Remembering the future

JANU:    The subject is ‘remembering the future.’ “How can this be?” you might ask. If the past, present, and future are present in the Now, so is the potential and, in that reality, potential reflects the future and vice versa. The practical side of this is ‘the future is this potential.’ The present is there to realize and experience the future. The Now is the source of all; therefore, embrace it.

The NOW reality takes the confusion, the doubt, the blindness out of the future. And building the present into a future reality opens possibilities of exploration and efficiency that can’t be matched behind the veil of separation and limited identity. So, putting one’s attention upon the future is valid, has merit, and gives foundation, direction, integrity to the present. Consider this, and namaste.
July 17, 2020                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


More on experiencing the Now

JANU: The Now experience that you seek comes on the heels of the transition from predetermination perception to the natural flow of life progression. As revealed previously, past, present, and future are elemental realities tied to the Now. But the human societal consciousness, so conditioned to these elementals and perception of reality, is conditioned by those life patterns without a frame of reference for the reality experience of the Now. But it is possible, through focus and integrity, to move beyond those limitations.

Letting go of what is familiar to that which is not takes courage, faith, peace, and commitment. The Now reality includes everything, so identity must let go of limitation but perceive elemental realities as life patterns not identity. One’s own memories of these limited life patterns can be seen in this same way. Not as identity but as limited experiences from an identity of freedom, peace, and pure being. Not to be owned by those experiences. Even karmic attachment is a limited perception. These relationships hold sway when identity is limited to these for the conscious connection perpetuates them long past their creation.

Being in The NOW consciousness, all is observed as to its nature while at peace and truly free. We will continue with this, as desired. Namaste.
July 8, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


From rage to peace

JANU:    Rage is the word. The basic emotion and frame of mind of so many boiling to the surface are the resentments of the relationships that have existed for so long in society. Rage penetrates reason, any sense of peace or balance or joy, becomes identity. Reasonable approaches to rage become desperate.

What these people in rage need is self-respect, a path to the future, and meaningful contribution to society. The elimination of social structures that interfere is a cherished decency, but it seems lost to them for they don’t see it in their society. The issues are strong on both sides. The challenges, self-created, are on both sides. The reality of ’sides’ has no merit, as it is with warring and social mayhem.

Humanity’s potential is better than this. Would that they would allow themselves to awaken to their True Natures. The solutions have always been within the larger reality of being. But the rage is noisy and the inner voice comes from a place of peace, balance and harmony, wisdom, love.

So, what models of peace can people be inspired by? What sense of true power, that gives and never takes, can be had? Where is beauty, sanity, and joy? Let these be the foci of conscious attention. For what your attention is on, you are connected to, and the connection is two way. Namaste.
July 7, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


A larger reality of being 

JANU:    We are ready to proceed with the organization of consciousness to include the many elements or systems of being and the so-called structure of Life that includes all the dimensions, all realities. What we reach for here is an understanding and experience of the coordination of all of the elements of Life, all realities, including the reality of consciousness.

Consciousness is the great connector. Where the attention is, so is the connection, and the communication, and the coordination, and the realization. The unenlightened limitations of the human experience no longer dominate. Reality without limitation made possible by integration and coordination, intimate relationship of all realities. The human ego consciousness is not accustomed to, based upon societal experience, limitlessness. But part of the Nature is. So, awakening, you see, includes transforming human consciousness into a larger reality. This means letting go of the confines of human identity.

The Larger Life refers to your own as well. Allow your consciousness to experience expansion, inclusiveness, knowing, creativity, peace. True Nature is a useful expression. The human experience or journey is only part of this. Namaste.
June 11, 2020                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross



Living in the freedom of Now

JANU:   Renewal, then. Let’s look at this from the perspective of shaking off old patterns, creating new ones, expanding into patterns of the Larger Life consciously. The human identity syndrome, if you will, mostly lives in the past of old patterns. New ones are tied to the old ones, the result of the veil and limited identity. Identity is a limitation to begin with, for that means you are one thing and not another. In the Larger Life, which is your Nature, beingness is unlimited but evolves, expands. So, if you must use the word identity, or the concept, have one that is ever-changing, expanding and becoming. That is part of the flow of life.

Living in the so-called Now is unlimited being. Living in the present is truly the source of past and future, not defined by what has been or what will be. But living in the present is freedom to choose your experience, what your consciousness is connected to. The reality of The NOW is a tradition, if you will, a reality woven in time/space, past/future. It is the source of these but supports these journeys. Choose freedom to be. Namaste.
May 26, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Understanding predetermination

JANU: Predetermination seems to fly in the face of free will. One has to realize that the human centered consciousness exercises choice, but that choice is within a scope of possibilities the True Nature embraces. As life is in motion, predetermination refers to orders of creativity and relationships. Outcomes of choice range far and wide but life, so to speak, is as circles within circles within circles of possibilities. So choice comes face to face with its own potential.

So, the question becomes: Is your identity limited? Is your consciousness aware of the full nature of being and the potentials of choices? One is not compelled to a limited identity, a limited awareness, a limited command. Becoming more aware of the choices available allows for focusing and refinement.

Existence is a composite of so many realities, all coexisting. The True Nature, which is who you are, what you are, can manage existence. Namaste.
Mar. 13, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


A time of wonderment when in crisis

JANU:   Wonderment leads to consideration, which leads to alternatives, which leads to insight, which leads to commitment, which leads to experience, which leads to wisdom. A time of wonderment in the midst of challenge, a challenge to survival, identity, potential, and future. Many in the world are wrestling with this. A time with insights and awakening can give direction, peace of mind by way of a focus and a plan to survive, overcome, and begin anew.

This is a purging time, a re-assessment time, and the revelation of priorities. Be true to your Nature. Rely on it. Embrace your insights. Be kind to each other. Be patient. And be of service. Namaste.
Apr. 10, 2020 B                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Experience the coexistence of realities

JANU:    Entanglement speaks of relationships, associations, but with many realities the configuration constantly changing. So it is with the flow of life, divine entanglement. Attempting to isolate oneself from patterns of life, seemingly undesirable, and choosing patterns of life that are more pleasant flies in the face of entanglement. So what is the larger view of this, in the presence of limited perception? Identity is key here to this understanding, for identity suggests one condition of existence separate from another. The larger view here is, in the Larger Life, everything coexists. Now, one can navigate through the reality of entanglement by way of focus, attention, and harmonious relationships, but all patterns still exist and coexist, quantum reality and intelligence.

Now, this reality of relationships can be explored beyond this simple explanation. Fear becomes replaced with larger understanding, moving beyond concerns for survival for the True Nature does not succumb to anything less. Exploring life is an endless journey. One must have an open consciousness, for nothing stays the same. The changes are life in motion and are still life. Namaste
Feb. 26, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The nature of attuning

JANU: The nature of attuning is what many will want to know, as they begin or enhance their journeys.  Key ingredients are focus of attention, openmindedness to awareness of thought beyond the incarnate consciousness, the willingness to consider and embrace alternative perspectives, and a desire to reunite consciously with one’s larger being. The energetic systems of the being are realigned, focused and strengthened with repetition, especially with experiences that make sense out of inquiries that one is exposed to, including their own.

Slowly, one realizes that the larger reality of being is who they are. The incarnate experience is only a portion of that reality, limited by the veil, which is temporary. More and more of life’s circumstances, including one’s well-being, are understood more clearly, their nature and their remedy. One is exposed to the finer protocols of life, which are called for when observing others and being sensitive to their natures. Being able to listen without preconditions other than integrity and truth.

One does not make demands when attuning, but allows expanded consciousness and experience. When one realizes that life has layers of truth and meaning, with their own harmonious relationships, then personal identity slowly expands to include more of life. Projection of scenarios into the future, based on potential and current trends, reveals possibilities to explore. This eventually becomes more and more a way of living, a way of life, and anything less is not as satisfying. Conscious reunion slowly returns, with the rest of their nature, and more and more they speak with one voice. And this is only the beginning of transformation of consciousness in that entity and lifestyle. Namaste.
Feb. 27, 2020 B                                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Exploring macrocosm & microcosm

JANU:   One must look at, while exploring the microcosm, the nature of time/space reality. Not only its source, but its underlying reality. The macro and micro understanding of the nature of life coexist as one, for the macro perspective is time/space, distance, time substance, materiality, interactions. The micro side of that reality is none of those, yet it is part of the essential nature of all time/space reality.

What is the reality of the perception of a thing versus a no thing? Different parameters of existence. A thing is a particular manifestation of energy, with properties and characteristics wide-ranging. Forms interacting with each other, maintaining each one’s boundaries of existence, even when mingled. The energy reality of the unmanifest is the creation of the impetus of life. So manifest and unmanifest reality coexist. One linked through the other. One more like potential, the other manifestation.

So how does one explore and understand the nature of potential, of manifestation? It is done by not trying to compare the two or describe one by the nature of the other. Direct experience and understanding is through attention upon, attuning to, and openness to the aspect of your True Nature that is related to both. Identity-shifting, you see, for your very physical existence, which is not who you are, cannot exist without life’s potential, the unmanifest.

So, you ask, “Why is the unmanifest? What is its motivation?” To become manifestation.  Its impetus, its motivation is the nature of Life to evolve, to gain experience, wisdom, and realize potential. Beings who incarnate, and accomplish other things as well, are some of the instruments of this evolution of life.

So, you see, exploring the microcosm is exploring your own Nature and its scope, where the micro is not explained in macro terms. It is, however, experienced as part of ‘being,’ revealing its relationship to the macro. Patience on this journey. Namaste.
Feb. 14, 2020 B                                         Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

For two other perspectives on  macrocosm/microcosm, see Co-creation and Exploring life through its creations