Problem solving through the power of peace

JANU: We welcome again this opportunity to be at peace. When encumbered with the demands of incarnate living, it is a challenge and opportunity to be at True Peace. It’s not something you create, our brother, but allow. And when doing so, the demands of living in the incarnate life are not reacted to but understood peacefully and clarity comes. That’s part of the wisdom that enriches the True Nature, you see. The demands of incarnate life being related to in an enlightened and awakened way. Far more effective than reaction. Allow yourself to see the solutions, not just the challenge. Know, without a doubt, the solutions are there.

The so-called ‘flow of life’ is the path of freedom. Life is always in motion, our brother, as are challenges and victories. Calm peace of mind is the thread of clarity when awakening. The memories that continue to return to you are there to be dealt with in this way. Not to distract or disturb. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Jan.16, 2017 B                                       Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 14 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Freedom and choice

JANU: What does it mean to be free? In reality, humanity has always been free to experience whatever it chooses, but the choices can become experiences of entrapment with no way out seeming to be the reality. So why do patterns of choice possess you? Because these patterns are not founded on freedom in the ideology, in the perception. The reality of a larger life is not included in the perceptions so the patterns and choices become your identity reality, fixed.

Freedom to be or not to be is the choice. Freedom is everywhere. So how does one possessed by the patterns of choice reaffirm freedom beyond the choice, you see? Remember: what your attention is on you are connected to. So put your attention not on the choice but the result of it. But who made the choice in the first place?

It is wise to explore multiple choices, even set progression limits on those choices that extend to your desire to continue. Choices are not fixed or permanent. No pattern of life is. Everything is mutable. When making a choice, choose to know the wisdom of it, its potential, its life span, its manifestations. Every journey of life, every portrayal, every enactment has a range, interactions and outcomes, whether agreeable or not. Consider any current experience in one’s life and expose it to choices. There is no shame or negative connotation in changing one’s mind, deciding differently. Do not be owned by those patterns of choice. You are a free being that lives, not just in them, but beyond them. They are not who you are. They are temporary journeys.

So choose freedom and be true to your choices as their results are revealed to you. Then choose again whether to continue or change. That is exercising the freedom that you are, our brother. Choose with care, thoughtfulness, insight, and the wisdom you have gained. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2016                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


You, the True Nature, and peace

JANU: The relationship of the True Nature to the human identity is one of peace, profound peace. The nature of this peace has to do with a profound love that is deeper and larger than most human understanding. This is why peace is mentioned so often in preparation for these journeys, and the resolution of challenges to incarnate experience. Becoming more conscious of the larger life is served by letting go of the mire of human emotion and motivations that tend to trap the consciousness into endless cycles and circles of self-defeating anger and frustrations and deprivations. Yet there are still moments of joy, beauty, and wonder that bring fulfillment to your capacity to balance the life amidst the pull of focuses of limitation that repeat and repeat.

The freedom of being that you enjoy when sharing the joy of another, grateful for their freedom, being one with their upliftment for their sake is part of the peace we refer to. Those moments touch deeply and open portals of connection to the beauty and depth of the True Nature, which is who you are. In these moments of freedom identify with your True Nature and retain some of that, returning to the realities of the incarnate life. People helping each other find moments of freedom enriches life and promotes awakening. Namaste.
Nov. 1, 2016 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The beauty of awakening

JANU: We are agreeable then to engage your deep desire: the awakening of humanity to more and more of its True Nature, the Divine Within to some. Looking for relateable meaning, the peace that so many wish for, the clarity of mind to understand what lies before them and within them, to have a growing sense of not only what’s to come but how to improve their lives and manifest their dreams. Some call this freedom, sovereignty, the path of mastership and service. The more you understand and know of life and your own nature, the more you love and embrace it all and understand each other. Honor each other’s existence and freedom.

Economics rules so much of human society, not understanding that the power to create isn’t based in finances. It is an intimate connection with creative realities of life itself. These exist on many levels, waiting to be employed. If life can manifest the universe and more, think you not that life can manifest, through the application of consciousness, love, and wisdom, all of your needs through wise opportunities and choices?

Yes, humanity functions and survives, but just barely when observed from perspective of greater consciousness. Your life is not at the beck and call of circumstance in incarnate realities. Why allow it to be? Integrate the larger truth of who you are with this limited, temporary human existence and manifest something miraculous. Share the truth of this with others by living it. Example is a great teacher that others can understand in their own way.

This series of journeys exists for this reason, and more will come as needed, encouraging individual inner journeys and awakening. The greatest teacher you will ever find is who you truly are. What would have your interests cherished more fully than your own True Being? For what else understands your heart and your desires more fully? This is awakening, our brother, and is unique to each one, according to their place in their own evolution. Timing and manner is the prerogative of each one. This we support and encourage. There is joy in this and wonder, peace and fulfillment and life. Namaste.
Oct. 3, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Getting on with living

JANU: We recognize the accumulation of spirit in the sense of the general state of consciousness of humanity on the Earth. The consciousness we speak of transcends time and space, imprinted forever. As we observe collective human consciousness, we see its color changing, becoming brighter, more synergistic, and a growing appetite for freedom from the constraints of limited consciousness. For some, science is a divergence from this restriction of ignorance, but the science of exploration and consciousness has yet to become mainstream.

You question the use of the word ‘color.’ By this we mean tone, essence, nature. Now, be aware of this, our brother, that this tone, this essence does not occur unnoticed. All of life is connected and the desire or request for freedom is responded to. Human consciousness is evolving, but in the larger reality calling it ‘human consciousness’ is only part of the story. Most will say, “What else is there? It is all we are aware of.” As your consciousness evolves, it becomes more aware of that not seen.

Individual consciousness is very familiar with its own world. Marriage includes that of another and all of the interaction. Moving toward global concerns elevates the consciousness and lays the foundation for other worlds and then other realities. Awakening, our brother, modifies decision-making, values, behavior, goals, and your sense of being. Growing in sensitivity, understanding, and appreciation of other expressions of life than not just human changes your perspective. Collective human consciousness is a mix of many perspectives but there is an overall theme, and that is an acceptance of life as it is, including your own. Which includes change and experimentation.

Predictability of life is that it will continue. The creations, the manifestations are the proof of it. Exploring these realities, these expressions of life, begs the question, “Who or what is doing the exploring and what is gained?” These journeys, our brother, are encouragements to awaken to this. Find peace in the discovering and get on with living. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Peace of mind

JANU: We are working on what you might call ‘peace of mind.’ We visit this subject from time to time for it is a valid foundation for exploring the larger life. You ask, “What is a mind at peace?” Using words to describe this is a limitation for common usage of ‘peace’ is based upon being an alternative to a mind in conflict, troubled, disturbed, frustrated, questing, angry. So the model for peace is ‘opposed to’ not ‘what it can become.’

A mind at peace is alive in the sense of being open, observing reality without prejudice, condemnation, judgement. A mind at peace is pregnant with the potential of discovery, miracles of understanding, natural joy, happiness and beyond, essential nature and the wonder of potential. A mind at peace is not consumed with finding fault or compelled to fix parts of life.

A mind at peace is not obsessed with time constraints or even the measure of it, you see. It is timeless. Urgency does not disturb it. Acceptance of life and its creations, a strong sense of ‘isness,’ observing and engaging cycles of life and its creations is from the perspective of timelessness. This too shall pass and more will come to be is a theme.

More than the absence of violence, a mind at peace is at one with life. It understands the true power of being and sees the beauty in everything. So many in your world are not at peace, but they could be. But they feel justified in their anger and frustrations, lack of justice, not being heard or listened to. Those who talk over each other do not listen, yet they want to be heard. Yet they do not hear themselves or understand their current frame of mind. They are expressers of patterns they do not own nor are masters of. They are like recordings, playing over and over, and being activated by the patterns of others.

Peace of mind understands this but is not possessed by it. True Power, our brother, is freedom. Freedom to be in harmony with life and the life that you are. Choose freedom from the prison, the confinement of these recordings in your consciousness, in your memories, that replay endlessly. Recognize them when they occur and make choices.

Awakening, our brother, is remembering, rediscovering who you truly are and its inherent freedom to be. Being at peace while exploring all of life is balance, equilibrium, a reference from which to explore everything. Be not identified by these old patterns, or new ones that look the same or have the same effect. Your true identity is free of this but understands it all. “Who am I?” is a worthy question. Listen for the truth of the answer. Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2016                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Peace, freedom and love

JANU: We are forecasting, if you will, and forming a deliberate attempt to inspire peace and freedom in the minds and hearts of people struggling to find truth in their lives, their True Nature, their purpose of being, their gifts of service, and their loving nature. These elements of achievement in the pursuit of these things are more powerful, more liberating, more illuminating than struggling, you see. Pursue, yes, but peacefully, with clarity, focus, openness, allow for the truth and a growing confidence in the abilities of your own True Nature, which is who you are. Pushing to achieve seems to have its rewards, but it limits you. Allow understanding, revelation, communication with life.

Your True Nature is talented, in harmony with the flow of life, contains the wisdom of so many journeys. Be the ambassador, the pioneer, the blessing for others by way of the peace and freedom of being. The answers and solutions to inquiries already exist. Frustration and struggle convinces you they do not.

Life is not designed to thwart you or keep you ignorant and in the dark, so to speak. It is designed to evolve, expand, create, grow, reveal. Its nature is harmonious, peaceful. Yes, the violence that appears in the formation of worlds, the destruction and the creating seem to fly in the face of this, but the purpose of these is understood peacefully, the peace that allows the flow of life to be at one with you. This is a flow of relationships, the currents of life.

There is a symmetry that includes far more than physical life. Every creation, every reality has purpose and conditions or parameters of its existence. One’s life can seem outside of this. That is a limited view, our brother. Simplicity at the root of complexity has endurance and reveals the complexity for what they are. Be not owned by these complexities of life, but understand them and the root of their existence.

Peace and freedom go hand in hand, and love does exist, our brother, for it holds all life together, all purpose, all destiny, all creation. The realities of love are a worthy journey of discovery. The love of human relationships is but part of the larger reality. Consider then the profound reality of simplicity, peace, and freedom on your journeys. Namaste.
Sept. 19, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Refining your life

JANU: We are encouraging at this time, at this opportunity, reaffirming the purpose of these journeys, which is to support one of many paths of awakening for the human experience. Rich indeed is the legacy of living, the record of which all can read. Games that are played to impress are seen through and even this provides understanding to the complexities of motives used by people. Some see themselves as teachers, in one form or another, and enjoy the podium and the pedestal. We do not choose to design a legacy here but legacies occur, described by those who take advantage of them, who benefit from them.

So what makes your life of value? Not your design, our brother, but the service it happens to bring. The legacy of those who truly served humanity was not their motivation. It was honing and giving what they had, as the natural order of life. So, how does one refine one’s life? It is by caring for others, whether directly or not. Not for fame or fortune, but you are enriched in the same moment.

Awakening, our brother, is a path to refine one’s life, one’s consciousness, one’s understanding, and commitments. The love inherent in all of this, our brother, does not have a name and has always been. Allow understanding beyond the rational mind. Truth and freedom are one. Refine your life in this way. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 2, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: This morning in your time, in a sense which is ours as well, we begin with a portrayal of human destiny that speaks to the surmounting interest in freedom. For many, freedom means to exist at all. For others, freedom means the acquisition of wealth. And for a growing number, freedom means to be conscious beyond the norm, no longer limited to social consciousness, dogma, religion, convention, traditions. Free to understand and explore life, unlimited. And for everyone, the freedom to realize their best destiny, to include all of their potential.

So freedom is the theme here, our brother. Freedom to associate and, yes, collaborate with all of life, to experience what lies beyond the Earth and beyond physicality, to engage the consciousness of another being from another world, realizing the enormity of the potential of evolving in this larger reality of life. Conventional thinking in human society tends to be limiting and of slow pace that freedom would rise above.

But where is the model in society for this kind of freedom? How does one begin to explore in this way? The model, our brother, lives within each one and, as we have said before, is their own True Nature. Once again, the reason for awakening, becoming conscious as a True Nature that includes, in part, the human experience. What is this True Nature we speak of so often? It is who you are, a free being, part of a larger life, free to explore, free to consider everything, free to choose and create, free to love without condition, free to evolve without end. So, consider this when choosing to awaken: awaken into a freedom that already exists within you. Touch the consciousness of others and their freedom. Move together in the flow of life, free to perceive each moment of your day with a new perspective.

This does not deny the value of social order within traditions. They are part of life as well. But they are not all of life, and they evolve more fully with a consciousness that is free. Their mysteries understood. Their patterns of repetition, seeming without end, are enriched into something larger.

Ask yourself what it means to be free whenever you choose. Free to be healthy, to be resilient, to care about another, to love who you are. See the Earth and its human population as a caring part of life, radiating, touching the life and lives of other worlds and realities, becoming an evolving blessing. Globally concerned with the human population but no longer limited to just the Earth. Species, population, throughout the universe is vast indeed and this is one of countless universes. Cherish freedom. Then share it as you may. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 15, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Freedom from doubt and confusion

JANU: Being unencumbered by doubt and misgivings adds to the strength of awakening. As you associate and collaborate with the larger family of life, be aware of this and gain confidence by observing the enthusiasm and commitment that they project.

Awakening from the human condition is challenging. The patterns of veiled experience, or existence, seem set in stone, if you will. Re-patterning is part of this change. Experience creates patterning in the first place; however, as you awaken you will recall and have experiences from before and from beyond. These journeys can seem sporadic at times, but old patterns of consciousness can obstruct. Choose then, our brother, the moments of success in your life, including these journeys, and re-pattern or build upon these experiences. Be open to the reality that all of this has been accomplished before and that life is a continuous experience of challenge, opportunity, and success. Focus upon past achievements and their presence in the memory of your being.

We journey as one, our brother. No need to be initiated by another lifestream, another being, but by your own True Nature, which is who you are. Journeys are taken in cooperation with others, but you are the captain of your ship, so to speak, and decisions are yours. Choose to think and feel, perceive, as a unified being, with all faculties in the mix, if you will.

The veil can cause one to think that ‘awakening’ is for the first time. It is not. It just seems that way. The total you knows otherwise. Identify more and more as who you are. This is true for everyone, to varying degrees. You are more than you know, and your True Nature knows this. Always return to this larger knowing where you find freedom from doubt and confusion. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 5, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.