
JANU: We are pointing our eye, so to speak, in the direction of ‘sainthood’ and what that means.

Now, as a dispensation of religious institutions, many of the qualities that qualify one for sainthood are exhibited, and have been for millennia, by individuals who do not even know of the term but live their lives peacefully and in obscurity. What is this but a label to attempt to understand and describe qualities of consciousness and behavior?

There are servants of life who live in this manner all over your world. These individuals are worth knowing and honoring and supporting. Servants of the Light inspiring and awakening to the Truth of Life beyond words. They are living their True Nature. This does not mean that they are engaged in saintly pursuits every day, but their Light comes to the fore when it is called for, when it is useful, when something inspires them to love another.

One need not be aware of this in an individual but be grateful that they exist and live their lives as they do. Male and female, our brother. Even children enter your world with these qualities. There are those in tribes you call ‘savages,’ primitive, that have these qualities. Not trained at all by religious institutions but by life itself. They are referred to as ‘the wise ones’ and ‘the gifted ones’ and, at times, crucified for their good works by those who do not understand. They are Christ-like, but do not mention it. Attention is not their goal. The joy in helping is their reward.

In your thoughts and your prayers, wish blessings for them. Namaste.

July 30, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The saints that live among us

JANU: There are those in your midst around the world who have become saint-like, not by the authority of any religion or church but by their True Natures. They live a life that is not unlike, in consciousness, discarnate life, life in spirit. They are owned in no way by materiality. They are free enough in their own spirit to come and go as they choose to bring about change. Yes, they are in fact a ‘Brotherhood of Light’ on the Earth. They live to demonstrate to humanity and to the Earth that the reality of spiritual existence and physical existence can be one reality.

They will be known to those who aspire to the beauty and balance of their life. One does not need to advertise in any way the virtues of their being. They are known. All part of an awakening life, you see. No secrets. Everything revealed for its truth. Diverse abilities, masterships, combined in a common purpose is a brotherhood, you see. And, yes, some of these are female in their manifestation. How can there be balanced expression, involvement, and relating to without both, in the world of duality?

The diversity of these enable them to draw upon many resources in life for support. There is a quiet strength to their demeanor, which includes selfless service. They are, in fact, peace on Earth. No longer limited to ordinary cycles of birth and rebirth. They are a calming influence for humanity’s struggle to find peace, to find the true power of being, not the clamor of the unawakened. Find comfort in the reality of their being, the peace that they know, and their connection with life. Namaste.

Dec. 26, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross