Understanding the CO in co-creation

JANU:    For this journey, let us include, as requested, a fuller understanding of the power to create. Certainly, you agree, this power exists. Your being and the universe is evidence. Predicting tomorrow from today is an adventure in itself, is it not? Realizing that one is co-creating in life every moment of every day and every night, whether awake or not. Much to understand here in how creation is taking place all the time. Your thoughts, your mentations, add patterns to the mental fields. Your evening dreams, filled with emotion, contributing to the nature of existence, remembered in the patterns of your memory the next day. Every cell in your physical body is generating fields of creation.

Your individual integrity is involved, but remember, all is one. All are connected. Many times, you hear a word or a phrase that you know is not your own making. You exist in the many fields of life and, with awakening, you become conscious of them more and more, from time to time. Life is everywhere.

When considering the power to create, you can see that your power of creating and its process are not separate from life. So, when one’s consciousness embraces creation, flowing in oneness with your own True Nature allows for a greater wisdom, a broader foundation of understanding on the many planes of life. So embrace the wisdom you already possess within you, even only for a moment, to succeed well in co-creation.

Understand the ‘co-’ part of that phrase and what that means. It is possible to perceive a vision of the impact of your creations before they are created, you see. Movements of life can be perceived, for they are based upon existing patterns of great subtlety and breadth. In the eternal Now, past, present, and future are one. Until co-creation, our brother, it is not based solely on an individual’s desires, but more of life than that. The ‘co-‘ part of co-creation is a worthy study, as is the truth of your being and your True Nature. Namaste.

Oct. 16, 2015 B                                                               Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Lifting consciousness

JANU: We are once again continuing serving humanity to raise consciousness that the genius and the beauty within each one finds fuller expression and a happier life. The wonder and beauty of human potential is worth beholding and supporting and serving. Humanity is not the only species in the universe that has tread this path. There are many, unknown to humanity, who are grateful for their destiny and understand. They are not just self-serving but have a consciousness that embraces all such paths of destiny. They are inspiring to observe and to know. Elements of humanity are exhibiting this and the influence of other enlightened ones not of the Earth is well known, as species achieve their greatness with help and inspiration from many others.

These developments accelerate greatly as humanity opens to the larger life. And it is a family, our brother, and families take care of each other. What a blessing it is, when feeling alone and disconnected in life, to have a moment of connection, insight, and encouragement, accepting that you are part of a Family of Life far beyond anything you’ve known.

Now, your True Nature knows this, remembers it, draws upon it, and is one with it. Enrich your life in this sojourn by awakening to who you are. As you begin to accomplish this, you’ll become more aware of and sensitive to the reality of others and support them in new ways of understanding. Empathy will take on new meaning. And the intimacy of exchange will bring you wisdom. Open to the Family of Life you have always been a part of. Namaste.

Oct. 7, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


More on the Family of Life revealed

JANU: We are assembling at this time that which is needed and belongs to human destiny. What we speak of here is the assemblage of those who guide the destiny of humanity according to the principles of life of divine guidance. Human destiny as such belongs to humanity, of course, but something even larger as well. The purpose of this assemblage at this time is not so much to control human destiny but to review the result of the guidance. This is accomplished peacefully, serving the flow of life and its evolution. The service of this assemblage is not limited to the Earth, but reassembles in different configurations. These are determined by the destinies of other worlds and groups of sentient life.

When we speak of the Family of Life, it is vast indeed. Always in flux, adapting to changing needs. This assemblage is composed of patterns of life, more than individual beings. The difference is profound but these patterns of life are more causal than manifestations. Now, humanity does not pander to the authority of these, but is blessed by them. The purpose of this visit and our speaking of it is to expand awareness of the Family of Life, putting your own existence in perspective.

So, you see, the term ‘humanity’ includes more than the physical body, but the consciousness as well and the patterns of life that are part of this consciousness. You are connected in so many ways, serving life and being served by it, at the same time. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 28, 2015 B                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Shared destinies

JANU: The change that is coming to humanity, which we all welcome, is to be aware of, to some degree, the larger life, and human consciousness moving in the direction of a respect for life and the realization that its potential is affected by its choices. Wondering about a better life slowly giving way to knowing what potentials exist. Humanity is not the first to create a better life. We are all in existence to benefit each other, to earn and own our achievements and to share them. There are others who have achieved some of what humanity dreams of, hopes for. Just as every part of your physical body benefits from the rest, the destiny of humanity can include the destiny of others.

How does one, then, share their destiny with another’s destiny? By becoming conscious of each other, open to the larger life and to walk that path. Loving life or any part of it brings it to you and you to it. Sharing destinies also includes your communities, your neighbors, your friends. Place your attention upon the larger life, and by this we mean life larger than you. Have a sharing consciousness. Grow more sensitive to life’s impressions, patterns, energies. Inspirations have many sources and you are one of them, to another.

Life is more connected than you realize. Isolation is an illusion. Uniqueness and universality co-exist. The fear of losing uniqueness is not well founded, especially when consciousness matures, evolves, to being a part of, one with, collective life. There is benefit in pursuing your goals, your dreams, with the vaster resource and wisdom of the larger life. You still pick and choose which portions of this wisdom and experience to take advantage of. And when you do, your endeavors enrich these sources. They are blessed by your application of their achievements. Individual uniqueness is not lost in cooperation with, collaboration with others, but all benefit.

Share your destiny with that of another in an open and free way, requiring nothing of each other. Do so in harmony with life, openly and freely, as you stand in your integrity and enjoy living. Namaste.

Sept. 26, 2015                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mastering disease

JANU: Events that pertain to remission of disease in the human journey, collectively and individually, must be mapped as a contingency for disease no longer being created by humanity. How thoroughly entrenched the experience and idea of disease is in the human psyche. It is feared deeply, seen as something unbeckoned, the cause of which is little understood. How many can imagine a life without it, no longer the cause for death or suffering? Some on one level deny it, but on another level expect it as a common and normal occurrence.

There are many who have passed on in your world that were healthy but chose to leave. Being comprised of many systems existing in cooperation to experience incarnate life, ending the sojourn is a coordinated experience as well. This pattern of life is also subject to unenlightened fears, unwise decisions, mismanagement of resources and expressions. Entertain, if you will, a life well managed, insightful, generous, and loving. Humanity has all of these choices to make. How well does anyone understand in each day their opportunities to choose?

Understanding the opportunities of each choice, choose to own each day and all that it contains. Your life is connected to everything. All the systems of your being are one. Your choices will be made in the best understanding available to you at any point in your awakening. Consider with some care what drives your decision-making, your relationship with life and each other. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 22, 2015 B                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Two benefits of connection with your True Nature

Sanity, stability, peace in a changing world

JANU: We are enumerating once more the beginning of the design for a foundation of sanity in a life pulled in so many directions: interests that come and go, the desires of others, a changing world, patterns of behavior of nations and peoples and nature. Where does personal stability find its foundation? Is there anything sane amidst the seeming chaos of life? Sanity comes from a perspective that allows a life to be whatever it chooses, but observing with eyes that can see a much larger life, bringing the diversity of life into a perspective that understands the reason for it, the roots of consciousness, the range of possibilities to be explored. So embracing change does not mean embracing life without the wisdom of your True Nature.

Understand that the so-called ‘Laws of Life’ are not fixed. So review at times and explore what you hang your hat on, so to speak, as a sane perspective. Refresh your point of view as you observe life and your own path and what guides it. Open to the wisdom of your True Nature and its vast experience and intimate knowledge and relationship with the flow of life. And, yes, even sanity is an emotion, for it is based upon a changing life. Adapting to change with wisdom and a love of life can provide stability that brings peace that is changing as well.

Achieving this understanding in the life is the result of a growing relationship in intimacy with who you truly are. Life has been at this a long time, our brother, and is doing well. Namaste.

Sept. 29, 2015 B

Choosing wealth and power

JANU: Many people salivate, so to speak, over the notion of newfound wealth financially. More so than being conscious, in harmony with their own True Nature. One is for power and comfort, the other a nebulous notion of unknown benefit. How is one to find meaning and desire in the latter? The miracle that life is even goes unnoticed.

We are not suggesting that life is one or the other. Life is everything, all experiences, all achievements. Why not genius, service, love of life, a more open and growing consciousness, and a peaceful and comfortable incarnate life that includes serving life? A relationship with others that benefits everyone, in one way or another.

When one begins to understand and experience their connection with a larger life, the truth behind everything, their values change. Their understanding of True Power emerges. When the quest and achievement of wealth consume the life, your time and energy, it is missing balance with the larger life. When one sees these physical achievements as but instruments to achieve larger goals that include the betterment of yourself and others, inner satisfaction takes on new meaning, and your thoughts on the eternal as is your role in life. To quote Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, “Life is worth living.” What is wealth, then, that quickens the heart, brings comfort and peace? Choose wisely. Namaste.

Sept. 30, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Let us discuss at this time the subject of ‘timing’ on the path of awakening. Now, timing is influenced by many things: commitment, follow through, acuity, balance, implementation through a changing perspective, and the natural flow of life, and the needs of humanity. Your own walk through life is part of this timing, not only for you but for collective humanity. Life connections change, grow, interact, modify. Timing is determined by all of these. The timing of our journeys each day changes with conditions.

Now, one can increase their sensitivity to timing by respecting it and understanding its merit. When speaking a truth to another, be sensitive to their timing for such information and the way it is presented, if at all. When functioning this way in serving life and your own growth, the results will be more successful, whether you see them or not.

As you may appreciate, patience and timing go hand in hand. When impatient, your personal motives are involved. Patience allows for everything to be considered, which only takes a moment. Patience does not mean unnecessary delay, but a sensitivity to and appreciation of all factors involved and the consciousness of others. Being alert and ready to respond to timing is part of awakening. Namaste.

Sept. 30, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

The Light of the human collective

JANU: Probing the depths of human collective consciousness, we see a bright light. This bright light casts out the darkness of ignorance and has always been there. Collective human consciousness is drawing upon this, for it holds the potential for humanity’s future. Its glow is being cast upon humanity’s concerns. It is, in fact, the collective True Nature of humanity.

There are many such collective True Natures throughout the universe. And they are networked. Humanity has yet to communicate directly with other worlds and their species publicly, but others have, and the True Natures certainly have.

Before too long, humanity will be compelled to think in terms of a family of worlds and species. No longer its whole world being itself. As you may imagine, everything changes. Many have known of Earth humanity, observing and waiting for its evolution, for it must come to the family of worlds in ownership of its integrity. The many factions of life co-exist in a dance of changing interactions as the flow of life continues. In these larger venues of life, it is natural for a species to be thought of as an entity, for it is connected in that way.

It is time for humanity to move in this direction for, as you would say, the universe is getting smaller and smaller. So much exists, and has existed, whether humanity is aware of it or not. The day of discovery for anyone is shared with others and their days of discovery, even of the same thing. Teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, common interests and goals, passions and compassions become more the norm.

Inner journeys and outer challenges can co-exist. Separate realities no longer, but co-existing effectively. Namaste.

Sept. 7, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What is real and what is not? How open is your mind?

JANU: We are celebrating this time the advent of the multiple reality of our being. What do we mean by this, you ask. Our being, our brother, is capable of multiple existences simultaneously in the adventure of life. We are capable of manifesting any characteristic you observe on the human journey. The reality of our connection with any True Nature fits into the category referred to as elementals. Virtually any portion of life can be visited and understood and communicated with. The shifting of consciousness to another reality is a natural one. Life attunes to life. Now, oneness not being an empty concept but a practical reality, whatever your attention is on you are connected to. The degree of connection is selectable.

This one who inspires you, called “Dynamo” given name Steven Fraine, has deep convictions about life, yet to discover the totality of his nature, demonstrates how fluid life is and that no reality is fixed. He is discovering the Truth of Life in his own way in the miracles he demonstrates. They are a small portion of the larger life, but they do awaken the consciousness. It is useful to open the mind for a moment but the question remains: open to what? But it is a beginning and it brings back memories, free of a limited concept of physical reality.

What is real, and what is not? A difficult question to embrace, begging the next, which is: How open is your mind to the larger reality of life?

Aug. 27, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Exploring the wonders of life

JANU: This evening we speak of wonders. Have we considered the wonder of living? Consider the wonder of it, its merit, its richness, its continuing from one moment to the next. What is that magic that keeps the flow of life flowing?

How conscious are you of your own spirit, and all your sojourns and journeys in between, and associations in and out of incarnation?   Can you summarize all of your experiences in this sojourn? Can you identify your own growth and changing perspectives? How more thoroughly and deeply do you understand another, including yourself? When you question life, do you understand the answers? Can you communicate with someone who is unconscious, hovering outside the body?

Can you be quiet enough to understand an animal or other creature? What is the language of life, beyond words that limit your understanding? Have you communicated with another being on another world? Can you explore an uninhabited planet and understand its nature? Is the Solar System alive to you?

These are only beginnings of inquiries into life. Even the inquiring is a wonder. Do you understand that life is evolving with you and through you and by you and you are part of the wonder? There are many wonders, our brother, and we will continue to explore them together. Namaste.

July 30, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross