Why awaken?

JANU: We are welcoming again this opportunity to proceed with the journey into the larger life. Some may say the incarnate life is large enough, as they attempt to master it, based on their perceptions. Awakening to the larger life is the resumption of consciousness beyond the veiled incarnate existence and is a return.

Which still begs the question, “How does this journey, this awakening, benefit or enhance incarnate existence in a practical way?” It does, our brother, because solutions to the queries of incarnate life are larger, at times, than veiled understandings. Life is so much vaster and complex, with wisdom, understanding, and experience, it can’t help but bring clarity to unanswered questions.

Human nature is a study in itself, not easy to master for even it is in flux. Imagine the depth and breadth of your True Nature, which has experienced this sojourn and so many other realities. Not only this, our brother. An awakened consciousness has available to it the truth of the past, the present, and the future, anywhere, any time, any Now. How many times must you walk a path to re-invent your experiences, your understandings, but not retaining these consciously? Yes, each journey has its nuances, for nothing is exactly the same no matter how many times it exists.

These questions persist with many and, with patience and repetition, we hope to inspire victories over ignorance. The larger life exists, our brother, and always has. The veiled life is part of it but not all of it. It isn’t just other beings that welcome you home, in a sense, but your own True Nature. Namaste, our brother.
July 27, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: We are patterning today to bring out latent confidences. The challenge is not new understandings, new realities, new capabilities. The challenge is to become them. Remembering previous experience and abilities brings confidence. Realizing you have done this before, many times, melts the barriers of incredibility. So we focus this day on having done this before.

The first approach, the first step, is remembering what was accomplished with these abilities and they bring credibility to the capability. Allow memory, then, of a previous existence in another world where you and your compatriots were the Wisdom Guides for different cultures, tapping into the memories of those you served to bring them their confidence of their own abilities. Now, these achievements were not calculated, manipulated, or engineered into existence. They came more naturally by opening to their reality without the conditioning of others who had no understanding.

Now, one learns rather quickly that the dispensing of specific wisdom tailored for an individual or small group can ultimately bypass their own efforts and earnings or ability by being an easier path than owned achievements. So, what is wisdom, our brother? Shared understanding, but not bypassing the strength-building, confidence-building reach for awakening.

Yes, awakening is a personal experience with measures of wisdom, of support and inspiration. We of the Brotherhood of Light have long served in this way. It takes patience, thoughtfulness, and a history of experience, with caring and loving monitoring of what unfolds. This is knowledge you already have, our brother, which describes your reluctance to be a so-called ‘teacher’ in the ordinary sense of your world. We are not here to carry you, but to inspire. Inspiration based upon your deep desires and truth that lives within you.

We speak of associations and collaborations. A developing and deepening wisdom is key to this. The true inspiration of another serves both equally. In different ways at times, but never to the expense of another’s opportunity of self-realization. But the march of life goes on, our brother, and no matter your proficiency, the desire remains to be helpful and serve life in harmony with its nature. If one is lifted, one lifts themselves, then all are lifted, our brother.

Ponder wisdom carefully, patiently, foundationed in a peaceful love of life. Namaste.

July 21, 2016                                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The rationale for these journeys

JANU: Unencumbered as we are, we seek to engage the lifting of the veil, so to speak, to our human consciousness. It is an opportunity to serve the incarnate Earth human reality in a way that may inspire individual and collective sovereignty.

It is one thing to speak of the larger life and quite another to walk it. These preparations in perception of consciousness, character, personality, open-mindedness, discernment, and love of life are a preamble, so to speak. These journeys are opportunities to individually explore, for yourself and in groups, of what we speak. One can be led to an understanding, a reality, but the individual or group must walk the truth of this for the experience and the wisdom. Words may point the way, but that’s all they can do. As with any journey, all is not discovered or experienced at once. But the magic in any part of the journey speaks of the rest of it.

Freedom can be a giddy experience, but what better gift can you give to yourself? What better way to teach another than how you live? We invite you to understand and experience our realities and the ones that lie beyond. We are all the Brotherhood of Light, in one form or another. We draw near you, all of our brothers and sisters in the Light, and bid you welcome. You have never been alone on this journey of awakening, but your choices have always been respected, for they are part of your freedom, your sovereignty.

Allow yourselves to be close to the truth of a larger life, a larger identity, a larger experience and memory. The veil has allowed humanity to build a perception of separation, an unseen border between incarnate life and the larger life. It is only perception, our brother, for a purpose. A maturing consciousness no longer settles for this, and yearns for more, suspects a reality of life far richer. Leaving incarnation to realize this is not what we suggest. Open to the truth wherever you’re at, whatever you are doing, whoever you think you are. Namaste.

July 14, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.



JANU: With rectitude, let us continue this pursuit of reckoning with the prevailing winds of consciousness wafting through life. The confusions remain in the consciousnesses of those who would be leaders of countries, of nations. You ask, “What would focus these individuals on the true destiny of people and society?” Most of their focus is upon social consciousness, traditions, and winnowing through layers of so-called power, politics, and legalities. “Where is the wisdom,” you ask, “the perception that penetrates through so many distractions?”

There are many beings, our brother, who have observed and attempted to inspire those in the position to guide humanity into a life richer in realization of potential and constructive destiny. Another reason for a larger life consciousness, you see, taking advantage of more of the Truth of Life and the constant changes that rejuvenate and show the way. The Earth has been observed and inspired in this way, even before its viability. It has been part of a larger plan, a larger possibility. Awakening, our brother, well-placed reveals this.

Your own True Nature is part of this, so allow that wisdom to be part of your contribution to changes in leadership. Not just at the top of politics and government, you see, but throughout society. There is unrecognized genius everywhere. Your own True Nature is one with this.

What we look for here is enlightened leadership. There are those who are capable of this, but unknown to those who struggle with old forms of power. Let not current representatives of this power bind you in any way from the vision we speak of. The Truth of Life is easy to see when open to it, and is ready when allowed. Namaste, our brother.

July 13, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Inspiration to an awakened life

JANU: We are putting together then an announcement to bring hope to the millions who journey in their own way of awakening. Let it be known that the larger life is keenly aware of all of these. No one awakens alone. Their journeys in life are known, encouraged, supported, and to varying degrees guided. The larger Family of Life is more than just an unknown number of beings, but life in motion everywhere, in every reality.

To all who endeavor, be of good cheer. The unawakened life has no hold over you. The seeming insignificance of the moment of social activities and interests are part of a much larger reality. Vision, wisdom, strength, understanding is at your fingertips, so to speak. Be enthusiastic and confident that there is more of life in store for you. The seeming ignorance of national leaders, politicians, legalities, and, yes, even religion as practiced have no hold over you save what you give them.

The John Lennon song “Imagine” speaks volumes and is inspiring. Find peace and joy that the larger life is real, everywhere around you and in you. Open the doors of your consciousness to these realities and enter. Namaste.

July 12, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Awakening 48: Momentums

JANU: We are pointing out that momentum plays a key role in awakening. The momentum of repetition in allowing an awakening experience. Momentum in the assimilation, application of insights. Momentum in the thrust of life being less impeded. Momentum in the nature of change. Momentum in the deepening and developing of faculties. Momentum in confidence and the revelation of truth in all you do. Momentum in the expansion of consciousness and engagements in what you become aware of. Momentum in the maintenance of health that the physical part of your experience remains adaptable and at peace. Momentum in your caring for others, their well being and their understanding. Momentum in the successes of your own life.

It is true, our brother, movement from the consciousness of competition to one of collaboration, mutual support, and sharing what you have with others, and accepting the gifts of their existence is a building experience. When you attune, go within, see the truth around you with regularity, and new experiences, your systems of life, of living, anticipate each encounter, each rejuvenation, each new experience. You become what you would call ‘pregnant with life,’ giving birth to creativity, changes, and opportunities for yourself and for others, giving new meaning to ‘being wealthy.’

So, build your momentums with patience, commitment, and a joy, as life gives birth again and again in your day. Namaste, our brother.
June 17, 2016                                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 47: Angels assisting awakening

JANU: We are assembling then that needed to provoke, if you will, a certain response in the consciousness, triggering the beginnings of awakening. By this we mean, a sensation or signal from within, an angel-like figure, if you will, that touches the mind and the heart and the spirit at the same time. It brings conviction there is life beyond what you have known. This experience is not to startle you but to welcome you.

We are not speaking of full awakening here, but the beginnings of it, to the degree that you are conscious of it. As we have said, this is a process. For some, the process has begun but still unaware, unconscious of it. This experience makes it more real. Your heart and your mind and your spirit consciously become one, nurtured by your True Nature, who you truly are. This call is unbeckoned but given when open to it. This is more real than any distractions of the day. Recognize it when it comes.

Similar experiences occur when thresholds of awakening ensue. When the heart and the spirit and the mind are aligned in this way, a moment of joy, peace, and acceptance of your life as OK occurs. In time, the fruits of this include seeing others in the same way.

Angels have served in this way, always. The relationship between them and your True Nature has always existed. Angels assist you because it is their nature to do so. Not for reward, but for fulfillment of their own being. They know your desire to be free, to love life, and to enrich it. Life takes care of you, our brother, and you are part of that life. Why wouldn’t it? Anticipate those moments of joy, happiness, and freedom. They will surely come. When they do, understand why they’re there. Namaste.
June 16, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Generosity: a good day

After spending a lunch hour with my wife visiting her former colleagues, I had this attunement.

JANU: An interesting day, indeed. The healing of the hand has begun for that teacher. The warmth of renewed fond memories have been a blessing for the others on your day’s journey. Such events are a blessing beyond words or philosophies. Being a conduit for a touch beyond limitation will become a more frequent occurrence. When one is inspired by a quiet touch with fond memory, it lingers in the spirit, in the thoughts and emotions. Generosity, our brother, breeds generosity. That is a wise model for any day or interaction with others. Humanity needs this more and more. Feeling rich within, by its nature, wants to be passed on. Invest your blessings in others. Part of the flow of life, you see. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

May 12, 2016 B                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The twelve messiahs

JANU: We are surveying at this time that which belongs to a group of concerned citizens of humanity that wish to become one with those of like mind. These adventurers, explorers if you will, reach into the finer regions of life to excel in their quest to rise above the mundane and deliver new understandings to humanity. Let us say that each one of these will become an evolving ‘messiah’ so to speak, that pattern, for it is in their hearts to be that true. These citizens are from various countries and communicate connected by common desire. They are already gifted in this way and will not be identified by mortals that would oppose them or take advantage. There are twelve of these, and their knowledge already transcends the Earth experience. We wish them well this evening and encourage them. Namaste, our brother.

May 10 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


What is beauty?

JANU:    We are encouraged by the beautiful music recurring in the memory. You ask, “What is beauty, that can be seen in so many forms?” It is an image, a reflection, an expression of the truth within you, your True Nature, its depth and purpose. How can you see what does not live within you?

You’ve asked for the source of that beauty. It is who you are, our brother. This is why we encourage your perceptions be from your True Nature, who you are. See life in this way. Even that described as ‘not beautiful’ by those who can not see.

Purposefully and deliberately, see the beauty in everyone, one at a time. Each one has their own beauty. Not seeing this, the lacking is not in them but in the observer. This is why something you find beautiful repeats itself as it plays through your memory, your consciousness, your emotions. Consider carefully that which you seem not to be able to see beauty in. Call upon your True Nature to open your eyes. This benefits you and the one you observe, and you will remember what beauty is. Enjoy the journey of beauty, our brother. Namaste.
Mar. 23, 2016 B                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross