. And ‘existence’ is the realization of life’s potential. This recurring theme belongs to the understanding that life creates after its own kind.

And, you see, even destruction is a form of creation, an expression of it, for it makes way for change. And even destruction requires understanding of what is being destroyed. But, in truth, our brother, even destruction of any creation is not the end of life, that it is and was. That is a change of relationships of the elements of creation.

Even your consciousness, our brother, can evolve and change into another life expression. As one moves from individuality focus to cosmic consciousness, consciousness evolves, changes, and the life that it is finds new expression. The ‘power to exist’ becomes a range of changing existences that continues to serve life, which is beyond time but includes it. So to understand even eternity, one must be unlimited beyond the perception of time and space.  The ‘power to exist’ is the energy of creation, a reality that exists as a reality, created by life itself, so to speak.

Jan. 18, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Co-creation: Incarnation and awakening

JANU: It is true, understanding this reality is assisted by remembering why one incarnates at all, you see. Incarnation is a process that reveals to the one incarnating the mechanisms of life, not just materiality but the life that allows it, the energetic disciplines, protocols, structures, and the transformations that can take place in perception, consciousness, and appreciation of life.

Co-creation is a part of this process and it belongs to the Orders of Life that allow life to create life after its own kind, so to speak. So the rewards of incarnating and co-creating are not just for the individual but for life itself. Remembering that your existence, and your performance in that existence, are always one with life. Understanding and experiencing the co-existence of individuality, uniqueness, and oneness with all other elements of life is a grand journey. Let it be known that understanding this reality is a vast journey of its own.

Let there begin, then, a dialogue with the self and the nature of its existence, appreciating and understanding an incarnate lifetime and, at the same time, embracing the larger life reality of your own being. It is micro- and macrocosm, individuality and oneness, understood the same way.

The motivation to incarnate, which is your inquiry, is to experience more of life, understand more of life, and become conscious as more of life. For in this direction of experience, one moves toward completeness of being. And even that, our brother, is but a threshold into an even larger life, for the more conscious you are, the more of life you engage.

Ignorance and illumination are the choices, our brother. In either case, your Essential Being is, and is part of life, and has worth, and is loved. Co-creation exists no matter the degree of awakening. What is created is up to you. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 2, 2014                                                                                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross