Memories are a form of self-communication

JANU:    Communication interdimensionally includes communicating with yourself through memories and evaluation thereof. There is wisdom to be gained in this, for wisdom comes from experience and understanding. When there are emotions attached to memories, there is opportunity for processing.

Memories are triggered by circumstances. It is natural to review these memories. This is communication with and by who you are and your relationships. Embrace these. They are part of your flow of life. The incarnate journey is full of these. Processing takes advantage of them. One profits from these and the processing shapes future memories and experiences.

Many records exist of these memories, not limited to incarnate consciousness. They can be relived no matter when they were created, wisdoms re-examined and applied to manifestation of potential. Discernment comes from these. Processing brings peace. We are one. Namaste.
July 29, 2021                                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross