JANU: We agree to foster the advent of a secure relationship with the True Nature. Joining these levels of consciousness as one brings clarity to everything. One doesn’t struggle to achieve this. Commitment and a loving desire in an atmosphere of allowing amidst evidence of a growing awareness brings confidence to proceed.
The human entity has many perspectives of consciousness, as does the True Nature. Humanity has evolved into this. Awakening to the True Nature is not a new adventure for humanity, but it’s becoming more understood and recognized as individual and collective advancement and a better life. The veil is lifting, our brother. The darkness is retreating and humanity will understand why it exists and is looked after.
Now, not many see a relationship between their individual journeys through life and personal being with the collective of humanity, but it is just as real as your individual lives. Being more and more conscious of collective reality on the human journey is a great revealer of things to come, in incredible detail.
How does one appraise, then, the content of the human collective? By attuning to the collective reality, the body human, and not just the physical bodies, but the spiritual collective as well. One can choose to be aware of, to see, the aura of humanity. And by some specific awarenesses, everything humanity has experienced, created, and is creating is known. Trends are observed, patterns, and the patterns of change. So, observing humanity, our brother, includes the freedom to be aware, not for curiosity but to better serve and understand.
A small brick is an essential part of a grand structure, but this structure, comprised of all the small components, is something more. Only, the human collective is a living structure and all the components are evolving. Awakening is the path, our brother.
Attuning to humanity as a collective reality is a good beginning and there are many consciousnesses, beings, who have already accomplished this and continue to do so. There is a wholesomeness and balance to this approach. The collective humanity has a destiny, a purpose, and none of it is a secret. Explore the reality of service, what it means to you, its traditions and evolution. Service is a theme of life and has always been. Namaste.
May 4 and 6, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross
see also “Human temperament” and “Inner Truth can become the Outer Truth”