The Diversity of Life: Co-existence of many realities

JANU: Let it be understood that at this moment life’s diversity exists and co-exists in and around you throughout life, for even though appreciation or awareness of the diversity of physical life may be in your consciousness, the diversity of subtler life, the realms some would call, energetic reality, dimensions if you will, co-exists and is rich with diversity. Not the same diversity as physicality but diversity particular to that existence.

Now, think not that even though these individual realities co-exist, those existing in them are limited to each reality. They are not. Even as we travel across realities, so do they. So the diversity of one, when experienced and understood, can be of benefit to the diversity of another. For understanding life is not limited to human incarnation on the Earth, it includes everything: every where, every time, every reality, every realm of existence, and every universe, our brother. Life is not confined to one reality or another. It is all realities. And, being one with life, all of life is available to experience and understand and co-create with.

Let it be understood, then, that the diversity of life is not an accumulation of isolated realities, but realities with parameters of existence that can be transcended. Consider then the diversity of thought, understanding, philosophies, principles, and relationships, they are without end and make possible exploration of life, finding new realities without end. Life is rich indeed, our brother, and reaches the potential for them to be discovered. Even those who travel great distances between worlds can be discovered, experienced, communicated with, and share experiences, for when Earth is visited by another culture, it isn’t just the Earth experience that is available but the rich experience of humanity in consciousness and its vast journeys in understanding beyond the Earth, beyond physicality.

Feb. 11, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross