Transitional Migration: A life process

JANU: All of life migrates from one state to another as it evolves. How can it be otherwise, for what then would evolution be? Now, this movement through life has many interesting variables, for it is not just the movement from one state to another with complete isolation of each. Your patterns of carryover are elements in the foundation of any changed state of being.

How does one, then, sort through these influences, these carryover patterns in their current state, to maximize their use and use them to discover new possibilities beyond these patterns? For even those around you, who may communicate with you and you with them, will remember previous states of evolution and tend to see you in this way, pulling you back, so to speak, from a new expression of life. To be in control of these influences, one must have a foundation of being an anchor in their True Nature. Seeing clearly that all of these influences are but shadows, nuances, as one progresses. Now, one may choose to progress, so to speak, in the direction of old patterns from various motives of fear, comfort, or certainty of the future, and the preferences of others.

Though initially this series focused upon the transition from one incarnation to another, one life to another, but these can be understood more clearly at times with the transitions from day to day, from job to job, from relationship to relationship. One may even observe that they are unclear about why what they have chosen to leave behind in a new relationship seems to be still there. The difference is the consciousness employed, of ownership of being, and freedom to be.

Migration is always appropriate, for this is life in motion, but can take on unlimited possibilities, nuances, and patterns of previous existences, even the patterns of others as they demonstrate their successes in their migrations. How many children have aspired to be one profession or another of the adults they observe and are enamored of, which may or may not be reality for them?

So, change and migration are one, our brother. Even from the morning to the evening, migrations occur, usually without planning or conscious appreciation or in-depth understanding. For humanity has yet to achieve ownership of its being, mastership of its destiny, and the wise choosing of their path in life, even from moment to moment. We all are challenged with this, our brother, and grow in wisdom through the experiences and the observation of others’ experiences. So this is a process of life, with rich reward. A core experience is in each day that can be identified as migration in life. Plumb the depths of meaning and possibility as you consider these.

Apr. 17, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Mastering emotions

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us move into the area of life that deals with past emotions, for so many of humanity are still moved by these, influenced by these, that modify and sometimes interfere with patterns of development in consciousness evolution.

These patterns of emotion are similar to memory patterns for they certainly inspire each other to come forward with their imprints. Past emotional patterns continue the emotions of war and revenge, striking out and striking back, and have brought civilizations to their knees and, at times, their demise, all considered justified by the ones with the memories of what has been. Even communicating with and connecting with other worlds, one is not free of these imprints.

The emotional body as such is a repository of these life creations, born of life experiences, and they are part of what some would say “make people tick.” So it is a revealing and rewarding reading of the person, to be aware of the emotions within and their origins and their influence on the life. Emotional stability does not necessarily mean emotional clarity, for being locked into a stable pattern of destructive emotion, limiting emotion, is not freedom. So, what is a freeing relationship with strong emotional patterns? Even as with memories, probe their depth, allow their evolutions of source and meaning, own what is yours, and remember your true identity.

The question arises: Are your experiences and your creations who you are? Are they your identity when you stand in your Truth? When identified with incarnate life, human personality, they become who you are by what you allow. Some would say, compartmentalize the experiences. We would say: be the master of everything in your experience, in your philosophy, including your memories and your emotions. Be the choice-maker of the influences you allow in your life. Be the master of who you are.

Life presents with endless opportunities of experience, interaction, and service. Have a growing wisdom of what prevails in your life. Just because it exists does not mean you must let it rule you. There are always alternatives in life to choose, to employ, and to experience. Given the moment, the Now if you will, there exists the freedom to be whatever you choose and all is revealed as to its nature. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Seeing the truth behind wars and terrorism

JANU:    These journeys into legacies of past civilizations represent much of what is to come for humanity, for even then there was knowledge of human potential and interaction with the larger life. This legacy was deposited here by representatives of its origin.

This legacy can best be described as fortuitous for humanity, for it brings fortune upon those who endeavor to exact the best of themselves and humanity for world peace. For without it the waste of resources, time, energy, and lives would interfere with humanity’s immediate future. To bring about world peace, humanity must collectively value this above the disturbances and conflicts.

Now, those consumed with the fear of wars and the like blocking their vision, their clarity of workable alternatives, this legacy inspires or encourages humanity to see the beginnings of a viable alternative and demand it of their leaders through non-participation with their decisions of force and destruction, warring, and the economies of these. For where would the current wars be, without the colossal funding borne on the backs of the people who want a better life? This legacy brings clarity to the public perception of the truth behind wars, terrorism, and the like, those who instigate such, and their hidden agendas. Once again, the importance of awakening for the public, the masses, to see the truth, for the leaders of these conflicts are not so inclined to withdraw.

The people are beginning to exercise their power in areas of conflict around the world, but this will grow. Nonviolent non-cooperation will be a component. The True Nature of humanity is in harmony with the ideals of this legacy and is the authority for these changes.

Apr. 19, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Living is co-creation

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, establishing a connection for you with an understanding that co-creation in a fuller sense is ‘being as creator in the flow of life.’ Now, by this we mean: any creation, any degree of it, is allowed by life when life’s co-creative elements are employed to bring about movement in the flow of life. And this includes experiences, understandings, materializations, de-materializations, energy creations, and communication through varying degrees of intimacy from one part of life to another within and without the being. For how can one create individually, without employing basic and profound life principles?

Now, the art of co-creating is a journey of its own for it involves a maturing sensitivity to, and response to, the many ramifications of creation. For, as you may imagine, any creation has an effect, to varying degrees, on whatever it touches. One must mature beyond the notion that individual thoughts, actions, emotions, behavior is strictly individual. It is not. Everything you are has a ripple effect through the movements of energies. Life is like a stream full of eddies and currents, all in motion and transforming as they move through life.

Let there be then an understanding that co-creation is a cooperative reality and, as one ponders employing co-creation, one must also ponder its imprint on the life it touches. Where is the wisdom, then, that can guide and foresee? Now, one does not stop living in anticipation of what some would call errors or mistakes, for they are part of the tapestry of life as well. But to grow in maturity while living and expressing can provide a richer outcome, preparing the way for grander adventures.

Apr. 21, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

There are two other entries on co-creation: [p2p type=”slug” value=”co-creation-incarnation-and-awakening”]Jan. 2[/p2p]  and [p2p type=”slug” value=”understanding-co-creation”]Oct. 30[/p2p]



The life and purpose of memories

JANU:    Memories serve as reminders of the journey of life, for review, exploration, expansion, and contribution to new adventures. May we be reminded that we chose life and all that it includes, some unpleasant and some pleasant, but all enriching and building a foundation of continuation. Not just for the individual but for the benefit of all of life, for we are all one. And your journeys serve the journeys of others, the solutions they seek for their circumstance, their quests, and their service. To block your memories is to disconnect you from the flow of life, to a degree. So, embrace them as they arrive, or, we should say, return to their creator, and choose to grow from them, to grow stronger, and through this a greater acceptance of others on their journey of memory creation.

Memories belong to a group of occurrences in life, whether created by an individual or not, for the patterns of life and its unfoldment, its evolution, remain. For this reason, one can journey through the past, the future, and the present, gaining much knowledge. Memories can be a sign to retrieve information, to retrieve other memories, and to make contact with other life realities as emissaries, messengers, conveyances of interest.

Much can be accomplished with the manipulation of memories and their journeys. They can be programmed to act like sponges, if you will, absorbing information as they journey through their assigned path or mission. They can be organized in groups with many facets, many faculties of pattern recognitions and imprints. In many ways, they are your children, your offspring from living, and you travel through life with them clustered around you, waiting to be engaged. They can be organized to a degree in categories. Rather than fulfilling a picture here and there, presenting more of a picture of the pieces of life.

So you see, ‘[p2p type=”slug” value=”the-nature-of-memories”]memories[/p2p]’ is a vast and growing opportunity to refresh your awareness of who you are and what you have accomplished and what you have striven for. And your memories are not isolated from the rest of life. They are accessible by others, and others’ memories are accessible by you. For, as we have said earlier, all of life is connected and it grows as one. Be true to your memories, true to your life, as honest and open as you can be, and your memories will serve you well and others on their journeys.

Apr. 13, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The cause and purpose of the diversity of life

JANU:   Diversity, then, as such speaks of creation, manifestation, endless interactions and relationships, and the realization of potential. Let us explore, this morning, the purpose of diversity; why there is so much of it.

Diversity belongs to a theory of evolution that originated in the early beginnings of life, as life discovered its vast potential and decided, in a manner of speaking, to experience it, to explore it, to discover its truth, rather than just postulate what it means. So it began: from the diversity of potential into universes, worlds, consciousnesses, energies. One must realize that the awesome diversity of life comes from the diversity of potential and the life of that potential initiating discovery of what can be.

Now, the journey of creation yields diversity, through its own creations, as a result of its own creations. For when life creates and the manifestations ensue, new life is created as a result of existence and interactions that reveal possibilities of continuation. This is a simultaneous reality. The process of life goes on and becomes the scenario for a continuation of the thrust to exist and enrich the equivalent consciousness of the source of potential.

Even though filled with nuances and diversity, it all comes down to the reality that all of this diversity is the oneness of life, revealed.

There is much more to explore here, but not during this journey, for the stage that has been set for exploration must be refined. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 7, 2014                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


More on human destiny

JANU:   Questions arise such as: “Will humanity reach the stars?” and for most this means physically. The answer is ‘yes’ however with caveats. Travel in linear space and time not realistic. However, a particular breakthrough is coming in technology to circumvent Einstein’s laws governing maximum speed and the discovery will render the seeming obstacle as overcome quite easily and produce new ways of thinking, of perceiving life, and the so-called ‘laws of nature.’ Physics will have a new dimension to consider.

The challenges then will become controlling this new technology for accuracy and the survival of passengers making such a journey. There are beings from other worlds who have mastered this long ago and have refined it in brilliant ways. But humanity will learn in time that physical journeying is by no means the only way, or the most productive and rewarding, not to mention efficient.

In time, the ability to travel non-physically will unite humanity with solutions to the illnesses of the day, connecting the physical with new understandings of maintaining physical health and well-being. In time, humanity will incorporate some of the features, elements, of non-physical life into the physical experience, a merging, if you will, bringing a whole new set of realities to incarnate life. Of course, these changes occur hand in hand with the choosing of humanity to willingly discontinue self-destructive and limiting behaviors and concepts. In time, humanity will learn the art of incarnation beyond the birth process with a whole new set of challenges and opportunities.

Needless to say, all of these changes will radically alter society, civilization, and the norms of relationships, individuals becoming less dependent upon organized government, if you will, and the religions of the day. And life spans will take on new meaning. It will be the result of choice.

Much to come, our brother, and this is only a glimpse. Time once more for the awakening of humanity to meet this responsibly, maturely, and maximize the opportunities in a constructive way. Namaste.

Mar. 31, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


As a grain of sand

Oneness is a term used frequently among those seeking enlightenment or awakening, but it is rarely explained. This attunement serves as an example of what is meant by that term and its use in the journeying process. This process is being encouraged by Janu and will be referenced in future attunements. See also the category “Oneness” for prior references.

JANU: For this morning’s journey let us resume our affiliation with that which comes to us directly from the inner life of so-called prayer, what we call attunement. Attuning then includes an embrace of an element of life, as if that and we are one.

For example, let us attune to the nature of holographic reality. Now, what does this mean, our brother? Holographic reality is a projection of multi-dimensional consciousness that can focus upon the nature of a reality from many different directions at once, therefore revealing many nuances of its nature.

So let us accomplish this with a singularity represented by a grain of sand. So you can see the shift here of becoming the grain of sand being observed and embraced and known. What then is a grain of sand? Being as a grain of sand, what do we have to reveal? We reveal the source of our being. Now is revealed, after accretions of minerals as our source: our mass, our weight, our reflectivity; the history of our exposure to the churning action of water, the atmosphere, the sun, and the abrasiveness of other grains of sand as we journey through life; the minerals we are made of and their source; the world we are one with, our uncertain destiny, and our contribution to the collective of the rest of the sand of the world, and the pleasure we bring to the creatures of the world and the energy exchange, always occurring. We are the manifestation of many realities over countless eons of time and we continue.

And now our focus returns to what has been attuning. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 6, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The New Paradigm: The opportunities to come

MASTER NOETH ATULE:            Testing the newness of this paradigm compared to the previous one, which is still in effect, one must only open to new experiences, new understanding unlike any before. For many, the awareness of being engaged in any paradigm lies somewhere in a distant memory, much less a new one. But that is the nature of unenlightened existence. But even though unenlightenment exists, so do the beings, which means they are part of the stream of life in one relationship or another.

What we are speaking of here is opportunity and the participation in it. Not the dichotomies of good and bad, better and worse, and such. And the opportunity here, with the new lifewave of potential, is a fuller and richer life gaining momentum, achievement, and wisdom. Mentioning love is not an aside, our brother. It is fundamental to everything, and your embrace of its unlimited reality evolves as well.

The journey of the New Paradigm is its own revelation for, by choice, engagement progresses, experiences ensue, and the consciousness is aware of more and more. The journey of awakening is life, our brother, for it witnesses and engages even the creation of life, the modifications of life, and entirely new experiences and understanding, which includes a more complete understanding of everything that has gone on before.

There is nothing to fear in what awaits you. Embrace this next lifewave, which is already upon you, with enthusiasm and open heart and mind, and a conviction and commitment to awaken. Remembering that the collective experience and understanding that has evolved in the previous lifewave with all beings engaged, created the new lifewave, not to your detriment but from the passion and desire to know more, to realize more, to have a fuller and better life, rich with the wonders of what can be.

We of the Atule understand this very well, for we have created our own lifewaves of potential, only now, through awakening more consciously, we influence the creation of these. The mystery is no longer the creation of the lifewave, but what lies beyond even it, yet unimagined. But confident the opportunity is there. We will continue to help you explore and open to this new opportunity. So, no need to despair of the difficulties in your world at this time, that are minor and will pass away. For enlightened beings leave behind such behavior, for they see its futility and interference with a fuller life.

Mar. 19, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

for more on this topic, see New Paradigm-volume 7as well as the other volumes. Also, check the category “New Paradigm.”


Keeping past thinking from limiting future possibilities

JANU:   The imperatives designed within the human destiny are coming together as a motivating force, drawing human consciousness into more of the profound aspects that lead to success.

We would have you understand at this time that human destiny is not limited to technology but includes development of consciousness and the evolution of the human body to meet and accomplish human destiny. The goals for humanity are quite large, indeed, for its place in life, its role in life is quite large indeed. The joining up of human consciousnesses around the world that are committed and eager to embrace a new future of greater depth and scope, are also looking to unite. Not physically so much as in presence, understanding, and consciousness.

We see this as a growing trend at this. This call, so to speak, in the movement of human evolution and consciousness, is not unique to the Earth. It is a call that has been occurring everywhere. Life’s potential is the attraction and the source of the call. You must agree that we embrace this call as well. Now, the call is a universal one, touching life wherever there is opportunity to respond.

So let us consider carefully, then, the comfort of familiarity and past understanding that they not limit the revelations to come and a fresh look at life, of unlimited possibilities. Namaste.

Mar. 28, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross