Living life real

JANU:   Memory requires focus. Memory is far reaching, but the human consciousness is not a natural multi-tasker as the True Nature is. So, baby steps, if you will, in recall of who you are.

Living real includes this process of discovery. Allow memories according to your ability or capacity to absorb them. Find comfort in the reality that you as a human consciousness coexist with the True Nature, a vast resource of recorded experience. Circumstance in living triggers memory to apply to understanding to resolve challenges. Reality includes authentic concern, real circumstance, honest sincere desire to understand and know, to support engaging life, which includes relationships.

Living real is the integrity that inspires all of this, free of manipulation, external conditioning, games, if you will, in social consciousness. A worthy inquiry is “Who are you? What is real? What is contrived? What is honest? What valance do you live by?” Awakening is the path of revelation which shines light, which is the Truth of Life, on life’s processes.

There is no end to this journey, because life hasn’t ended. It is still evolving, realizing its potential. And you are life. We all are. Live life real, without deception, whether to others or yourself. There is no richer path that is more rewarding, fulfilling, or beautiful. Do so in peace. Namaste.
Oct.17, 2019                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Forgiveness is a life of freedom

JANU: Forgiveness, as requested, performs miracles in the face of blame, whether in one’s own consciousness or that of others.

Yes, even the creatures of the Earth experience this, for even they have relationships with each other that are product of their instinctual behavior and what they have learned from each other to survive. One great service from the human to an animal is kindness, allowing them to experience survival without taking that of another. They understand love and they give love back as they are capable.

The same is true of others, you see, for everyone incarnates with patterns for survival in a society that takes no prisoners, so to speak, and does not easily give kindness without payment. Each one benefits from forgiveness of self. Memories of experiences living the incarnate life keep returning as a potential blessing. Forgiveness reveals the wisdom of the experience and the freedom to move on. Not only for the self, but for others involved. A beginning for them to self-forgive should they choose it.

Forgiveness is rooted in the nature of love, the reality that unifies life’s potential, with freedom to be expressed, explored, and experienced. Forgiveness heals ill feeling, thoughts that harbor resentment and condemnation. Forgiveness removes darkness from the memory and replaces it with light and love. Forgiveness is a way of living and growing and surviving. Find the joy in the freedom of letting go of ill feelings and attitudes. Namaste.
Oct. 3, 2019 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Let go of limiting memories

JANU: We are working this evening with those who adopt a position or policy of rendering encouragement to the consciousness of those who seek the truth of who they are. Now, encouragement is a delicate matter for it must honor the right of everyone to choose their way. But service is possible when you consider or open to those you serve, as partners in life in the journey of discovery.

To be considered in this are the memories of those who are their identification for the time being. To let go of a memory with no idea of its alternative can leave one feeling disconnected from who they thought they were. So what replaces a memory, that uplifts and encourages? It is a new understanding released to the consciousness as the mask of the memory lets go. One may not need to think an elevation in consciousness causes limbo or a void of emptiness. Thoughts can be rich with depth, importance to the individual, and a sense of relate-ability to others, but true insight is revelatory beyond thought. It opens the venue of consciousness to direct knowing, with clarity and unlimited depth.

So let us consider this evening, in our service, to bring encouragement to gently let go of limitation, no matter how familiar it may be, and breathe in insight, inspiration, and a growing freedom of a larger sense of being, and a realization that this next rung in the ladder, so to speak, allows for a grander view as each rung does. One sees more of life in new light, including all you have known before. So, this evening we encourage the next rung on the ladder of everyone’s choosing into freedom.

Thank you, and namaste.
April 9, 2013 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Resolving the past to gain freedom

JANU: That which is presented is a discourse reaching into the nuance of life that pertains to the so-called past. Now, remembering your understanding of the past as it exists in the moment, let us explore this, for there is need for service here.

The past lives in the memory—cell memory, etheric memory, planetary memory—and can be relived in the mind, in the heart, and in the body. For virtually everyone, there is need for healing, resolution, balancing, wisdom gaining, understanding through the memory of the so-called past. For many, it is filled with regret, frustration, a sense of lack, guilt. So understanding the path taken as the past must be revisited, experiencing not only so-called negatives, but the positives as well. For through the understanding of these comes the self-forgiveness and the understanding of all that was involved. For these memories and their passions still live within the being, and the visiting of the past must be balanced with experiencing all that was gained through giving and receiving.

And through this process will be gained the freedom, the true freedom, to embrace the future in a manner that does not resemble the past and those limitations. For the past and the future live in the present and are connected there. The future cannot be used successfully when using it is an attempt to distance oneself from their past. They are one and they live, they coexist. So embrace the past, no matter what it entails, and resolve it, bringing balance to the relationship of the two and the resulting freedom.

This evening we serve this reality. Choose to see, choose to know, choose to understand, choose to own all that you have been, and enjoy the freedom. Namaste
Nov. 13, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Uplifting those who suffered in wars

JANU: We are serving this evening that which prolongs the inevitable when dealing with the casualties of war. For what war, then, does not bring casualties of all kinds? Your world is filled with the memories and emotions, the recordings of sufferings and the loss of life, so to speak, throughout much of its history.

What sort of service is called for here, but that being one that heals, giving life a greater opportunity to progress and be a beacon of light for others? Much needed here. We are not talking about the elimination of memory or the records of war, but what we consider at this time is the encouragement and strengthening of the essential nature of each one, that they rise above this and hold on to a vision and a reality of a better life and freedom and truth. Wars bring out experiences of brutality, deception, lies, betrayals, and the suppression of spirit. The fruits of these are disastrous to the becoming of enlightenment, love, and forgiveness.

We uplift all who have suffered in wars, that they no longer see themselves as victims but as survivors and the owners of opportunities for a better life. We serve at this time. (Extended pause)

Thank you and namaste.

Oct. 10, 2012                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. 


Merging Larger Life with physical life

JANU: Coalition of attributes might describe the reality of conscious existence, merging the Larger Life with the incarnate life. How is the incarnate life enhanced by a larger perspective?

  • Wisdom in choices affecting health, peace of mind.
  • Insights, wisdom.
  • Understanding love beyond emotions.
  • Smaller decisions in the face of eternal life.
  • Perspective that includes many layers of reality including the physical.
  • Insight into potential, possible futures.
  • Understanding memories, even those not born of this sojourn.
  • Understanding others and yourself.
  • Freedom to use identity as a tool, to pick up or put down.
  • Being in harmony with natural Earth changes.
  • Understanding the coexistence of realities, not limited to the Earth, and
  • their influences.
  • Perceiving humanity globally.
  • Gauging the nature and purpose of change and manifesting it.

These and many other qualities exist as potential through awakening to the Larger Life. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Observing others without bias

JANU: Analyzing the self, then, becomes the prerequisite for clarity when engaged in attuning to others. Otherwise, the bias influences the observation.

So how does one gain clarity of one’s own influences, memories, agendas, preferences, perceptions? By owning them. Allow all of them to return to their creator and peacefully and intimately appreciate each one. Embrace the wisdom, understanding the root of each one. Find liberation in the revelations. Freedom from bias and conditioning is a window into the power to choose and create without limitations imposed by the past.

Embrace them all. Own them all. Understand them all. And release them all. And with them as heritage of understanding, move on. Not all at once, but as they emerge. Circumstance will trigger them. Even the ones hidden behind denial become stronger through this. How can one see clearly, without bias, the life of another when so encumbered with one’s own memories, prejudices? Cull everything you have created. Find liberation and freedom in embrace of each one, including those not from this sojourn.

That’s enough to keep one busy, so to speak. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The guiding principle of life’s journey

JANU:    We are announcing then at this time the progression of suitable consciousness to behold and beckon large amounts of prevailing dominance in the area of prolonged excursion in the incarnate life. Let us explore where this takes us on our journey.

Reach into, then, the heretofore dark recesses of memory and experience of journeys, life excursions of prolonged duration. Some have been brief, others extensive. The guiding principle here is the desire and need for such based on purpose. The purpose here is the awakening of humanity and what that includes, naturally speaking.

What is being established is a life pattern that can be built upon or enhanced whether incarnate or not. For this is part of human destiny, even though unrealized for most—we did not say ‘all’—but that is changing. Witness the growing number of those who demonstrate the ability to manipulate the existence. Tip of the iceberg, our brother, much more to come. Fancy are the adjectives to describe such behavior. But these are superficial behaviors compared to potential.

We will see this occurring even more, but what is needed alongside this is understanding, integrity, principle, clear purpose, destiny, and a respect for life. All of these come from peace. Namaste.
Sept. 26, 2018                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Regret casts a shadow on memories

JANU: Regret, our brother, when reviewing memories casts a shadow on the meaning to be gained. Regret does not honor the life and consciousness having the memory, creating the memory. So regret not, but embrace the experience to discover its significance, its teaching, its revelation as to the nature of Life.

These memories are profound. Matters not the scale, for Life includes everything, from the smallest to the largest, from the longest lasting to an instant. The presence of Life endures, reveals, re-creates, expresses. These memories do not define you; they enrich you. Your true identity is far grander than any of these and owns these memories yet to be fully understood.

You’re free to embrace life how you choose. Memories that touch deeply are rich indeed. Many bury these because of the perceived pain of them. But they are there, waiting to deliver their understanding. This is part of mastering life, our brother, experiencing, creating, understanding, and contributing. Enjoy the pleasant ones as well, the ones that lift your heart, inspire gratitude, that bring joy to others. All of these are there to master life. Regret none of them. They all enrich you. Namaste.
Jan. 29, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


More on sensing the presence of life

JANU: Sensing the presence of life is a theme begun on our last journey, part of the answer to “What is awakening?”

How does one explore a truth of life, a reality, when unaware of it? This key element to awakening deserves its due. A form of listening, you see, to the pulse of life, its presence, its vitality, its consciousness. Begin by sensing your own, verifying your existence and its ability to touch life and be touched by it. Touching life, you see, removes isolation, separation consciousness, the limiting borders incarnate life can represent.

Once again, one does not create this, but allows it, for it is part of your nature, your memory, your legacy by existing and interacting with the larger life. When your ideal is to serve life and not take advantage in a negative way, life responds. Generosity is returned, as is love.

Touching life is beyond words, our brother. A growing awareness transcends boundaries. Life has its protocols for engagement, with a wisdom that transcends ignorance. Multi-dimensional existence is understood through this touching, you see. Your frame of reference broadens and the journey is unlimited as life continues to evolve and re-create itself. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Dec. 6, 2017                                                                                   Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.