An evolving perception of life

JANU:   Incorporate into our beings the sense of enlightenment. The peace that goes with union, the sense of urgency left behind. Timelessness and natural beingness and consciousness. No longer the struggle to blindly know, to speculate endlessly but to accept the larger reality of natural being. We are Janu and more, as we become an expression of the life that we explore, a symbiosis of evolution, the cadence of life in motion. With every aspect of being evolving, we are Life in motion. The discordance in humanity resists our physical life temporarily. To see beyond, through the moment, is the grander gift of awakening. To perceive in new ways the patterns of life and their interactions. The dynamism of vitality reaches into the crevices and dark shadows and fills them. Even perception evolves. See in larger ways. Process in a larger way. Identify and express your nature. This new freedom is in harmony with the truth you seek. Namaste.
June 13, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Destiny, obligation, integrity

JANU: We are engaging, if you will, the personal obligation to one’s own destiny and the patterns of life that each one creates to enable him. You ask, “What is destiny, then, for an individual?” It is to explore life, their own consciousness, their own potential and its relationship with everything, including other beings.

Destiny and potential are one. What that involves is up to choice. Life seems complex but it doesn’t have to be, our brother. You have within your True Nature wisdom and genius to have revealed to you the wise and simple approach to these complexities, according to maturity at any moment. As we have said, destiny is not a destination, other than one of the moment.

The imperative of life itself is your heritage. And, through the oneness of life, the destiny of others in reality is yours as well. And yours is theirs, for the potentials of each one are part of the potential of all of life. Unique, individual, and at one, simultaneously.

Choosing to live has no alternative, our brother. The manifestations of the choice are yours to embrace and explore. So, you see, obligation in higher sense and meaning is of your True Nature, which is who you are. Allow your human consciousness to taste this reality within your True Being and understand the measure of it.

You have destiny beyond your imaginings, potential you’ve yet to dream of, wisdom from experience yet untapped. And it is all evolving, our brother. Allow yourself to be conscious of each other, whether incarnate or not, through the integrity of your being. Limit not your consciousness to the confusion of others, by the truth that lives within their integrity. Namaste.
June 19, 2017                                              Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 25 has all prior attunements in this series.


The so-called Big Bang

This has been addressed before from a different angle. Please check out Understanding the Big Bang for more.

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us assume a focus of the creation of this universe. Your scientists have said that the beginning of the universe sprang from nothing. This does not capture the reality of the moment, for the forces involved were non-physical and out of these began physicality for this universe. The culmination of the changes in these forces, which come from a reality beyond energy and forces, was a threshold of configuration initiating the spark of physicality that is still maintained in intimate relationship with these forces, even to this moment. For the physicality, you see, and its energetic nature are maintained by these subtler realities.

Even the moment of initiation was not instantaneous, for when understanding the initiation, everything is a process. Time/space being the result of a process of the true nature of life. From a human perspective, it is imagined as being instantaneous, the culmination of a sequence of processes, non-physical yet still process. Your birthing into a physical body is process, not unlike what occurs at the beginning of a universe, the moment of creation of a star and its activation. This occurs continuously in life, as it must be, for the patterns of life are one. So, in this understanding, the so-called Big Bang event never ceased.

Much in life seems instantaneous from the human perspective, but from the larger consciousness it is still process, some call ‘the flow of life’ even though much of it is beyond time/space. The continued new expressions in the universe as it unfolds and expresses are part of the process of life that begins the universe. They are all one. Many levels of reality with a common pattern of initiation and preparation for being.

Even so-called ‘death’ can be better understood from this point of view, but life continues, our brother. So the thought of beginning and end, cycles of existence, is a limited perspective. Namaste.

Dec. 3, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross