
JANU: Predetermined at this time are the events of the day to include a tempering of tensions in the world to allow for cooler minded resolution to disturbances in the affairs of humanity. You ask, “Predetermined in what sense?” It is in the sense of the ongoingness of inspiring humanity to compromise with each other.

Throughout the universe and life, compromise is the balancing reality. Ideologies that do not allow for this are destined to encounter conflict. Successful leaders of nations in the history of the world have been adept at compromise. For you to gain what you need, others must gain what they need. And, not living in total isolation, compromise is essential. You ask, “How do you compromise with terrorists?” This includes containing their aggression by understanding their motivations, the root of their ideology, in finding compromise. Compromise does not mean the destruction of either party, but it does mean understanding each other when your proximities compel it.

Examine every day in your life and you will see that compromise is the path to success for everyone. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 10, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Confidence to create a better life

JANU: At the present moment, may we journey together, supporting peace in a troubled world. Instead of addressing directly personalities and egos of humanity, we choose instead to foster a supporting relationship with the True Natures of each and their conscience. Through this procedure, inspiring revelations of the benefits of True Peace and what humanity can become together in this way. In large measure, humanity’s condition of True Peace affects the nature of and timing of off-world contact and interaction. Those others who visit the Earth are very sensitive to humanity’s condition in this area. It limits greatly their openness, interaction, and support.

Humanity finding peace with each other is becoming crucial in the evolution of humanity. But True Peace is yet to be understood widely, certainly not as a powerful way of living and way of loving. So, the task is at hand to convey this understanding in many forms, many ways. Not as a teaching but as an inspiration. As True Peace becomes expressed in the lives of people, the results of which will be observed as proof of the merit of such a change in the ways of living, human suffering and homelessness, destitution, families in starvation and ill health will no longer be ignored as much as it is. Lifting each other becomes a way of life and not just waiting for the grief of others to find your doorstep, but being sensitive to the needs of others.

One form of this uplifting is inspiring the homeless that they have the ability to change their lives through a change in attitude of self-confidence and, yes, thoughtful introspection, encouraging people that they can do more, helping them find a path to accomplish this. The possibilities are many and reveal themselves to those who want to know. When someone is helped in this way and re-masters their life, what better witness to others who need inspiration?

Dec. 22, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A life of service

JANU: We are organizing, if you will, the legions that serve humanity that their focus is flexible, to blend well with many needs and conditions of humanity, human consciousness. A natural element of service is joy, and the legion of servers have this joy and evolve through their service to life. The tradition of service, the nature and content of it, is endless in variety, variety of form, of ability, gifts if you will. Those who participate look for, and are aware of, the opportunities to serve that match their ability, their interests.

As we have mentioned before, the Family of Life is vast. Many times the results of those who serve are new additions to the life of service. Many who serve humanity and others are as what you would call “multi-taskers,” their involvement simultaneously occurs. There are those of other worlds, not necessarily human, who serve life as we have done on occasion. An interesting opportunity to serve those who are convinced they are alone in life without interfering with their perceptions of choice. The wisdom of the True Natures of each must be understood and respected, for each one is on the path they have chosen. So much of service, our brother, is unknown by those who are served. Impatience has no place in this, for impatience runs roughshod over people’s destiny, experience, and timing.
The life of service on all levels is rich indeed. A worthy study, for service does not just include people, or beings. It includes all of life, all of creation, and beyond. So what is it you have to give to life? Consider this carefully and what is needed. Listen while observing life around you and you will know. Namaste.
Dec. 23, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Giving and Receiving  

JANU: With much of the world’s attention placed upon the Christmas season, there is much to be grateful for, especially each other. That’s the source of the miracles in life: each other. For what humanity can achieve in understanding, creativity, and the enrichment of life is more wondrous than you might imagine. Humanity’s potential and achievements are the promise of the future.

Let this be the season of enrichment through giving, transforming those who take into those who receive, and those who accumulate into those who give. The season then is that of giving and receiving. Allow your richness, your wealth, to be the voluntary giving to others. Giving and receiving is the key for they are the two sides of the same coin, and the coin does not exist without them. And the coin casts a golden light upon both. This is pure balance of the flow of life and is the secret to its continuing.

There are those who walk the Earth that live this path fully, and those yet to learn it, not recognizing the strength inherent in those who live this way. Their legacy, to each other and to life, will live forever. And life responds in kind. Humanity receives much from the Earth, a living reality. May humanity find balance with the Earth.

Living this way is a masterful life that lives in the flow and finds true freedom in so many ways, a fundamental understanding of the spirit of Christmas as part of every day. Namaste.

Dec. 24, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

There is another related post along these lines.



Reaching for the stars

JANU: We are Janu speaking, enamored of the opportunity to reach for the stars, as you put it. A worthy ambition for everyone to always reach peacefully and share the achievement with the rest of life, for service, you see, is not limited to each other. Service is unlimited. Our life is everywhere, and every when, and all connected.

Being all you can be is not a destination, an end goal, but a continuous life process. Investing in this manner in your existence brings untold riches in opportunity and consciousness and service to life. Reaching for the stars, then, is an unlimited yet immediate opportunity. Whatever you experience that you are capable of, there is more. Having a foundation of peace, more than frustration, anxiety, self-limiting thoughts and feelings serves you well. In a foundation of peace, the elements of life integrate harmoniously and that includes you.

How then does one reach for that which they are unaware of? By being open to and expecting more than you know. Faith, yes. Belief, yes. Loving life, yes. Integrity, yes. Peace, yes. Standing in your truth, yes. Being honest with yourself and others, yes. Giving what you can, yes. Listening to the truth of others with sensitivity and compassion, yes. Forgiving yourself and others, yes. Gratitude, yes.

This is not a weak way to live, our brother. It is a strong way to live. Open to change yet solid in what you know. Integrity filled with conviction, confidence, yet open to change. This is the future of humanity and even more. Believe in each other. Honor each other. Value each other. As do we. Namaste.

Dec. 6, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are encouraging then at this time the behavior of humanity towards introspection. Not for self-condemnation but for enlightenment. A growing self-respect, love of self, and understanding of their circumstance and their nature, a vision for each one of more that they can be. Introspection is a worthwhile activity for it reveals that which has been hidden by the ego as too painful to reveal. But it also inspires the inner power to do so, the inner genius to bring clarity, the inner strength to move on and let go of self-limiting and imprisoning emotions, attitudes, and memories. It changes the relationship with everything, allows more honesty and freedom to move about in consciousness and life and in creativity, and, in due course, reveals the power, the beauty, the wonder of relationships.

Seeing yourself in another, and seeing them in you, is a great trust builder and allows bonding, mutual respect and support. Look deep within each one and each one will find a treasure bringing richness to everything else. Introspection is welcomed, responded to, by the rest of your being, for it is there waiting to be discovered, implemented, and allowed to blossom in the Light.

This path brings clarity, honesty, focus and resolution of all inner conflicts and finds strength, genius, and capacities for wondrous experiences. Make time in the life for introspection, building a foundation for exploring life more fully and awakening. A simple message this morning, our brother, but a powerful one. Take a look within and be in awe of what you see. Namaste.
Dec. 13, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




JANU: We are encircling, if you will, the needs of humanity and settling upon self-confidence, confidence in each one’s ability to engage the present and the future and to successfully engage all memories.

Confidence comes from successful experience and an awareness of, and ownership of, your own nature. When one’s identity is limited to the incarnate life, then there is a lack of awareness of their True Nature, and power and genius beyond it. So what is encouraged here is a growing conscious relationship with who you are and what you’re capable of. You are capable of great generosity, compassion, moments of insight and genius, a warmth and glow that can lift others, patience, endurance, and tolerance, forgiveness, and love. As you apply these to any degree to your life, you will experience results that bring confidence to continue.

When in doubt as to outcome of choices, be confident that solutions are always present at the heart of every challenge and opportunity. Have the confidence to continue in every endeavor that you feel right about. Follow the guidance of your own conscience. You are never alone in any endeavor. Truth exists and walks with you. Namaste.

Dec. 11, 2014 B                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Thresholds to come

JANU:    Let us be enlightened, this time, on some of the peaks to be reached on this journey, or should we say thresholds, for each achievement leads to another.

One such threshold will be clear vision and choice. Another threshold will be well-being in the body. Another threshold: true peace of mind. Another threshold: the gift of insight into everything, including others. Another threshold: direct communication with the creatures of the Earth, in their own knowing. Another threshold: the gift of healing, as others touch the ‘hem of the garment’ and heal themselves, marveling at the beauty of life that they are. Another threshold: the gift of traveling in consciousness, with profound clarity. Another threshold: intimate communication and connection with lifestreams in other realities and on other worlds. Another threshold: the ability to radiate peace and encouragement. Another threshold: the witnessing of the alternative to religion to meet the needs of awakening people into new life and mastery.

So you see, our brother, the future is rich with opportunity, better in every way, certainly worthy of the journey. Namaste.

Nov. 29, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

High quality understanding and the truth of life

JANU: Let us begin, by announcing that any engagement on our part on this journey is to inspire humanity to find love and respect for themselves, to reclaim their power as co-creators, to bring love to life and, in so doing, lift the creatures in the life around them as well. We encourage freedom of spirit for understanding of expression and a noble life. Humanity is bound for greatness, to be a light to themselves and others, and other worlds as well. Everywhere in the world among you there are individuals and groups who embody this and desire this for everyone: personal integrity and honor, and service.

What does it mean, then, to love life above all else that it expand and prosper and become fulfilled? It is desiring everything life desires for you. It is designed for your success, happiness and awakening. All of creation, our brother, is more beautiful than you can imagine. Peace and harmony are at the core of it, and joy as well. So listen well to your inner desire. Be at peace and open the doorway to the genius that is your nature. Grow stronger through helping others. When you desire for the success of another, Life hears the call and will work through you to meet it as your motivation is in harmony with life. Be diligent and forgiving of yourself. Be at peace.

Nov. 16, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Discovering who you are

JANU: We are surveying this opportunity to proceed along the line of humanity understanding itself. How does one go about exploring oneself? It depends upon the purpose of the exploration. The goal, if you will. To become more conscious of the truth of yourself, of your thoughts, of your emotions, of your choices, of your relationships, of your dreams and ambitions, how you care for your body, and your ability to change, is a path of discovery that never ends, for you are changing even during the observation, you see, and the observing is feeding the change.

So, you ask, “Why pursue such a seemingly difficult path?” Is it any more difficult than living in ignorance, the master of nothing, bouncing around through life, waiting for life to happen? Discovering the truth, and owning it, of who you are, what you are becoming, is a grand path for a richer life. For most are filled with so many blockages, contradictions and confusion to these questions, it is a wonder to ponder the awakening for many. Even though the theme this evening is introspection, considering others and the manner you do this reveals to you much of who you are.

Self-evolution and refinement is not for you alone but the life you are part of and the life you will become. Allow yourself to observe in truth. No recriminations here, or retribution or condemnation, but the claiming of your power to be the truth of who you are. Namaste.

Nov. 13, 2014 B               Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross