True Peace and True Power

JANU:   We would have you know that the real power for moving forward in life is not political but the love people have for each other and the desire for each other to succeed and to fulfill their dreams that can benefit everyone. The real power and vision to realign governments and nations lies with the people. For the insight and understanding the people are privy to is far more sweeping and powerful than the vision of most governments. The evolution of principles and peaceful desire evolves where most governments drift towards chaos, conflict, and devolution.

These are general observations, for with any cultural structure the ingredients include points of evolution. So the conflicts exist in social structures bringing about a release or apathy in many. The evolution of power and its inherent limitations for endurance will still bedazzle many so-called leaders. Let us hope that lessons are learned and the letting go or detachment of the old ways leads to a clearer vision and wiser choices.

As we point toward humanity’s potential, destiny, future, much confusion still exists as to what works and what does not. Apparent power is a noisy thing, full of bluster and manipulation, while true power is much more subtle, but far more profound and eternal in its nature, leading to the truth of life and profound creativity. When understood aright, true peace allows true power to flourish in the life, and the challenges that seem overwhelmingly powerful are seen for what they are, mastered, and left behind. And with relative ease, we might say. So many of humanity’s illnesses, maladies, are the result of a life not at peace, the struggle to achieve what seems illusive and, even when gained, is not truly fulfilling.

True peace does not bring conflict and struggles, the wasting of energies and resources, suspicions and manipulations. The results of ignorance and unawakened mind, these struggles bring destructions, mutual destructions, resulting from battles, whether at war or in business or even religion. True peace brings solutions, harmonious solutions that truly benefit everyone and open the door for the path of creativity that can be made of life. Why would anyone choose the old ways, when experiencing a life of freedom and expansion and mutually beneficial connection? Not just on the Earth, but everywhere. Life is so much larger and richer than many realize.

So find what true peace means to you, what it can be and bring, and love it into your life. A grand way to serve others and build a future. Namaste.
Nov. 5, 2014                Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Politics and personal integrity

JANU: The element of discussion this evening has to do with the propensity of humanity to agree with the so-called authorities of the moment. Witness the political scene prior to elections. Many of the claims made are somewhat outrageous when viewed from the larger perspective. You ask, “Why is it then that humanity has a tendency to follow authorities without close examination?” There is a malaise in humanity. It is easier to follow others than think for yourself and process your life experience for its wisdom, gaining insight, and discovering what lives inside you.

Can you really say that one party or another is motivated primarily by the needs of the people? They have created a system that requires vast sums of money to be influential. Can one with a pure heart and a wise view of life maintain these qualities and succeed in politics? The system is powerful indeed to control this. The real power in society, although not yet fully used or developed, is the hearts and minds of the people.

The True Nature of individuals can still find expression in the complexities of human society. And this is a function of the clarity of desire and commitment to a better life that supports freedom to be, creativity, and a love-filled life. We of the Brotherhoods of Light have long known this and supported this in other societies, not only on the Earth but on other worlds as well. The issues of the day on Earth, for humanity, seem countless and overwhelming to achieve anything of this nature. The solutions, our brother, compared to the challenges, the issues, are always straightforward and have the flavor of profound simplicity.

The current condition of humanity includes the politics of the day but, while complying with the rules of society, temper them with a loving heart, an enquiring mind, true peace, and a love of the truth that lives within you, and who you are. Insights will come. Act on them. Test them for their merit. And be grateful for the opportunity to find peace. Namaste.
Oct. 31, 2014 B                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

A semi-update on same topic Nov. 5th:

JANU:  We are noticing that political tension in human consciousness is softening, even in other nations for their concern is for the influence American politics has on their economies. These cycles of worldwide tensions and concerns are a dynamic force, for this contributes to a lack of peace and certainty. Ideally, the next phase is reconciliation and cooperation for the benefit of people. Not always the case, you see. Politics aside, let us focus our attention upon the structures for living successful and happy lives unconditioned by politics and its vagaries.


JANU: For some, mastership denotes an achievement of complete mastery, a final threshold. It is not. Mastership occurs each day, with significant victories, ownership of some part of life, the life’s experience, whether it be conduct or understanding or well-being or loving another.

Mastership is a continuous process, a growing experience, a constantly rewarding part of life. And one does not achieve any mastership in isolation, for the fruits of each achievement are known by life and observed and experienced by others. Confidence in a path of achievement is supported by others with similar accomplishments, and these encourage each other to achieve more. Mastership is a collective reality, not just individual.

And it is not a final threshold, but the evolution of life. When one overcomes an obstacle, a challenge in life and understands it, and owns their role in it, the sense of accomplishment that ensues is from that journey into mastership. Mastership is not some far away, distant, impossible achievement for some other time and place or reality. It is every moment of every day. The experience of mastership resides in every nuance of life, every opportunity. And each victory in this, in any area of living, can be revisited and developed further.

In a very real way, mastership does not yield power over others. It enables a deeper service to others and to life, for the road of mastership is the road of oneness, the path of union enriched with countless moments of achievement, demonstrated through living. Mastership honors you and all of life. Life’s investment in your existence is rewarded and expanded. Remember that your joy in these victories is life’s experience as well, for you are life. Once again, another steppingstone on the path of awakening into the larger life.

Oct. 26, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Changes through Awakening

Changes to come for an awakening humanity
Change is coming soon


Changes to come for an awakening humanity

JANU: Ponder then, if you will, the changes in store for humanity during this transition. The perceived need to fear each other and insane behaviors slowly diminish allowing trust to ensue and more openness, mutual support, and understanding, a more generous nature fearing less of personal loss and more of satisfaction in the benefit of another. This results in fewer and fewer living in desperation, feeling that justifies stealing from others to survive. When they learn that making their needs known brings others to their rescue, converting them from ‘takers to survive’ to ‘givers to survive.’
Continue reading “Changes through Awakening”

Controlling life is an illusion of limited consciousness

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us partake of what some might term ‘the exponential evolution of life’ that already exists. Difficult to describe in physical terms of time/space, for the nature, forms, times, and expansion of life are in constant flux, a variation of theme, parameters of existence and realities. But life is evolving, our brother. Make no mistake. And all realities, expressions, and forms are of the One Life, connected in so many ways they are beyond description. It is possible to sense this collective reality, and experience its vitality due to its diversity. Many in your world would say, “To what end? What is the point of such a journey?” for they are focused upon the current moments in their life, of plans and struggle, ambitions, seeing all of that as more immediate and controllable. But control is an illusion, our brother, limited, to say the least, when one isolates their consciousness to such a brief portion of life. These journeys we take change perspective to include so much more. Long-range outcomes are far more understandable when the illusion of control expands to the truth of the harmony you achieve with the life you thought you were controlling, or trying to. Becoming one with a part of life in consciousness and understanding is true control. But the control is in the sense of agreement with potential, possible destinies and service. What does love of life mean, then, our brother, other than these things: to be one with, to support, to understand, to embrace and serve, playing a role of lifting life into all it can be and everything in it? The true nature of peace we’ve been exploring is a key element of this transition from limited to unlimited consciousness. A struggle perceived in the past, or in the present, is seen for what it is, for one understands its source and reason for being and your choices that have attracted it to your life. So, the journeys we take, the understandings we achieve, the experiences of more of our True Nature, bring a greater freedom to explore more of life and master it, in the sense of becoming one with it. When challenges arrive, and previously seen as struggles, the awakened mind also sees the potential outcomes, which are real to them. A challenge is no longer a struggle for the focus is upon the outcome that is perceived, and the power to realize it arrives through the commitment no longer obstructed by confusion and disbelief. Once again, the choices are yours. Wise is the one who can perceive all of the choices to be made, and understand them. The path to peace is the path to a rich life. Namaste, our brother. Oct. 5, 2014              Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Be at peace and find true power in your life

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, communicating at will to explore the benevolence of peace, True Peace. Once again defining True Peace as not the absence of violence, but the harmonious flow with life, allowing all of the benefits, the support, the insight and power to create and serve and love. True Peace does not just benefit an individual, but supports life everywhere. Being at peace is a generous position in life. What it inspires in others, as well as circumstances, is the path to reclaiming your own true power, power over your life, not power over others for that is enslavement and will bring you down.

True power, True Peace, supports all of life. Many in your society battle this and battle that, whether it be false power, each other, illness, poverty. Everything is a battle and a fight in these areas. Some even struggle for sanity. Is it any wonder that depression exists? True Peace rejuvenates, invigorates, brings balance to your entire life. The systems of the body are no longer programmed for weakness, internal conflict, and diminished resources. True Peace is the path to true power and freedom, freedom to direct your life and become more than you have imagined, the true power to inspire others to possess their own freedom, their own True Peace. Creativity blossoms. The presence of loving energy expands. The resources of life are more available to achieve.

Many seek conquest of elements of life, yet the conquest that they need is over their own prejudices, attitudes, philosophy, conduct, and destructive tendencies. Conquer ignorance with understanding, despair with confidence and love. Conquer depression with caring for others. Conquer poverty by being prosperous in your thought and your relationships. Conquer anger and frustration with compassion. Conquer fear with ownership of who you are. Be at peace and find freedom. Namaste.

Oct. 2, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Magic of Life

JANU: We are encouraging at this time the performance of a lifetime, for many, to become one with who they are, their Eternal Self, their True Nature and the truth of their being. This is not ‘a few minutes a day’ technique or exercise. This is a quiet reality throughout the day and evening, becoming at peace and taking the time to love life, including themselves, and not just observe it or understand it. To love oneself is a powerful reality, extending into your relationships with everything. Loving oneself allows you to see and engage the beauty in every moment, that you have the ability to touch life and it touch you.

It is difficult to grasp being one with a part of life and yet have the integrity of your uniqueness at the same time. Understanding uniqueness or differences seems obvious to most but to perceive oneness profoundly seems a departure from individuality. They both co-exist, our brother. It depends upon what you choose to be conscious as, in any moment, in any circumstance. This even applies to having a question and being one with the answer, at the same time.
There have been many in humanity’s past who have achieved this consciousness, seemingly isolated from the rest of the world yet having intimate knowledge of the portrayal of life everywhere. So many come to these for answers to their questions, to explain their life circumstance. Yet they all could achieve what these seers have achieved, but they have no confidence or commitment to their own profound abilities. The true teacher inspires others into their freedom to know and be their true desires.
What is the magic, then, that inspires one to take that step on that journey of becoming? It takes one moment of direct experience to take the step on that journey. The form that takes varies greatly, but the message is the same and it’s a message that’s been with them, as a being, always. ‘Loving who you are truly’ is the magical doorway to a larger life.
Sept. 29, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Letting go of old patterns to create new ones

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, enamored of, if you will, a peaceful co-existence with life that we know and you have known. And, yes, forgiveness and peacefulness go hand in hand. And the letting go, which is the nature of forgiveness, is a doorway to peace. For how does it serve you to hang on to ‘unforgiveness’ in a life that is continually in motion? Dragging resentments of the past into the future restricts the future to those moments of the past, you see. Practice, then, letting go of those thoughts and emotions, memories that block or restrict your journey into a peaceful future or, shall we say, your becoming. What memory, then, our brother, is worth your future, your freedom, and what you are becoming?

‘This too shall pass’ is your choice. To reach for and embrace the next rung on the ladder of life, one must let go of the last one, you see. So embrace the lessons of life, the wisdom gained, and let go of the circumstance. Remember the lesson and use it wisely, always moving with the flow of life in motion. The treasures are there to be discovered to enrich your life as you, in turn, enrich life with the freedom to do so.

So many of the memories of circumstances of the past are held onto as if they were in the present. Allow the change, let go of old patterns, create new ones. Namaste.

Sept. 17, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The patterns of life and destiny

JANU: We are Janu speaking, holding session, if you will, as we move along the path of awakening of humanity and its destiny. Others observe this journey of humanity as well. It is studied and compared to many others to learn of the nature of the choices humanity makes as it slowly considers its destiny and its shaping of it.

What does ‘destiny’ mean, then, in the presence of so-called free will and choice and awakening? The patterns of life include destiny, the power to choose, and the freedom to become. But the choices made, and the becoming, are not free of influence, circumstance, existing opportunities, and opportunities that are created. And even so-called time does not govern these, for that is process.
These patterns of life can be observed as probabilities that make up life of so many other beings, consciousnesses, and passions to live. So ‘destiny,’ our brother, is not set in stone but taken into account as the choices within patterns of life reveal themselves. Free will is the freedom to make choices within the parameters of existence, any existence that consciousness resides in, identifies with, chooses to explore. Everything is connected to everything else, in one way or another. The awakening consciousness begins to appreciate the myriad of realities within the patterns of life, which are without number. And all of this, our brother, is One and every universe, every reality, is of these patterns.
There are subtle ‘ring-pass-nots’ throughout creation, throughout life, to help maintain the integrity of every pattern of life. For when a consciousness embraces a previously unknown pattern of life, movement takes place in the integrity of that pattern, and nothing is motionless, our brother, or stands still, but evolves and changes. When we say “Life is in motion” the understanding of this has unlimited interpretations of this reality. An interesting balance in perspective to embrace all of this and more, maintaining an evolving sanity of perception and relationship to all of life.
Sept. 16, 2014 B Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The future of democracy progressed

JANU:   We welcome this evening the wisdom that comes with every progressed scenario. For this evening’s journey, may we progress the existence of democracy in individual governments and in the consciousness of humanity, as it exists at this time.

For democracy to survive in any culture, there has to be a foundation of a degree of mutual respect for the existence, the opinions, the philosophies, and the needs of individuals. Based on that foundation, there needs be a collective consciousness that benefits every participant, whether new or well-established. May we progress this scenario fifteen years?

And we see fifteen new countries moving in the direction of democracy but confused with modeling their adventure after democracies of the past, of questionable success. These countries will be the model of democracy for the next hundred years or so, stabilizing with a strong foundation in 150 years. The current models of the warring nations will be left behind. Many will migrate to these new democracies who relate to the vision of those who have built them. Wars will not be part of their future. It is a new world for them and they will be the model for peace for other nations.

This change will not go unnoticed by the other human worlds, and other worlds as well, paving the way for a brighter future for humanity of the Earth. The dreams you have of such change, shared by others, will be fulfilled. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 15, 2014B                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross