Solar One speaks 

JANU: As you well know and imagine, there are limitless opportunities for this kind of journey, the nature of which is so rich with life experience that one can gain universal perspective through its diversity. We would conclude from this that the life you experience at this time must, by this understanding, be included. So, networking with other worlds means that not only are you journeying in understanding into their reality, but they are journeying into yours as well. For networking means mutual communication and benefit.

Now, with that understanding, let us proceed this morning into a realm not understood or aware of by those in your reality, meaning the Earth experience, that finds its domain of influence in and around your sun, your solar body. Now then, the immediate rejections of this are that this reality cannot support life. It is too hot, too volatile, too much radiation, nuclear and otherwise. All these objections are true from a limited perspective. When we suggest that life is everywhere, it is not an ambiguous statement. Your solar body is life and life that has consciousness, meaning, purpose, service, connectedness, ongoingness, and evolution. Your solar body indeed does possess liaison opportunity and we are arranging such as we speak.

Leave behind, for the moment, that the physical solar body is its only reality. Allow your consciousness to engage the solar body harmoniously. That is correct. You are now beginning to appreciate, become aware of, its reality in consciousness and you can  observe that the physical intensity of its existence is a byproduct of its consciousness. Now then, at this point, we have established a communication opportunity with liaison representative aspect of this solar consciousness, to begin at this time.

JR:   Greetings, Solar Representative. May we initiate that which has been arranged into understanding.

SOLAR ONE:  Greetings, brother in the Light. And we speak of the light from our understanding of it, which is more inclusive of a larger reality than your use of the term. We are light more than your relationship and experience to our existence as your solar body. We are light as focus of coalescence of an intensity of single thought generated by life and brought to bear, so to speak, giving us beingness. Be aware that a solar body extends far past your dimensional experience of it and we maintain the structure continuously. When a solar body mutates, if you will, from what you are currently aware of, these are transitional experiences born of that creative genius of our original design. So, in a truer way, a sun does not die. The creative genius continues through a variety of experiences. We exist vibrant continuously. We are aware of and experience our energetic nature continuously. We never experience inert reality. What you call peace and stillness in your experience, we call symmetry, harmoniousness, balance, movement, expression, and fulfillment.

The worlds that exist, called planets in your tongue, are elements within the solar reality. They are nurtured by the nature of the relationship and are part of the solar body function. What they provide is opportunities for various functional continuations, monitoring or feedback of outcome caused by the solar body ongoingness and movement through changes in expression. We are aware of and in contact with all life on all planet realties in the solar body reality. There is a sphere-like aspect to the solar body that is somewhat larger than the furthest path of any world within it. It does have boundary and presence.

I am identified for you as Solar One. My reality of beingness is not any form you would recognize. But you can experience my beingness and we allow this through the courtesy of those who arrange such accommodation. Let us merge now, briefly and slightly for a beginning. You are now moving away from your human identity and position and we have engaged your true nature with mine. And you understand more than before. You are a solar body as well. Many orbs within your being of life, each with their destiny and purpose, yet one with that you are. I am that nature and move and have my being throughout the entire body of this system of life. I am you and you are me, as we are at this moment. And you understand that the physical sun is but a part, and that its light intensity is but a focused element of the solar body that includes the entire system of worlds.

Let us now drift to our former arrangement to return again at another time. Slowly now, and with deliberation.

I am Solar One once more, in previous or original configuration, announcing that we have successfully merged and shared a moment of truth. We welcome further opportunity to bring understanding of such things into your world.
December 14, 1998 A                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross