Larger life and incarnate life are one

JANU: We are rejoicing with you at the prospect of resumption of associations, involvements if you will, in the human consciousness expanded to meet that of the True Nature. Your involvements, our brother, in this larger life have never ceased and continue to this moment. Such it is with the True Nature. The incarnate life is not your only interest.

When we approach these journeys, we do so paying homage, so to speak, to many traditions of life, patterns of living, and the nature of being. The many contacts that have been made over the years are testimony to this. The legitimacy of these is founded in the reasonableness of the wisdom that is displayed. Grandness of awakening is only realized as it takes place, yet it speaks to the continued calling from within to be part of the consciousness. The human journey is a rich one but not all there is to understand and experience.

Now, this does not suggest that one walk their day in incarnate life with their head in the clouds, so to speak, but a gentle blending of insight and manifest life as needed and as desired, realizing this integration with balance and measure. This is a gentle and beautiful journey, not only a way of life but a way to live. Many journeys of awakening include more than one sojourn, for the achievement of the awakening, you see, is a marriage of incarnate opportunities. Options, if you will, to blend the vast variety of possibilities with the realities of the larger than incarnate lives. They are linked and co-exist and evolve with each other.

The evolving of consciousness into this reality of co-existence is fundamental. In due course, the realization occurs that incarnate life and the larger life are one. Namaste.
July 25, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Normalizing awakening

JANU: We are normalizing, then, the perceptions of awakening into as matter of fact reality as possible. Awakened or ‘identified as all that you are’ is normal, the common experience in the larger reality Family of Life. The human consciousness interlude is an exception or alternative to this that begins with the veil. As we have explained before, the veil is not created by you but agreed to, as part of the contract of incarnation. For incarnation is a structured reality to help ensure common experience, at least at the onset, that individuals relate to each other, for consciousnesses that incarnate are diverse in their backgrounds, capabilities, understanding.

So awakening, our brother, is not a departure from normal. It is normal. It is by far the most common experience. Now the human experience is a precious one, rich with opportunity to advance evolution, in the larger reality of life, a component and element. As we have said, it is normal and desirable to open to a new relationship with the human experience of walking through the larger life at the same time. Far more opportunities that are richer in potential. There are, of course, adjustments to be made in integrating all of these experiences. This is why there is process: time to adjust, time to consider, time to merge, time to measure results, time to be in balance, build confidence and enthusiasm, and history of success.

So, as we have said it is normal, common, in the larger life to be aware of all that you are and your potential as part of the flow of life, life in motion. Unlimited realities, fascinating journeys and encounters, every moment and opportunity to discover not only what exists but your own potentials. You are awakening to normality, what you have always been. The human journey is temporary, our brother, a moment in time but a rich one. Do not be owned by it but choose to own it, as another element of wisdom to be added. Namaste.

July 18, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The rationale for these journeys

JANU: Unencumbered as we are, we seek to engage the lifting of the veil, so to speak, to our human consciousness. It is an opportunity to serve the incarnate Earth human reality in a way that may inspire individual and collective sovereignty.

It is one thing to speak of the larger life and quite another to walk it. These preparations in perception of consciousness, character, personality, open-mindedness, discernment, and love of life are a preamble, so to speak. These journeys are opportunities to individually explore, for yourself and in groups, of what we speak. One can be led to an understanding, a reality, but the individual or group must walk the truth of this for the experience and the wisdom. Words may point the way, but that’s all they can do. As with any journey, all is not discovered or experienced at once. But the magic in any part of the journey speaks of the rest of it.

Freedom can be a giddy experience, but what better gift can you give to yourself? What better way to teach another than how you live? We invite you to understand and experience our realities and the ones that lie beyond. We are all the Brotherhood of Light, in one form or another. We draw near you, all of our brothers and sisters in the Light, and bid you welcome. You have never been alone on this journey of awakening, but your choices have always been respected, for they are part of your freedom, your sovereignty.

Allow yourselves to be close to the truth of a larger life, a larger identity, a larger experience and memory. The veil has allowed humanity to build a perception of separation, an unseen border between incarnate life and the larger life. It is only perception, our brother, for a purpose. A maturing consciousness no longer settles for this, and yearns for more, suspects a reality of life far richer. Leaving incarnation to realize this is not what we suggest. Open to the truth wherever you’re at, whatever you are doing, whoever you think you are. Namaste.

July 14, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The Ninth Order

JANU:    Let us consider then, on this journey, the nature of beings or consciousnesses, life streams if you will, that are not physically incarnate but journey in other realms or realities. The nature of these is so varied that existence can be undetected by each other of different realities, for the same reason that those incarnate walk their journeys unawares. However, the so-called veil is not as prevalent. It is possible to become conscious of many realities and those that walk them, so to speak.

So, for this evening’s journey, let us consider being at one with a selection of these, having to do with the ‘ninth order’ of reality. This order of existence comes prepared for the dynamics of expression that include shared thought, telepathically if you will, for these are more what you would call telepathic than those incarnate, as a natural way of life. The ‘ninth order’ of life is a time/space derivative of existence that shares some of these properties, but not all. These beings, these consciousnesses wander in and out of their reality at will, leaving behind the so-called parameters of their existence to journey in consciousness. The properties of their order include freedom to create or manifest and then un-manifest or transform. Creation is far more fluid, less concrete than your physical counterparts are used to.

The primary reality of the ‘ninth order’ is the engagement or embrace of counterparts of the physical universe that resemble their order, or take part in it. Just as you explore your physical universe, so do they theirs. Even your Earth, our brother, exists in more than one reality and is known by many in other orders of life.

The ‘ninth order’ is a peaceful one. Disputes such as yours are of a different era and are more centered in the truth of their reality. Their associations, one with another, reflect this. Therefore the reason for consciousnesses’s different realities being somewhat isolated in their awareness, for the temperaments vary so widely and suffer from incompatibility to the detriment of both. So, in taking these journeys, our brother, consider carefully the nature and reality of those that you encounter or seek out.

Collaborations must be sensitive to this for there to be mutual benefit. Walk softly, true to your integrity, honoring that of anyone else.   Be at peace in your journeys, and your discoveries, and the fruits of these will serve well. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
July 1, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Partnering with the Earth

JANU: This morning’s journey announces for the first time the group connected to the nature of your world. The True Nature of the life that is the Earth is associated with other realities as well. In its current history of development, the Earth is partnered with non-physical reality that is a consciousness not known by many. So your next association and collaboration is with the life that is the Earth.

The collective consciousness of the planet and its realities is imprinted with countless numbers of beings who have incarnated and otherwise associated with it. And, yes, the Earth has a mission, a destiny that serves life in many ways. Humanity tends to see only animate life as ‘life.’ A limited view. But make no mistake, our brother. The Earth is animated. It is in motion constantly and its consciousness transcends physicality, as does yours. So, for a time we will journey at one with the world and its totality and collaborate.

On this journey we will meet and engage many beings that are part of the Earth’s experience. One being the Solar consciousness. And others with Earthlike consciousnesses, or should we say similar? Humanity as such on the Earth collaborates with the Earth mostly unconsciously. We have spoken of the ‘collective human’ as a single being. Think you now, then, that the Earth consciousness has a relationship with this and is influenced by it? The system of life includes individuality, collective reality, co-dependency, and shared destinies.

Walking this journey with the Earth awakens our relationship, where one begins to experience oneness with the world and its collective reality. These journeys on this focus seem to fly in the face of conventional thinking and conventional, limited experience. Humanity identifies as being a human being with a physical human body. A body, our brother, made from, at one with the elements of the Earth and its physicality, its energetic realities, its destiny and consciousness. So to incarnate into the world is to share a destiny and its life.

Open to this reality. Your journey as a human being is one with that of the Earth on many levels of reality. The Earth consciousness and being is one of your many associations and collaborations. Support the destiny of the world and all that that means. This is part of the agreement to incarnate. Namaste, our brother.
June 30, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. 


Awakening 46: Transitions

JANU:    Having once said that the decline of a civilization is a transition, one opportunity to another, such it is from one incarnation to another, one idea to another, from one philosophy to another, from the veil to awakening. See changes in life as ‘transitions.’ More understanding and acceptable than ‘endings and beginnings,’ for in transition, you see, reality is transformed not eliminated.

So embrace awakening, should you choose this path, as a transition into a larger life that retains everything useful. Some speak of leaving the body as a transition from one life to another. This is true but it is not the end of what you know, what you own. Life is full of transitions, movement, change. This keeps life fresh and new. Awakening is this kind of movement. Your sense of being makes the transition from limitation into freedom. Awakening is not the end of the journey, our brother, but a transition into a larger one.

When you evolve in consciousness to a clearer understanding of anything, that is a transition. Now, transitions, our brother, are processes and need to unfold in due order. Making the adjustment, or allowing it, we should say, is due process for what has been your foundation for understanding and engagement of life is changing. Be at peace with the process. Praise the gentleness of the natural flow of life. Learn from the process. Life is revealed through this. Much to experience, much to learn, much to enjoy, much to love. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
June 15, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 40: The miracle and potential of incarnation

JANU: Journeying today as one brings about a demarcation from the separation experience, due to the veil, and human identity. Let us bring about a reformation in the experience that restores a larger consciousness. Varying perspectives on awakening are centered on the central theme of return. For some it is as if you are visiting the place of your childhood and the memories and, in some cases, associations. Not unlimited experience compared to your current identity, but a fuller one. Not in the sense of childhood but in the reality of greater freedom, profound understanding, and unlimited life. No longer the human experience of aging, being fragile and vulnerable and uncertain perpetuated by society.

Some are concerned that this awakening means leaving incarnation, for how can one embrace the current incarnate life in the presence of such freedom? The incarnate life, our brother, was never designed to be what humanity has made of it, but something grander, with amazing potential for unlimited expression and experience. A joy in living and the wonder of it. A partnership with the larger reality of being. Only in ignorance does one assume that only the awakened consciousness and its reality is beautiful and wondrous.

The theme here is the return to connection of all life, not separating incarnate life, physical life, in any way. Just another plane of expression of a larger reality. See then, through awakening eyes and perception, the human experience grander than currently realized. The potential and magnificence of incarnate life was designed to be an expression of the larger life of freedom, the miracle of being. Not in opposition but part of the larger truth and an expression of it. Focus, then, our brother, on incarnate life being filled with the potential, the wonder, and miracles that are envisioned only for a more spiritual existence, see them combined into one truth with countless aspects and attributes.

The real human journey here, our brother, is an element of the flow of life. The Truth of Life, the Light if you will, is everywhere.
June 9, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 36: Multiple simultaneous incarnations

JANU: We are addressing your query, on the path of awakening, as to the True Nature. Your question is: Can your True Nature and does your True Nature incarnate in more than one species at a time, on more than one world?

As you understand your question, the answer is No. However, there is a reality that supports this notion of multiple identities existing simultaneously, in the presence of an ‘over-consciousness.’ What we mean by this, our brother, is that there is a reality of being that incorporates your True Nature, functioning as multiple True Natures, each independent of the others to a degree, allowing for focused experience in one incarnate species. The veil you refer to is part of this process, but also extends to the True Nature for each identity. Be aware that, in a larger truth of who you are, your beingness is far more complex than one human mind and one True Nature. Being conscious of, while incarnate, more than one True Nature is a bit challenging and not recommended at this time. Your question is valid. Your supposition is not. The question of a singular identity is not understood from the perspective of human identity perception or model of existence.

Your individual True Nature for your life stream is a steppingstone, so to speak, to a larger truth. All in good time, our brother, but not to the point of distraction from current opportunities. Much to be understood here, but not part of the human experience. Be at peace with this. Namaste.
June 3, 2016                                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 35: The natural flow of awakening includes many changes

JANU: We are opening then to what may seem to some as superfluous or irrelevant to awakening. But make no mistake, our brother. Instinctual patterns of behavior and emotions are primarily for procreation and survival in the incarnate life. These patterns of behavior and attitude no longer needed when survival is not based upon physical existence.

Now then, as identity shifts to include more and more of discarnate reality, these instinctual patterns become subject to reappraisal and modification. Surviving in the physical at all costs no longer has the same meaning, because issues of a larger nature transcend, and are more eternal. But awakening while incarnate calls for a shifting to a mixture of survival and discarnate life. Fear of death, based upon the unknown, changes. As you awaken, all becomes one life. With changes in form and parameters of existence, relationships and choices take on subtler meanings. With fewer fears, as the unknown becomes known and engaged, there comes a growing peace and a vitality not described by physical life alone.

Awakening changes everything, our brother, and life becomes richer. Allow the natural flow of the experience to unfold. Be aware of the changes and grow into the understanding of their wisdom. Let go of fears, no matter how seemingly instinctual. Be confident in these changes. You are an eternal being, with temporary experiences or, should we say, conditions of living. Embrace the motion of your life which some call change. Namaste.
June 2, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.

Awakening 28: Motivation to awaken

JANU: Some perceive that grandiose schemes lead to success. In the reality of awakening, grandiose is not the theme here. For the human desire for credit, aggrandizement, prestige, recognition with the plan that everyone is sure to observe and recognize and be in awe of, is a different kind of success. The simplicity of truth and the power of its eternal nature is awakening, our brother.

This addresses motivation for awakening and so-called reward or benefit. This is not a grandiose scheme or plan, but an enrichment of life into true freedom to be. Incarnate life in this way of understanding is true fulfillment. Drawing attraction from others is a distraction. Serving others, that they find freedom, leads to success, our brother. Profound understanding comes from simplicity. Awakening leads to perception which reveals truth.

So, what motive, then, is truly successful in the process of awakening? Awakening your consciousness to who you are and the nature of all life, is certainly a good beginning. Your relationship with materiality is far more important and useful than being in possession of it, for possession comes and goes. But a wisdom matures consciousness and it continues. The journey into materiality, into incarnation, need not remain in ignorance, but become a journey into understanding, contribution, realization of potential and service that grows, matures, expands, and a growing sense of being alive and part of a larger life.

There are always solutions and answers to questions and concerns. They are there encouraging you to discover. Awakening, our brother, is part of the solution on the journey of discovery. Continue to allow understanding to be yours. Namaste.
May 24, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.