Unlimited reminiscing   

This journey was the result of my mind ‘wandering’ and beginning to reminisce about past events. Your reminiscences will be your own.

JANU: We are encouraging then at this time your reminiscing, as you may call it, to include those memories and experiences beyond incarnation. By exploring this, you have observed a little known relationship of the consciousness, the so-called ‘spirit,’ to the reality of physicality. More intimate than you have imagined. More complete as a life pattern.

As you surmise, the lifting of the veil is a function of the desire and maturity of the individual. Understanding that physical life and physical involvement is just a part of the larger life, to be engaged, experienced, and mastered. Once begun, the journey of awakening continues. It deepens and changes perspective on everything. The purpose of your existence and being incarnate more fully understood.

Part of the reasons to incarnate include the understanding that one may interact with the Earth and other such, but energetically not physically. Incarnating opens that doorway to a fuller experience. There are other reasons as well. Realizing more of who and what you are, you begin to embrace your physical life as part of the total you.

Earth exists in other realities as well, besides the physical, you see. So your involvements, experiences, and service need not end with leaving the body, you see. Your identity has grown far beyond the human physicality, no longer thinking in those limited terms.

So reminiscing, our brother, includes remembering the truth of the moment. One need not wait for ‘passing on,’ if you will, to be totally conscious in a much larger way. So choose wisely the focus of your reminiscing. There is so much more, you see. Being incarnate need not limit the range and fullness of this. And this will grow to the point where being incarnate is a partial experience to an unlimited being, exploring the universe at will.

Feb. 22, 2015                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross