Loving the moment

JANU: We are holding sway once more for the benefit of life itself, all of life. We embark once more on this endless journey, discovering the nature of life and all that it brings, appreciating what is, what has been, and what will be. Every understanding can be extended, enriched, and become a blessing. Life is loved, appreciated, enjoyed, valued no matter the degree or focus or contribution. Living in the moment is the richest of all. Everything else is supportive, but the moment is the proof, is what continues, is what expands, what feeds everything. The realization of potential is the mystery, the source of wonder, the magic. Wisdom from experience brings peace and foundation, the substance of being, conscious union, fulfillment, the preparation for the next adventure beyond imagination.

Cycles of life that transcend each other inform a meaning in nature, the vehicles of expression that relate to new realities. Time and distance take on new meaning. Even joy evolves, even the meaning of life. Frailties are transitory and are replaced by new strengths with new purpose.  Namaste.
Feb. 19, 2024                                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 This is an encapsulation of the concept of the The NOW.  


Communicating while at peace

JANU: Softly spoken, in harmony with consciousness that attunes to the realms, the communication we enjoy and that serves is a peaceful one. The nature of the natural cycles of life, that include disintegration and re-creation, originate in peace. Our repeating theme of peaceful preparation for these communications befits what is accomplished. You begin to understand the service of the Entourage of Peace and the organization spoken of arriving this Fall.

Violence seems powerful but not to those who understand peace, which is far more powerful but in a different way. It is almost as if the communication that is enjoyed invites the participant because the consciousness of that participant is in harmony. Approach and understand the Truth of Life in this way and all is revealed.

True power is not taken but offered to the peaceful consciousness. When you communicate with another in this way, the barriers melt away. The guard is lowered in the presence of harmlessness. There is a genius in the reality of peace. One at peace is not seeking advantage, but allowing their true Being to merge with their consciousness and find freedom. Be patient, as only peace can bring. Namaste.

Feb. 24, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the previous two posts for further context for this.