Wellness (Service)

JANU:    Reaching then into the opportunities of the moment, let us attune to the rich tapestry of life, of human history, and the activation of humanity’s memories of perfect health and the natural and easy maintenance of such.

Surrounding these memories is a cloud of forgetfulness, leaving humanity to resolve the issues of well-being externally rather than from within their own consciousness and history. Illness, our brother, is caused externally from not allowing a natural resource to maintain integrity. Humanity used to possess, consciously, command of individual personal integrity, and walked through life, so to speak, in wellness. Spontaneous well-being will seem to be the order of the day when this is allowed in the human experience, through the activation of these memories and the faculties they represent. The solution to the absence of well-being lies within, natural faculties forgotten and no longer allowed in the consciousness and the integrity.

So-called evidence not withstanding, the fundamental natural state of wellness is real and of longer standing than any illness, you see. When no longer seen as frail beings, subject to the whims of nature, sovereignty is realized. Life allows whatever you choose to create, but people are more used to being subject to illness than a history of well-being as a way of life.

This is our service, our brother, to activate these memories, to live once more in the consciousness and the perceptions of life of humanity. Be well, and namaste.

Feb. 27, 2014 B                 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Inspiring peace and success in a noisy world

JANU: I encourage you to find opportunities to inspire people to find success and joy in their lives as they relate to each other and their circumstance. Success and joy and peace of mind are contagious, more so than despair and darkness. But it needs a beginning, a spark of light, coupled with hope and a sense of promise and that life is with them, each one. Success is understood as achieving potential, enjoying the fruits of creativity, and service to others.
Even in a moment of experience with the creatures of the Earth, that life can be comforting, enriching, and peaceful. Humanity has yet to appreciate that all the noise it creates in life—struggles and conflicts and pitfalls—are done by choice. And the alternative is done by choice. Observe those, when possible, who walk through life seemingly unaffected by the noise around them. Life has the potential for both peace and the clamor, and they co-exist.
Successful and peaceful people do not harbor the energies of the clamor and noise in their thoughts and in their feelings and in their actions. They have little or nothing in common with such discord. Self-examination is required in making wise choices. The more one does so, the more sensitive they become to any disturbance within them and reject it.
Now, even someone in the midst of the noise and part of it, can have a moment of freedom and peace and joy, by the way of your comment, moment of kindness, clarity of thought, and loving presence. Be one of those who walks through life in such a manner and humanity will awaken to its own qualities and nature that free the consciousness, liberate the mind, and heal the being from the results of these disturbances. Crusade for these things in your life, our brother, but in a quiet way, by example and kindness. It is needed, always. Namaste.
Feb. 22, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

T-181: The triune nature of human consciousness

copyright © Colin Andrews 1995

Another recent journey using glyph patterns of Colin Andrews. For all journeys to date, see Crop Circle page.

JANU:   Let us begin then by saying that the triune nature of this configuration speaks to the triune nature of human consciousness and its matching patterns on many worlds. Humanity’s journey into the stars, so to speak, is heralded by this primary configuration of human consciousness and will be the foundation for its future relationships with other worlds. This relationship will be strengthened not just by connection with another world but through connection with those that are visiting this one.

The human journey, which is what these crop circles are about, has long been forecast and known, for its potential is built into the elementary patterns of human consciousness. So long, though, humanity has considered itself, been aware of only its existence. This glyph represents a connection, that has always been, with more of life in the universe. We see, then at this time, that humanity’s vision for these possibilities and innate desire for exploration and understanding are being enhanced by this fundamental configuration, which is due to express itself more fully in the coming decades. Humanity will no longer wait for science to provide transportation to the stars, but will explore the stars by right of this fundamental configuration and the blossoming consciousness and confidence to engage.

Many of these understandings humanity has opened to and explored and made part of their consciousness are not unique to the Earth, you see, but exist in different forms on many worlds. This common heritage will open the door for humanity seeing itself as part of this larger family, whether aware of it or not. For many truths in life exist, our brother, not limited to awareness. There is so much of life to be explored and engaged and experienced. This is coming, our brother, and this is part of the reason why.

Feb. 9, 2014                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Diversity of Life: Co-existence of many realities

JANU: Let it be understood that at this moment life’s diversity exists and co-exists in and around you throughout life, for even though appreciation or awareness of the diversity of physical life may be in your consciousness, the diversity of subtler life, the realms some would call, energetic reality, dimensions if you will, co-exists and is rich with diversity. Not the same diversity as physicality but diversity particular to that existence.

Now, think not that even though these individual realities co-exist, those existing in them are limited to each reality. They are not. Even as we travel across realities, so do they. So the diversity of one, when experienced and understood, can be of benefit to the diversity of another. For understanding life is not limited to human incarnation on the Earth, it includes everything: every where, every time, every reality, every realm of existence, and every universe, our brother. Life is not confined to one reality or another. It is all realities. And, being one with life, all of life is available to experience and understand and co-create with.

Let it be understood, then, that the diversity of life is not an accumulation of isolated realities, but realities with parameters of existence that can be transcended. Consider then the diversity of thought, understanding, philosophies, principles, and relationships, they are without end and make possible exploration of life, finding new realities without end. Life is rich indeed, our brother, and reaches the potential for them to be discovered. Even those who travel great distances between worlds can be discovered, experienced, communicated with, and share experiences, for when Earth is visited by another culture, it isn’t just the Earth experience that is available but the rich experience of humanity in consciousness and its vast journeys in understanding beyond the Earth, beyond physicality.

Feb. 11, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

What does it mean to be Human?

JANU:             What indeed does it mean to be human? We would venture to say that, for the most part, humanity answers that question in a very limited way, yet they have some concern of what is not human, when it comes to other life forms. So what does one compare, what exists in others, to that of being human, when one does not fully grasp what it does mean to be human?

The concept of ‘being human,’ though fuzzy, not well defined, is an ancient perspective having to do with grouping for survival. But for those who existed without the threat of lack of survival, this question existed for a different reason, and the reason was more in the direction of mutual support, for strengthening groups and communities through the sharing of abilities, understandings, and intelligence.

Now this grew in three different directions, for, as it was pursued, it was realized that many of these qualities exist in other creatures as well, only not understood but the evidence was there. So an effort was made to connect with, communicate with different kinds of intelligence, and abilities, and understandings on different levels, with other creatures. An awareness of intelligence beyond the Earth was begun. For many, this was memory of ancient relationships, and, yes, there were those who visited from other worlds and associated with humanity, storing many memories, you see. And many of those visitors were human-like. Some were not, and those visits were less successful in a sense but contributed to a broader foundation of understanding and possibilities. The third direction the pursuit took was that of spiritual, if you will, identification in the direction of “who are we, really?” and “what existed before humanity in intelligent life?”

These three pursuits consumed much interest and humanity of today has yet to expand an understanding of this question. So a valid question in this direction is: “Why does one concern themselves with ‘What is Humanity?’ rather than just pursuing the path of living?”

What we see here is an opportunity to forge an alliance with life, all of life, beyond the limitation of identity. For if another species has compassion for each other, an interest in the larger life, and the pursuit of the Truth and its own evolution, it is not difficult to find common ground with their qualities, values, and performance. Look for these things when encountering another and you will find more common values than you might imagine and, with understanding, communication, and interaction, embrace new thresholds with far greater rewards for everyone.

We thank you, our brother, for this time and your attention on this question. We will pursue it further at another time. Namaste.

Feb. 7, 2014                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Step into the future

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, waiting then with you for the outcome of a projection into the future of humanity. What you see here are the beginnings of an etheric-like formation of human potential. The humanity of the future will leave behind much of what it is consumed with at this time: power, survival, influence, destructiveness, pride, false pride, emotional chaos, and consciousness traveling in circles repeating old patterns again and again.

We see in these new formations humanity less identified with physical species, but more identified with universal mind and connection with more of life than physicality, you see. We see humanity discovering the power of peace, not meaning just the lack of violence, but the peace that moves with life, fulfilling opportunity, working closely with other worlds, other species, and other realities, a sense of teamwork, community, and mutual benefit. Survival in the physical being less of a focus. Survival as a consciousness, as a spirit, being a new identity, more connected with life and the freedom to be. A vision of the future that draws humanity’s consciousness in its direction.

The perception that the future is somehow separate from reality of the moment is a limited view, for in very real ways humanity is already its future. Potential is real, our brother. It is built into life, in the spiritual DNA, if you will, of the human journey. It is happening, even as we speak. Step into the future, then, our brother. It is here.

Feb. 8, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Nature of Life: Describing life through its creations

JANU:    I am welcoming you to this opportunity to explore the nature of life. May we see it in this way, our brother, that life is, and always was, and always will be. And the question is: What is life? How do you describe in words, then, that which is, always was, and always will be, and has no source, yet everything is created from? Even language cannot fully describe the reality.

So, let us explore the nature of life through its creations, which are beyond number. But each one, our brother, reveals the nature of life. So, if the creation is not eternal, the life that is expressing through it certainly is. When one describes a plumber, one describes what a plumber does, how a plumber thinks, how a plumber came to be, and the plumber’s legacy in life. So, a plumber’s life is described in this way. But what is the source of the plumber? What is its destiny, beyond plumbing? The destiny of the life that is the plumber is to continue on in new adventures, contributing to the adventures of others, that contribute to being and a never-ending expanding potential of life to create, realize, and create again.

So, in a larger fuller understanding, even the creations of life have only themselves as their source and the life that they are is without source. The beginning of understanding of this reality serves you by putting the life in perspective and adding depth to your awareness, your sense of oneness with everything. For everything has life in common, without beginning or end, and will always be.

There is no futility in any of this, for what other ship is there to sail on? And this is why existing at all enriches life. Life in motion is the key here to understand the merit of any endeavor, even the endeavors of understanding and philosophy and relationships, and yes, even all that love can be and is. Find peace in this, our brother, as a foundation for living. Understand what you may as you and life reveal yourselves to each other and you move towards being conscious of all of life. Namaste.

Feb. 3, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Art of Communication: Reconnecting

JANU:   For our journey into the art of communication, let us consider the demise of limitation through a perception of isolation from one part of life to another. Today’s art of communication element or aspect is the sense of connection. For where is communication without this, our brother, the sense of being connected to anything of interest?

You ask, “How does one develop this sense of connection, enhance its reality, understand its nature?” It is begun by appreciation of the existence of your area of interest, acknowledging its life, and that it is life. Connecting also opens to the reality that any part of life has its counterpart in you, in your consciousness, in your True Nature. And, in time, realizing that connection benefits both of you, not just sentient beings but any part of life. So connection is not just giving information, or getting information. It is both.

Life evolves through connection with every part of its being. It is, in fact, our brother, one life. The sense of separation or individuality contributes to life exploring its elements, discovering its truth, becoming more conscious, filled with countless individualities with their integrities and potentials. Yet all of this, our brother, is still one life realizing its nature through its potential.

So the art of communication does include reconnection. And the motivation to reconnect is very subtle when consciousness is individualized. But it’s there, and your True Nature is ever present, aware of this imperative to reconnect with life as a process unfolding. When speaking to another, where is the sense of connection? How intimate is this? And how much does it appreciate and begin to understand?

So allow your sense of connection to deepen and build an understanding of those elements of life that interest you. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 30, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

T-176: The life whisperer

copyright © Colin Andrews 1995

This is one of the more recent journeys taken with Crop Circle diagrams created by Colin Andrews. For complete work to date, see Crop Circle page.

JANU:     Today’s pattern, T-1-7-6, represents emergence into the fine art of communication. Let us attune now to this pattern and pass through it.

This glyph represents the illusion of duality and the reality of oneness and the art of communication, one manifestation of life to another through their common source, their oneness. Communication between elements of life without this reference is an open door to miscommunication, for the truth of the communication is not intimately known to both parties, both elements, for the source of the knowing is within the True Nature.

This reality is more comfortable to accept with elements of life that appear as your own. Not so easy with other species from other worlds, and elements of your Earth reality that are of different species. One must become as a ‘life whisperer’ for good communication that is truthful and considerate. What is a ‘life whisperer’ then but one who listens and embraces the truth of another in the face of superficial deception? Those who attempt to deceive are not listening for truth but for opportunity to benefit themselves. ‘Life whispering’ speaks of gentleness in communication that can be heard.

‘Life whispering’ is a good title for this glyph. And this means all of life, for the greatest listener of all is life itself. Even listening to the wind, our brother, and its nuances is communication. When you listen to the sounds of an animal, do you hear its message, the reason for the sound? So, you see, it’s not the mechanics of the voice of a creature, it’s its motivation for expressing it. Patterns and rhythms, intensities. So by way of the understanding of this glyph, become more of a ‘life whisperer.’

June 25, 2013                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross