Awakening 52:   Exploring the future

JANU: We are forecasting or foretelling the movement of humanity through the history yet to come some call the future. This movement resembles, to a degree, the path of other worlds, civilization, yet still unique in its own way.

As humanity awakens, society changes. Consciousness changes, as do relationships, and what is important, goals and ideals, and embracing life. Humanity will settle down, so to speak, in its conflicts one with another, seeing greater profit in collaboration with its many differences. Those differences become one in the new consciousness. The wastefulness of competition, to the degree humanity engages in it, will no longer seem profitable, and a distraction from a happier life.

Breakthroughs in understanding, not just in technology, our brother, but in understanding life and many realities, leads to relationships with other worlds. Humanity will realize that its counterparts exist on many other worlds. There will be a bonding of heritages and mutual support in the goals set forth for each. And understanding will be shared, materially and in consciousness, for life is connected one with another on many levels, you see. As one becomes more conscious through awakening these patterns of change are markers, if you will, on this path.

The maladies of ill health will virtually disappear as commonplace.

The lives of those discarnate will become more a conscious mix with incarnate life, for consciousness is consciousness no matter the reality, you see, or form of expression. Becoming more conscious will be a theme for shaping one’s existence.

Life will be understood less as the length of a sojourn but the endurance of consciousness, whether incarnate or not. So many endeavors, whether initiated incarnate or not, will take on larger scope, transcending greatly one sojourn. Endeavors of this nature will be shared on a larger scale with others of different realities, overlapping each other for the benefit of all. One asks, “Why awaken? Why be concerned with this? Why the effort to make such changes in one’s consciousness?” Need we say more?

The future of humanity has always looked bright, our brother, its potential yet to be fully discovered. Find comfort and peace in what is to come, but even more so who you are now.
June 22, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.