Energetic pattern recognition is possible

JANU: It is possible when observing others to sense the presence and patterns of their energetic densities, each one revealing their elements of expression. This applies to creatures as well, which you have done unwittingly. This is a form of communication, for the attention makes the connection which communicates.

Now, the sensing of energetic densities comes with a feeling sensation as to each one’s properties, as there is a relationship between one’s own and those of another in terms of connection. Much of the other’s reality can be sensed and communicated through. Remaining at peace during the experience is essential to minimize contamination of the truth of the experience.

These perceptions, these sensitivities can be applied to so-called inanimate parts of life, even when exploring the past, the records of which still exist. These records are part of Life and Life is everywhere and every when. There are no secrets. Why would Life hide from itself? Namaste.
July 30, 2021                                                                                  Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing the power of listening

JANU:    The power of listening extends to the power of communication, which extends to the sharing and evolution of the Truth of Life. We must begin with these things as foundational on the quest for awakening.

Life expression can dominate this side of the coin. Reacting to challenges, life expression is not listening. The challenge is to get your attention, to inspire listening to gain understanding and wisdom. For, understand this, that Life is listening to you, which inspires the challenges, you see, providing opportunity to grow. One doesn’t gain information by demanding it. Demanding is not listening; it is projecting agenda, preferences, limitations. It is not listening. How can one learn and evolve when only expressing your own agenda? All they hear is themselves.

Developing, refining the power to listen—the experience of listening—strengthens one’s relationship with Life, to a degree not achievable without it. Being at peace, as previously stated, eliminates the filters for clearer listening—filters of preference, bias, closed-mindedness. For clarity, peace is the harmonious relationship of all the systems of your being and their relationship with the flow of life. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2021                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Memories are a form of self-communication

JANU:    Communication interdimensionally includes communicating with yourself through memories and evaluation thereof. There is wisdom to be gained in this, for wisdom comes from experience and understanding. When there are emotions attached to memories, there is opportunity for processing.

Memories are triggered by circumstances. It is natural to review these memories. This is communication with and by who you are and your relationships. Embrace these. They are part of your flow of life. The incarnate journey is full of these. Processing takes advantage of them. One profits from these and the processing shapes future memories and experiences.

Many records exist of these memories, not limited to incarnate consciousness. They can be relived no matter when they were created, wisdoms re-examined and applied to manifestation of potential. Discernment comes from these. Processing brings peace. We are one. Namaste.
July 29, 2021                                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The nature of communication

JANU:   Listening is the beginning of communication. Experiencing part of life directly, with the entire being, presents something to respond to, even with silence. Understanding part of life, including your own being, allows for wisdom to guide any response, as well as further understanding. Being at peace removes filters, brings clarity to perception. Agendas can compromise clarity of what is. Life is communicating at all times. Not everyone is listening at all times.

At times, conscious listening, responsive listening leads to manifestation and direct experience, which continues the communication. This is part of evolution, progression, creativity.

You ask, “When listening, what is listening?” It is Life listening to itself. Your responses are Life responding to itself and continuing expression, which is feedback to the creative reality. Wisdom results, which leads to wiser choices and the continuation of the expression of potential. Namaste.
July 21, 2021                                                                  Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


We are interdimensional

JANU: It is true. We are interdimensional. The opportunity here is to become conscious as this reality. We are a multi-dimensional being. The human experience is a result of this by choice. This is another step on the journey of realization. We are multi-dimensional, and always have been. Allow this to be real to you. This is our true identity, our true nature, our connection to the rest of Life.  Conscious journeys through realms have been and will continue to be experienced. Focus on this. Namaste.
July 13, 2021 B                                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Pretense, fear and social image

JANU:    Fear challenges social relationships, communication. It is sensed by others and interferes with connection, wanting to present a certain image as perceived necessary in society yet hides their feelings. Pretense to oneself avoids the pain of responsibility. Being honest with oneself about everything contributes to peace. Choose to own everything about your experiences, preferences, capabilities, and desires. Be an open book to Life. Namaste.
Apr. 28, 2021 B                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


What is and what is not?

JANU:      Involved once more in these proceedings is the wisdom of life reaching into itself to grow, to evolve, to coordinate, to collaborate with its many patterns, faces if you will. Understand this: that everything—manifest and unmanifest—is life communicating amongst itself, evolving, interacting, exploring.

You ask, “What is the overseer of all of this?” It is beyond the ken, for now. How does one explore and grasp the reality of limitlessness, reality without definition, without finite descriptors, beyond words and perceptions? The evidence of it is in life, any life you can sense or perceive.

Today’s subject of wisdom, how do you define it? What is it? Is it something you can touch or sense the presence of, influence or be influenced by?
What is sanity?
What is truth, and what is not?
What is life and what is not?
What is real and what is not?
Exploring these perceived elements, is it a distraction or not from the       Now, from being, relating, from evolving?
What is practical and what is not?
What matters and what does not?
What is peace?
What is love, and what are its limits?

Apr. 5, 2021                                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Practice intuitive communication

JANU:     Intuition is the doorway into insight revelations, one of many languages for communication. We call our attention to this as we move beyond only words in our journeys, for this path is less ambiguous and meaning can be more direct.

So, this communication model is served by a peaceful presence, sweetened with joy or happiness. Practice intuitive abilities. Yes, even with creatures, for they have responsive consciousness. Some might call this telepathy but it is deeper than that. Not limited to ambiguous words. And intuition is not limited by time/space. It transcends these. So practice this. Be sensitive to direct knowing, not just in receiving but in two-way communication. Decide to know, in other words. Practice this. Namaste.
Jan. 19, 2021                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Nonvocal vibrational communication

JANU:   Assembling understanding to make a point, which becomes a seed to grow on its own, is an artform. The seed we plant, the seedling, has the potential of an echo of the past, but not the past of Earth. This past we speak of has to do with a kind of communication from fundamental to complex vibration: patterns, rhythms, simultaneous expressions, and—at times—temperature. Words have similar vibrations but are so ambiguous. One will learn to sensitize the powers of perception to detect and interpret these patterns. A pattern here and a pattern there. So, you see, there are different expressions of words in life that are not vocal. Namaste.
Nov. 27, 2020 B                                                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The nature of communication

JANU:    Music, then, as communication must be understood in a different way than just entertainment. It is, after all, vibration and vibration takes many forms. What responds to vibration in the human being on various levels? By various attributes, the physical body does, emotions do, visual sense does, hearing does, and even taste can be influenced. How is this transmitted to meaning, understanding? Repetition of particular experience with each vibration is a beginning. Audible words influence in this way, which are vibration, patterns, with repetition associated with particular meaning, begins language communication. Art can influence in this way, as well. Music does, as well. Vibrational communication becomes more complex by employing several of these at once, in combination, forming patterns once more.

It is possible in consciousness, energetically, to stimulate in this way, once associations are made by the receiver and the sender. When this is accomplished, proximity physically becomes less important or necessary. But this takes practice. A kind of telepathy. Deception and ambiguity are more easily detected and more difficult to convey. Direct knowing can also be direct experiencing, to include meaning, intent, emotion, pain or pleasure, many human perceptions, that of animals as well, and other creatures. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2020 B                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross