Integrating incarnate life with larger life

JANU: We are forming then conclusions at the onset of this series of journeys that bring into view the destiny of humanity at long last.

When reviewing the human journey, it is filled with, as you say, twists and turns. And, in due course, the nature of the individual says “Enough!” and something new and original is inspired. Something new to the human journey, that is. What we are exploring here is the merging of the entire being into one multi-faceted truth, consciously. The experimentations of the human journey to present give way to something grander: an integration of the larger life and the human experience while incarnate. An interesting opportunity and challenge.

Some would say life is complicated enough, but the complications are born of ignorance, isolated consciousness, and confusion. The truth, our brother, is not confusing. It is revelatory. It brings unexplained thoughts and perceptions into focus, into resolution, opening the opportunity for grander understanding and interests rather than the repetition of perceptions. We continue to explore motivations for awakening and change.

Take a moment, our brother, and ponder and open to a new understanding of anything of interest.

You have chosen sentient life on another world. The beginning of this journey is another world with human consciousness, genetically similar but not a duplicate, if you will. These beings have always had an inkling into the larger life, common knowledge and experience. In ways you’ve yet to understand, their path encourages, stimulates, and beckons Earth humanity’s journey. They are growing in awareness of Earth-like worlds, worlds like theirs, diverse but genetically human, with different stages of awakening.

They have their questions as well. Still confused as to why their progression seems to have plateaued. They have bi-location ability, levitation, and telepathy, stable health patterns, relative peace, but a hunger for more, you see, for their senses detect this and their common desire is to move on, to evolve, to embrace a larger reality. And because life is one, these urges, these desires in their world touch Earth humanity subtly and draw this out of Earth humanity, here and there.

When you attune to the larger life, and open to experiencing its reality, be aware that you will be touched as you touch, and new perceptions and understandings become yours as well. We who are not incarnate have this same experience with many. Life is drawing together, our brother, marshalling, if you will, its resources for new thresholds to be explored and created. The awakening of humanity is but one.

Earth, an island, so to speak, in a sea of life, whose shores are absorbing more of life. What appears as an island is at one with the rest of the world behind appearances while the ocean of uncertainty that seems to hide the truth that lies beneath. Allow depth of your consciousness, your interests and desires, your True Nature to journey, as do we. Namaste, our brother.

July 15, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Character and the larger life

JANU:    Of the reasons, our brother, for incarnating on the Earth is included preparation for, through experience and wisdom-gaining, serving life in other venues. So you see, your incarnate life is one of the many keys to serving in the larger life.

The Earth is a wondrous platform for many of these opportunities and must be considered a significant part of the larger life you are awakening to. Other worlds have their conditions, some like those of the Earth and some not. It is possible to serve other incarnate consciousnesses, beings if you will, in their environment even when not incarnate, as well as in consciousness when incarnate. As you are aware, human civilization provides endless opportunities to experience service and to be served. The true nature of service, our brother, is giving and receiving. Balance is always a part of the motion of life.

As we journey the stars, so to speak, remember that your sun is one of them and the Earth is not the only world in your system with opportunities to serve. Be open to those travelers who visit your vicinity. The true nature of service applies there as well. As you develop greater understanding and abilities to serve and be served, these associations and collaborations will develop. So, you see, our relationship on these journeys provides many opportunities. This is part of understanding life, interactions and relationships ever-changing, evolving, seeming to appear out of nowhere, but there they are.

Kindness is welcomed and provides service wherever you travel. You need not be familiar with anyone to provide this. Be aware of those expressions of being that are universal. Kindness is one; there are many others. Kindness touches the spirit and is remembered, especially the result of that kindness. There are many ways to touch life, our brother. Even listening with a clear heart and consciousness is a great kindness. Allow others to understand themselves and their circumstance and their concerns by mirroring them.

What we are addressing here, our brother, is character and qualities to engage the larger life. Allow your human experience to be only part of your consciousness. Everyone is so much more than they know. Namaste, our brother.

July 12, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Inspiration to an awakened life

JANU: We are putting together then an announcement to bring hope to the millions who journey in their own way of awakening. Let it be known that the larger life is keenly aware of all of these. No one awakens alone. Their journeys in life are known, encouraged, supported, and to varying degrees guided. The larger Family of Life is more than just an unknown number of beings, but life in motion everywhere, in every reality.

To all who endeavor, be of good cheer. The unawakened life has no hold over you. The seeming insignificance of the moment of social activities and interests are part of a much larger reality. Vision, wisdom, strength, understanding is at your fingertips, so to speak. Be enthusiastic and confident that there is more of life in store for you. The seeming ignorance of national leaders, politicians, legalities, and, yes, even religion as practiced have no hold over you save what you give them.

The John Lennon song “Imagine” speaks volumes and is inspiring. Find peace and joy that the larger life is real, everywhere around you and in you. Open the doors of your consciousness to these realities and enter. Namaste.

July 12, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Willingness to allow

JANU: ‘At will’ is the theme for this journey, meaning: “What are you willing to be? What are you willing to allow in changes in your life?”

When engaging the larger life, what role does your will have to play, and how does it engage and interact with the willingness of countless venues of life, beings, worlds, realities? Are you willing to have what some humans would call a small or insignificant role or do you require importance? How diverse is your willingness to be part of life? And are you willing to respect the will of another, even the flow of life? What are your desires, as opportunities become apparent?

Even this journey, our brother, evolves. Willingness is not static or fixed. It is very fluid. Listening to life, no matter how it’s portrayed or embodied, is as important as expressing your involvement, your being, your desires. Being compatible with the rest of life does not mean being invisible. It is still choices, our brother. And what makes a wise choice?

This understanding is worthy of consideration. When negotiating, counseling, making agreements, contributions, and new associations, allow listening and understanding to blend with expression and decision-making. Listening, our brother, includes far more than words or thoughts. It is an experience filled with sensations, impressions, responses, and touches all that you are. The human mind is dominantly binary, one thing and another. The larger life, the larger consciousness, the larger reality is a mixture of everything, with selected involvements and relationships and, yes, associations.

What we refer to here is a departure from consciousness with borders, limitations, individuality, separation to one with inclusion, breadth and depth far-ranging and adaptable. Not everyone can embrace this in the same way or at this point in their lives. But this is all part of life, our brother, that includes everything.

Whatever journey the consciousness is walking, see the beauty behind it and in its destiny. Your willingness and theirs play a role in the larger life. Be true to your example of being. Allow them theirs. Share what you may. Be as allowing as the flow of life. Embrace the larger life and its realities in this way. Namaste, our brother.
July 8, 2016                                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Appreciating the value of each element of life

JANU:    How is it, then, that humanity needs encouragement to embrace the larger life of which the Earth life is a part? It is the nature of evolution, our brother, that element of life that is subject to so many influences yet, at the same time, has a destiny. This is not just a time/space issue, you see, or influence. But one must consider from the larger point of view the countless elements of existence that touch each other. The destiny of any species, and its evolution, does not occur in isolation. The inspirations that we offer are part of this larger tapestry of life, not the only influence or inspiration but part of many. As many individuals that exist, whether conscious incarnate or not, there are constant elements of evolution at play. Even a passing thought, our brother, of interest plays a role. These journeys we take and have compiled are only part of a larger movement of life, and even they are created by so many influences, beings, circumstance, interactions.

So, describing awakening, evolution, and destiny in words is futile. Even the perception of these is limited. So the question becomes: why proceed? Because these elements of life, our brother, are part of the magic that is life and consciousness is raised in so many ways. So compare not any contribution to the raising of consciousness to any other. You proceed because it serves life, without requiring to see the whole picture, you see. The whole picture exists, and is evolving, but each piece of the puzzle is as important as any other to complete the picture. Everything is of value.

The larger life is not defined by time/space. That is only part of it and it all coexists and is one. It is difficult for the human oriented consciousness, conditioned by society, to see everything as of equal value. Learn to perceive, to appreciate the value of any part of life on its own merit, without comparison. A peaceful way to live, free of judgement, condemnation, diminished value. Everything matters, our brother, at all times. On this foundation, explore life, every journey, every encounter, every endeavor. Namaste.

July 7, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Nature spirits

JANU: We would have you experience the nature creatures of life. Some are small. Some are large. Their existence is more instinctual than self-determined. They exist in your world most everywhere. They are part of the flow of life as a natural element. They draw near even as we speak. Yes, you are sensing their presence as they come and go, and flit about, so to speak. They are calling you to join them, if only for a moment. Being sensitive to their existence yields opportunities to participate in their reality and learn from each other about each other. They are more sensitive to natural energies than most people, for their intimacy and bond with the flow of life is in this way.

Now, nature spirits include those that are much larger and hover in the atmosphere, especially in the upper regions. They participate in storms to draw upon the energies and can be called upon to a degree to manipulate weather. Some of these can change their size at will to bring about changes in perspective. They marvel at your holiday fireworks displays but find them unsettling. They attempt to emulate them but the result is not the same.

These realities of being explore life by mimicking what they experience. They don’t know why. It is like a child mimicking a parent, attempting to discover and become. Taking care of nature as a gardener or just a caring individual attracts their attention and they slowly draw near, to understand and at times participate. As with so much of life, those that live in its realities have their roles to play, sharing purpose and contribution to life. As we said, not always understanding why, for their motivations are instinctual, but they are learning.

These are all part of the Earth’s consciousness, and have a long tradition. There are countless varieties. They’re a part of many realities, contributing to the tapestry of life in so many different ways. Much to learn and become conscious of. A wondrous experience. Namaste, our brother.
July 4, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The seven: Patterning a world with peace

JANU: The title you have chosen for this series is appropriate: Associations and Collaborations. That is exactly what we embrace. To begin with this morning, let us return to that which has been established, the seven who are one. They have a message and it is this, our brother.

JR: Greetings, Seven. You may proceed.

SEVEN: Yes, and gratefully so, for we are establishing here a pathway to grander things. The associations and collaborations you speak of are not all new, but are ongoing. They dovetail nicely into an expansion of these.

One such association and collaboration includes the establishment of peace and its true reality on other worlds, in other communities. What we visit here at this time is an established effort progressing on a world teeming with life but more primitive than your own. Giving peace a foothold in the development of burgeoning civilization will help bring the wisdom needed to achieve greater things than wars have ever achieved. This world lies within a Barminian cluster of stars and worlds thirteen parsecs from your own.

As you can see, our brother, your associations are not limited to your vicinity. As a matter of fact, your current location of incarnation is more remote than your history.

This world of which we speak has been in existence a very short time, a thousand millennia, but it is developing rapidly. The contribution of peace in this world assists in the organization of basic structure, meaning molecularly and atomically, as well as relationships between the elements of nature. This contribution of peace has a strong bearing upon the rate of development and its outcome for a world.

Contributions in consciousness of this nature are a grand service to life and are creative, for the patterns of existence are patterned by these. We shall continue with this, our brother, as you understand. Namaste.

June 29, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. 


Seven consciousnesses in harmony as one

JANU: We are Janu speaking, encouraging then at this time a proceeding into the next wave, if you will, of journeys into awakening. These have to do with becoming more aware of opportunities in your life—yes, in the lives of others—choosing the ones that appeal to you and fulfilling them. This is a journey, our brother, into the larger family of life.

This phase of journeys deals with the larger issues and more fundamental in the management of life. So even though life has larger opportunities, subtler ones you are yet aware of, your choices are under your management. The more you function and are conscious as your True Nature, you become more emblematic of the future of humanity and life beyond that. There are many in your family of associations, experience, who await your return, bringing your experience to these associations. They have theirs to share as well, our brother.

Your perspective, your point of view is changing. What is important to you is growing. Honoring your integrity is more important than ever. Who you are is far richer than your human identity and experience. Let us begin this adventure, if you will, by becoming aware of this larger family.

There are seven consciousnesses in your vicinity at this time, holding the Light so to speak, showing the way, inspiring. These associations will remain with you until it’s time for change. This is a beginning. These come from diverse backgrounds with a loving nature, whom you have known before. And they know you very well. They know who you are and what you are becoming. And await your invitation to proceed.

JR:       Thank you, seven brothers in the Light, for this opportunity. May we fulfill it together, beginning now.

SEVEN: Yes, our brother. We speak with one voice, seven consciousnesses in harmony as one, not unlike you and your True Nature and your beloved Janu. We accept your invitation and are proceeding even as we speak. We are your anchor point on your journey into the larger life, honoring your integrity as you honor ours.

You are correct. We correspond to the seven chakras, the seven levels of consciousness, the seven miracles of existence, and the seven initial paths of awakening to a larger life.

JR: Thank you, Seven. We are one. Namaste. Thank you, my brother Janu and the Brotherhood of Light. Namaste.
June 28, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Awakening 56: A new series coming

JANU: We have been establishing then a baseline for understanding awakening and the experiences that ensue. We would conclude, at this time, this phase of this series, to begin again in due course, taking these to a new threshold having more to do with associations with others and the wide ranging endeavors, projects if you will, that are employed in the larger life. That will be our focus in the new series. Thank you for your commitment to these. More to come, our brother. Namaste.

June 27, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 54: Building a bridge to the larger life

JANU: We are assembling this morning that needed to understand and to perceive a dialogue between the True Nature and the human consciousness. Yes, in our situation, Janu is the intermediary, the translator, the permanent interface created by the desire of the human consciousness to communicate and the creative wisdom and ability of the True Nature. We are not suggesting that this arrangement is for everyone, but some arrangement is needed.

What triggers this arrangement, the creation of it, is strong desire of the human individual to know more, to reconnect, to be in harmony with who they truly are. And in the manner possible, they experience this. Not for curiosity, but to enhance the life, make wiser choices, understand themselves and each other, serve life and explore it. Casual interest, entertainment, does not create this.

Now, you observe some who exhibit certain perceptions, capabilities that speak to this. Much they brought with them, our brother, through incarnation. Incarnating is not a black and white situation, you see. Many nuances, many variables that change with time, activity, and experiences, and the movement and creation of desires. In a sense, you grow into this. Life is not ignorant of its elements. Everything, in one way or another, touches everything else and is known.

The models of creation serve well those who employ it. A model of ignorance, privacy, isolation, abuse of power, fear, all of these are creations fulfilling desires, choices, attitudes. This one through whom we speak has created what we call a “yes/no” signaling system that can be applied to any interest instantly. So, you see, awakening is not something you wait for, but allow, embrace, and fulfill. When the urge is within, it is time. Everyone in their life experience is where they chose to be, and continue to choose. Life does not find fault with this, but only serves, supports your choices.

Building a bridge, so to speak, to the larger life that you are is built in such a way that it is compatible with what you can accept. Desire the truth, the purity of being. Be honest with yourself. Grow in your love for who you are. Share that love with the rest of life. Find a growing peace within and allow life to unfold, employing the wisdom of who you are. This bridge evolves, is always under construction. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Walk into your future, at one with your True Nature, as you go in your awakening and the enlightenment that comes. Namaste to all.
June 24, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.