Harmonious relationship of many realities

JANU: Calendars, our brother, are part of our reckoning when serving the human consciousness. Being sensitive to scheduling enhances appropriate timing of involvement. In time, your consciousness extends beyond time and space and what has been scheduling of events in the life gives way to timeless spontaneity with the flow of life which becomes a master key. As we foretell of coming events and opportunities, the versatility of the flow of life inspires outcomes.

Living in the Now is in harmony with the flow of life, but not a reality that most are conscious of. But the limitless freedom of being is only a concept to many. What we are getting at here, our brother, is the reality of co-existence of structured life, of time and space, and the larger life of pure being, which has its layered reality as well. This perspective is an element of that which is coming in our journeys. So you see, it is not the ending of one reality to embrace another, but being open to the co-existence of many and a harmonious relationship in the midst of the larger life.
Mar. 28, 2016 B                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


One does not awaken alone

JANU: The development of the ability to open to full consciousness is on its way. Changes such as these, our brother, are best accomplished in a measured way, and the adjustments to be made while maintaining a central core of sanity and balance. We would have you see this with patience, commitment, confidence, and faith in the Truth of Life, the truth of your own nature.

What you are achieving has been achieved by others and longed for by many others, in one way or another. One does not awaken alone,   although it seems so at times. You are part of the Family of Life and are supported and welcomed. We are not here to disrupt a tradition but to be in harmony with it. As you have said, “Steady on,” our brother. Namaste.
Mar. 16, 2016 B                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Communicating while at peace

JANU: Softly spoken, in harmony with consciousness that attunes to the realms, the communication we enjoy and that serves is a peaceful one. The nature of the natural cycles of life, that include disintegration and re-creation, originate in peace. Our repeating theme of peaceful preparation for these communications befits what is accomplished. You begin to understand the service of the Entourage of Peace and the organization spoken of arriving this Fall.

Violence seems powerful but not to those who understand peace, which is far more powerful but in a different way. It is almost as if the communication that is enjoyed invites the participant because the consciousness of that participant is in harmony. Approach and understand the Truth of Life in this way and all is revealed.

True power is not taken but offered to the peaceful consciousness. When you communicate with another in this way, the barriers melt away. The guard is lowered in the presence of harmlessness. There is a genius in the reality of peace. One at peace is not seeking advantage, but allowing their true Being to merge with their consciousness and find freedom. Be patient, as only peace can bring. Namaste.

Feb. 24, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the previous two posts for further context for this.


The Entourage of Peace

JANU: We have before us an entourage, if you will, destined to be part of the journey of humanity. Destined in the sense that their contribution is in harmony with that needed, soon to come in the affairs of human consciousness. This entourage comes from another reality in this galaxy, not limited to a world, you see.

What they bring is an understanding of a greater peace in the affairs of humans, in their relations, in their dealings with not only physical life but non-physical life. This entourage commands well its service. Their influence at this time best described as a faint hint of such things. The degree of their contribution will be controlled by the readiness of human consciousness to move forward. Any transition from one perspective to another is sustained by a delicate balance between the two, for confidence and uncertainty are at issue. Let us see, then, our contribution and that of others honor this balance as we enrich human understanding.

The entourage needs no name to be of service, but it is the Entourage of Peace. Some influences, our brother, in the movements of life are the most profound and therefore need to be the most thoughtful and well-balanced. Let us honor their contribution by serving it. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 22, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We entertain an interest in the wisdom of music. Let us foretell then that the role of music in human consciousness and the merging of the spiritual nature is more profound than one might realize. In time, individuals can become aware of rhythms and toning generated by their own spiritual nature, not limited to the compositions of others. These experiences in harmony go beyond the limits of physical hearing and exist within thoughts and emotions as well as vibratory response to the cells of the body. ‘Music of the spheres’ alludes to this. The Symphony of Life is indeed a symphony, our brother.

In time, this will enter into communication with others, including other species. Far more complete language, more revealing than words. In time, you can be aware of the music of others; the song, so to speak, constantly in change. Yes, it is the universal language, our brother, but not the only one. One can begin to share this with others when finding it within yourself. They need not understand the details, the structures, in order to have a good feeling and a measure of happiness and a measure of peace.

All creatures respond to this, and their own music. Learn to communicate with life in this way, including those who are disturbed and not at peace. Namaste.

Feb.9, 2016                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Changes and wisdom and vision

JANU: We are enumerating today the climate of change that persists in the nation’s political scene. What we see here is a rejection of insanity, which describes the politics in recent years, rejection without a clear solution. Those candidates riding on the coattails of this change do not carry the wisdom to move forward and they will be shaken out through trial and error. Ones who will emerge to carry forward this change into sanity are yet to be on the scene. But the genius of the public will persist.

Other countries face this challenge as well but in a quieter way. Human consciousness, collectively, demands change but the vision is yet to manifest. Religion too faces this, still created and managed by imperfect human motivation and the quest for power. But changes are coming, our brother, envisioned by those who do not desire to be in the public eye, realizing they can do more behind the scenes. Wisdom is not noisy, our brother. True Power has a different model of existence. Life shakes itself out from time to time to make way for revolution in consciousness and a better life.

So the answers are not in the public eye but consciousness connected with the larger life and a clearer vision, founded in integrity and the fundamental principles of life. Open your consciousness to these visions, these models of life. Be inspired by what is to come. Be in harmony with your integrity and the larger life. Namaste.

Feb. 9, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Happiness: allowed not created

JANU: We are once again delving into the so-called mysteries of life. For this evening’s journey, let us absorb as much as we may, distilling the elements of life into a resolve of understanding.

You asked earlier of the nature of happiness, free of a reason to be. Happiness, our brother, is its own reason. It is a configuration of consciousness and being that is a quiet harmony of awareness. In its simplicity, its purity, it is a relationship with the fundamental love that is Life. It is purity of being. It is ‘isness.’ It is freedom. It is an experience of presence that requires nothing. It is an easy peacefulness beyond circumstance. It is a freedom seldom turned to, free of demands. It is timeless. It is a living peace. It is not achieved through technique and has always been. It is who you are.

Allow happiness, our brother. Namaste.

Jan. 11, 2016 B                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See also Happiness and Pursuit of Happiness


The power of peace

JANU: On this Christmas holiday, many in your world pray for peace, more than those who do not. But understand this, no matter which, the nature of all is peace.

The path to the True Nature has included some strange challenges, curious to many who understand some of the merit of the path to the True Nature to the peaceful life that is full and rich. It is an opportunity for those who cherish peace to radiate it, encourage it in others, to be emissaries of peace. Those who challenge this will not continue in this way forever, for those who live a life of peace will become so strong in their foundation, so successful in their lives, so happy in their existence, the others will see diminishing merit in their choices.

Remember, peace is not a lack of violence, but an evolution of harmony, mutual support, and freedom, and, above all, a loving life. Life loves everyone, or you wouldn’t be. Is it asking too much to love each other?

Peace supports creativity, inspiration, new ideas, solutions, and the embrace of new challenges and opportunities. Peace is a powerful reality and rewards the purveyors. Allow your True Nature and all it has gained to blossom in your life through the power of peace and the doors opened by it.

The people of violence are noisy and sound powerful. The people of peace listen, speak wisdom, are powerful by the blessing of their being. So, pray for peace and live in peace and love each other. Namaste.

Dec. 25, 2015                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Exploring life: Symmetry and chaos

JANU:    Reaching again into the Archive of Life, we find a group of beings dedicated to music, the rhythms of life, patterns of harmony and creativity. These beings, incarnate at various times, desire to bring the magic and beauty of music into the farthest reaches of life. Some have incarnated on Earth and occasionally remember this agreement. Many of the significant changes in music are inspired from this source. Understand this, our brother, the experience of music, whether performing or listening, provides direct communication with the larger life.

As you are learning, the incarnate and discarnate life overlap in many ways, sharing their realities. Not as separate as some might think. So much more to life than many are conscious of.

By observing the arts and the truth behind them, symmetry and chaos two sides of the same coin. One representing balance and form and beauty. The other the freedom to re-create, begin anew, and change. Both are necessary. Even on your journey exploring life, our brother, your thoughts and feelings share these patterns of life and behind the social confusions and upheavals with people. Not unique to the Earth, but part of life. This helps to understand the nature of things. Namaste.

Dec. 5, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Facing new directions

JANU: We find strong root in the understanding that it is possible to be in harmony with altered states of consciousness bringing a larger truth and perception into the human octave, so to speak. This is not to replace the human experience, but to enhance it.

Humanity finds itself, in many cases, groping for the unknown, looking for solutions, when the understanding is part of their nature. So-called ‘experience’ has taught humanity that achieving understanding, insight, and communication is a long way off, requiring complex discipline, ritual, and altered states of consciousness achieved by so many rituals. This being true, for humanity has convinced itself that it is; therefore they require it. Figuratively speaking, it is no more complicated than turning around, facing a new direction, and allowing it to be.

Facing new directions is a wonderful way to understand change. What direction would you choose? It can be as simple as a happy day; peace of mind; clearer insights; loving someone, including yourself; better health; clearer mind; balanced emotions; understanding animals and life on other worlds. There are no limits to this, our brother, but be clear as to your desires and your motives, and allow it to be. Namaste.

Nov. 12, 2015 B                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross