Awakening is achieved with patience, love and peace

JANU: Be it known that we have a vested interest in the success of humanity in this endeavor. Awakening is a term we use to describe or identify expanding consciousness, becoming more aware of life, its realities, including each one’s own life. Awakening is a relative term indicating the direction of movement, no matter how small or large, of becoming more conscious, more aware, more sensitive to the changes in life, the cycles of life, the depth and scope of reality.

Humanity is awakening. We are not here to measure degrees of awakening or categorize them, just to inspire and encourage an expanding consciousness, resulting in a love for each other, service to each other, peace of mind while living life. The vested interest we mentioned has to do with fulfilling our potential and destiny as well as humanity’s. We have grown in consciousness through long service invested in humanity, and not just of the Earth, you see. We are not all knowing and at the end of any path of awakening. But the awakening of humanity is part of our path.

The wonder and beauty of this path is not fully described with words, you see. The mother’s love for her newborn, and patience and understanding as it grows and evolves and matures is not unlike this experience. You have spoken of our patience with humanity’s foibles, including your own. This is no burden, our brother, for we understand this service to life as we have benefited from it as well. Every step one takes in life is never done without the presence of care and nurturing. It just seems so at times. The message this morning is that your life is observed, nurtured, cared for, guided, in a loving way that empowers, respects your sovereignty, your integrity, your identity. And timeless patience is a natural part of this, our brother. And we are one in ways you are yet to become aware of.

Find peace in this understanding, the peace that has always been, a peace that is sanctuary for rejuvenation, well-being, as one is walking the path of life. Be at peace, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 17, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


What is true and what is not?

JANU: We expand then upon the dilemma that faces so many: What is real and what is not? For so many choices depend upon this determination. There is an aspect of everyone that recognizes truth. Understand that even deception has its own truth, that it’s deception, in most cases planned and executed intentionally.

So, what is truth and what is not? Truth supports what you want to achieve. Now, one can deceive themselves into thinking they know what achievement is worth having. Some truths have a more limited path than others.

So what is true and what is not? We are directed back to, in our inquiry, the truth of your own nature and its objectivity. Truth is a harmonious relationship with the flow of life. And that flow of life lives within you. Recognizing flow is a worthy achievement.

Now there are those who walk their path in life with some harmony and some movement that is not harmonious, yet it is still their truth. You must learn to read the signature of life, and all of your faculties can contribute to your appraisal. Allow them to play their role and convey their finding, not to condemn or criticize what is being observed, just to understand it for what it is. And then choose what is true and what is not, and your choice is always subject to change. Choose wisely and namaste.

Dec. 3, 2014 B                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Reaching for the stars

JANU: We are Janu speaking, enamored of the opportunity to reach for the stars, as you put it. A worthy ambition for everyone to always reach peacefully and share the achievement with the rest of life, for service, you see, is not limited to each other. Service is unlimited. Our life is everywhere, and every when, and all connected.

Being all you can be is not a destination, an end goal, but a continuous life process. Investing in this manner in your existence brings untold riches in opportunity and consciousness and service to life. Reaching for the stars, then, is an unlimited yet immediate opportunity. Whatever you experience that you are capable of, there is more. Having a foundation of peace, more than frustration, anxiety, self-limiting thoughts and feelings serves you well. In a foundation of peace, the elements of life integrate harmoniously and that includes you.

How then does one reach for that which they are unaware of? By being open to and expecting more than you know. Faith, yes. Belief, yes. Loving life, yes. Integrity, yes. Peace, yes. Standing in your truth, yes. Being honest with yourself and others, yes. Giving what you can, yes. Listening to the truth of others with sensitivity and compassion, yes. Forgiving yourself and others, yes. Gratitude, yes.

This is not a weak way to live, our brother. It is a strong way to live. Open to change yet solid in what you know. Integrity filled with conviction, confidence, yet open to change. This is the future of humanity and even more. Believe in each other. Honor each other. Value each other. As do we. Namaste.

Dec. 6, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Thresholds to come

JANU:    Let us be enlightened, this time, on some of the peaks to be reached on this journey, or should we say thresholds, for each achievement leads to another.

One such threshold will be clear vision and choice. Another threshold will be well-being in the body. Another threshold: true peace of mind. Another threshold: the gift of insight into everything, including others. Another threshold: direct communication with the creatures of the Earth, in their own knowing. Another threshold: the gift of healing, as others touch the ‘hem of the garment’ and heal themselves, marveling at the beauty of life that they are. Another threshold: the gift of traveling in consciousness, with profound clarity. Another threshold: intimate communication and connection with lifestreams in other realities and on other worlds. Another threshold: the ability to radiate peace and encouragement. Another threshold: the witnessing of the alternative to religion to meet the needs of awakening people into new life and mastery.

So you see, our brother, the future is rich with opportunity, better in every way, certainly worthy of the journey. Namaste.

Nov. 29, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Owning your diversity

JANU: Elements of this scurrying about humanity finds itself in are seen this way for within the scurrying one does not perceive a coherent direction, but there is one, our brother. The direction can be described as owning its diversity as a strength to meet new challenges, as a platform for discovery and exploration into what is now unknown to them.

Now, owning diversity can be on more than one level. Human experience is one. The spiritual experience is another. And we see a coming together here of conscious awareness of both the human and spiritual identity, diversity, and destiny. Awakening is the path to this realization and the strength it brings. Even within the individual human, ownership of diversity is not fully realized, for the human being has a very diverse experience within.

Growing in conscious ownership of the complete diversity of your being can be a journey of its own. Instead of a nebulous wonderment as to who you are, your identity can include everything. This calls upon a maturity to embrace your existence on the Earth as part of your larger experience.

People will realize, in time, that their difficulties in life, their illnesses, are not just physical. There are more perfect remedies than physical medicine with the negative side effects. True remedy does not include a depletion of the body and its natural condition. People will reclaim their power, the natural gift or ability to be well. There can be more to life than constantly staying just ahead of illness. As we have suggested, awaken to more. Namaste.

Nov. 23, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The science of life and living

JANU: We are heralding the accomplishments of the human families, for your commitment in diligence to build families and traditions and homes and take care of each other and improve the lives of their children. Industry and governments rise and fall, but the families continue. The primary strength of a culture is not its technology or edifices or governments or religions. It is its love for each other, and all that that means. Their generosity for each other, to each other, will extend to strangers, if you will.

What we see from this perspective is a culture that will grow from within, revealing your capabilities, faculties that lend themselves to exploring other worlds and realities, the so-called ‘mysteries of life’ that lie beyond science and physical technology. For humanity is far more than that, yet the technology seems to be the primary power, if you will, paving the way to the future. It is not. There are worlds that have made great strides in the development of natural abilities. And technology, although still needed, is needed less and less.

So-called ‘discoveries’ achieved by science can be achieved more fully with deep insight. Hammering together pieces of materials into shapes and forms has its rewards, but the science of that development, the evolution of innate faculties, empowers the people as they grow to own their true life heritage. This trend in human exploration will be a major thrust forward in time to come. Not abandoning so-called science of the day, but giving it new direction: to assist in this, not the master of their lives.

The science of life and living and being is a worthy path. The wars continue, the conflict, the mayhem. Science is part of that as well. The solution is with the people and awakening. Namaste.

Nov. 19, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Embracing change

JANU: We are assembling at this time our predictions or forecasts of the elements of life and human consciousness as they swirl, so to speak, forming up into a new model of human evolution and awakening. This swirling, so to speak, is a natural response to movement in human consciousness in the passions and struggles to free themselves of limitations, old patterns of living and thinking and behaving. When observed, this swirling is not strictly uniform. There are, at times, counter-swirls, if you will. The energies in the matrix of life are realigning. Many speak of the laws of nature in the physical universe, for even the laws of nature are in motion and so are the structures of life, rearranging. And they are in direct response to the human quest to understand and master its condition.

The experience of this change and the process of it, needless to say, can be unsettling. Once again, the challenge is letting go of the old. Embracing the new smoothes the way as life changes. Humanity, as you know, has a tendency to hang on to tradition, the comfort that repetition and predictability brings. But to those who embrace the new, the old ways have become boring and limiting to the burgeoning consciousness of insight and new capabilities.

Much of what humanity experiences as ‘normal,’ even from beyond their ken so to speak, they have created. So the changes that are coming and disturbing the status quo were created by humanity and life is responding. The age-old questions of “Why is this happening to me?” “What did I do to deserve this change that I struggle against?” and “These changes are frightening!” are only a product of ignorance. Look around your life and envision changes occurring here and there with this or that. Does that frighten you or encourage you? No matter what the changes, you will always be, but never quite the same. You will be stronger and more resilient, more confident in the changes to come.

Change, our brother, is a way of life. Allow it to be a way of living. Find comfort and peace that change exists. It is life in motion and is constant creation. Namaste.

Nov. 3, 2014                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The power to understand everything you observe around and within you

JANU: Let us understand that the nature of the structure of life, its dynamics and design, warrants that observing the current conditions of humanity, of which there are many, reveals its path of awakening and the ingredients on that path for success. Life is designed such that all of its creation is imbued with representation of all of its solutions for the purpose of evolving into the realization of fulfillment of potential. Therefore, humanity’s potential for awakening is revealed through every element of its current condition.

“How can we know this?” you ask. “How can this representation be observed and utilized?” Deep within the human psyche, every challenge, every aspect of its condition of existence, every experience triggers or inspires an appraisal as to degree of acceptability and desire of change. So the mystery of human awakening is not really a mystery at all, but a point of interpretation and sensitivity to the message that life reveals about everything. So outer manifestation of inner awakening are really one, and they are one with insight expressed through what some would call the ‘outer life,’ reminding once more that life is one.

“Awakening to what?” some would ask. Awakening to life: its destiny, purpose, solutions, the nature of your being, and understanding your potential in any sojourn, in any relationship. To see, observe, any part of life and understand it. And as you do, understanding the observer and what the potential is in the relationship between the two. The more you awaken, the more you can observe any part of life, any person, any creation, and perceive their truth and see the reflection of that truth within you. The mayhem of the day dwindles in the face of this. Observing the homeless person on the street of your cities takes on a deeper dimension, a profound observation as to the truth of that individual and his circumstance and your own compassion through understanding.

So, to understand deeply everything you observe, everything you become aware of, even your own passions and desires, is another gem on the path of awakening. Let it be known that life is communicating its truth always and you have the potential, the whole you, to hear the message and gain the wisdom. Namaste.

Nov. 1, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Understanding the call from within

JANU:    We are serving then this morning the inquiries of so many of humanity as to the nature and purpose of life, the truth of their existence, and who or what they are, why are they here, and how does one find peace.

To begin with, these questions, these inquiries, of humanity are born of the desire from the True Nature to become more of a conscious part of the individual’s current journey, coming to the surface, if you will, of the darkness, confusion, and dismay, which is characterized by a lack of fulfillment and hoping there is more to life without being conscious of what that is. These inquiries, these cries from humanity do not go unheard and life responds as it may, within the protocols of existence, natural development, and ownership of achievement. The inquiries as to the nature and purpose of existence are encouraged for they build a momentum for the gaining of the answers, the understanding, and the peace that is sought.

Many have no conscious awareness of their existence as eternal from one sojourn to the next and beyond. So their anxiety is deepened by this fear of mortality and this lingering fear undermines confidence in the future, their power to exist, to be, to create with an expectancy beyond one lifetime. So how does one find solution to these inquiries in a world and society that seems devoid of them? For how do you see the light in others, when those around you seem to be in the same darkness? Where is the answer? The answer begins within. And by that we mean ‘your nature,’ that that survives sojourns. It is real. It is alive, if you will. It is eternally present, whether conscious of it or not.

So the question arises: How does one become conscious of this which is real and present and alive, and your nature? By desiring it deeply, with confidence that it is real, that it is your nature to be aware of it, to be conscious of it, and grow into a perspective of yourself as a being growing in its light, wisdom, and power to create the life of your desire. Begin living to any degree as if this were true. Hold your vision and your desire in that sacred place within through the love of your heart and your spirit. It is acceptable to life to be, in this way, an enlightened being. Any confusion, any darkness or lack of light, is of your choosing, whether deliberately or not. So overcome this condition by owning it, seeing it for what it is, and letting it go as you may. Now, not as if it never took place, our brother, for there has been growth as a result of it, wisdom gained, increasing maturity. But the pattern of this environment of being, of living, is yours to change.

Moments of complacency occur when the life seems comfortable, without the need for a vision to change anything. And this is natural as well, our brother, for this is a period of assimilation, wisdom gaining through experience. So be alert to a call from within for a change in your life and allow yourself to understand the call and experience it. A great service to others who are receiving the call within themselves but having no idea what it means, is to encourage them to continue, have faith in the call and their natural power to understand and choose. Namaste.

Oct. 29, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Integrating the elements of the human condition through awakening

JANU: Resuming our current journey of understanding the human condition and its path of awakening into the larger life, we will discover and observe many elements of the human condition to better understand its path of awakening and the impact this will have on the desire for a better life than humanity has known.

The medical profession, although a mixed bag, if you will, of motivations, emotions, and commitments and accomplishments, is an indicator of this desire in humanity. As with politics in your nation, your government, the motivations to train and begin that vocation are laudable but the reality of functioning within the established medical or political community takes its toll. For a few, it strengthens the resolve that began the journey. For others, it is changed into one of power, wealth, and longevity. The reality of both professions, and others, can be confusing when viewed globally. Even in the religious circles, the churches and organizations of same, this exists for it isn’t the profession that causes this but the current stage of human awakening. For a more awakened individual, and/or organization, makes better choices for a better life.

We are here to understand that awakening influences everything in human society and consciousness. How many consider the military establishment other than designed for war, battle, and destruction, under the banner of protecting peace? This can be confusing as well for those who participate and those who support. It can fuel distrust between nations and other leaders who possess that kind of power. Even awakening, our brother, is no guarantee of wiser choices, but increases the likelihood. But for those in pain and suffering, their confusion takes a backseat, so to speak, the focus of relief from suffering, not just physical, but emotional and mental and spiritual as well.

How many in your societies feel alone in life, even while surrounded with others? So populating your immediate surroundings is not the answer. It is the inner connection with life and your own nature that brings relief. We are not suggesting here the path of inner life, awakening, is separate from the outer life, but merging the two brings a lasting victory of clarity, peace of mind, confidence in the future, and a love of life. These journeys, our brother, are to show a path of the integration of everything into a full life. Nothing lost. Everything gained. Namaste.

Oct. 30, 2014                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross