Confidence to create a better life

JANU: At the present moment, may we journey together, supporting peace in a troubled world. Instead of addressing directly personalities and egos of humanity, we choose instead to foster a supporting relationship with the True Natures of each and their conscience. Through this procedure, inspiring revelations of the benefits of True Peace and what humanity can become together in this way. In large measure, humanity’s condition of True Peace affects the nature of and timing of off-world contact and interaction. Those others who visit the Earth are very sensitive to humanity’s condition in this area. It limits greatly their openness, interaction, and support.

Humanity finding peace with each other is becoming crucial in the evolution of humanity. But True Peace is yet to be understood widely, certainly not as a powerful way of living and way of loving. So, the task is at hand to convey this understanding in many forms, many ways. Not as a teaching but as an inspiration. As True Peace becomes expressed in the lives of people, the results of which will be observed as proof of the merit of such a change in the ways of living, human suffering and homelessness, destitution, families in starvation and ill health will no longer be ignored as much as it is. Lifting each other becomes a way of life and not just waiting for the grief of others to find your doorstep, but being sensitive to the needs of others.

One form of this uplifting is inspiring the homeless that they have the ability to change their lives through a change in attitude of self-confidence and, yes, thoughtful introspection, encouraging people that they can do more, helping them find a path to accomplish this. The possibilities are many and reveal themselves to those who want to know. When someone is helped in this way and re-masters their life, what better witness to others who need inspiration?

Dec. 22, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross