Awakening 47: Angels assisting awakening

JANU: We are assembling then that needed to provoke, if you will, a certain response in the consciousness, triggering the beginnings of awakening. By this we mean, a sensation or signal from within, an angel-like figure, if you will, that touches the mind and the heart and the spirit at the same time. It brings conviction there is life beyond what you have known. This experience is not to startle you but to welcome you.

We are not speaking of full awakening here, but the beginnings of it, to the degree that you are conscious of it. As we have said, this is a process. For some, the process has begun but still unaware, unconscious of it. This experience makes it more real. Your heart and your mind and your spirit consciously become one, nurtured by your True Nature, who you truly are. This call is unbeckoned but given when open to it. This is more real than any distractions of the day. Recognize it when it comes.

Similar experiences occur when thresholds of awakening ensue. When the heart and the spirit and the mind are aligned in this way, a moment of joy, peace, and acceptance of your life as OK occurs. In time, the fruits of this include seeing others in the same way.

Angels have served in this way, always. The relationship between them and your True Nature has always existed. Angels assist you because it is their nature to do so. Not for reward, but for fulfillment of their own being. They know your desire to be free, to love life, and to enrich it. Life takes care of you, our brother, and you are part of that life. Why wouldn’t it? Anticipate those moments of joy, happiness, and freedom. They will surely come. When they do, understand why they’re there. Namaste.
June 16, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.