Manipulation of life patterns

JANU:    Realization not only of potential but of the manipulation of one’s life expression gives more freedom to be that must carry the wisdom of the larger consciousness of the True Nature. So, in choosing this path of discovery, do so as a united being, for there are outcomes, influences, that the human consciousness is unaware of.

Altering manifestation gives rise to unlimited creativity but wisdom is in harmony with the influence on other life patterns. Life is a system, an integration of coexisting creativity. Choose wisely what you ask for. One does not walk through life in isolation. This is not the nature of existence. Everything is connected, yet there is still freedom for creativity. Use projection to see possible outcomes with the manifestation of potential. Listen to the wisdom of your True Nature. Continue to explore and discover. This serves evolution and enriches life. Namaste.
May 13, 2020 BP                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

This is the part of a series on dealing with one’s life patterns. As this has been discussed in earlier journeys, you may wish to check “Life patterns-Fluid identity” as well as return for the next four posts.


From rage to peace

JANU:    Rage is the word. The basic emotion and frame of mind of so many boiling to the surface are the resentments of the relationships that have existed for so long in society. Rage penetrates reason, any sense of peace or balance or joy, becomes identity. Reasonable approaches to rage become desperate.

What these people in rage need is self-respect, a path to the future, and meaningful contribution to society. The elimination of social structures that interfere is a cherished decency, but it seems lost to them for they don’t see it in their society. The issues are strong on both sides. The challenges, self-created, are on both sides. The reality of ’sides’ has no merit, as it is with warring and social mayhem.

Humanity’s potential is better than this. Would that they would allow themselves to awaken to their True Natures. The solutions have always been within the larger reality of being. But the rage is noisy and the inner voice comes from a place of peace, balance and harmony, wisdom, love.

So, what models of peace can people be inspired by? What sense of true power, that gives and never takes, can be had? Where is beauty, sanity, and joy? Let these be the foci of conscious attention. For what your attention is on, you are connected to, and the connection is two way. Namaste.
July 7, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


A larger perspective of life

JANU:    Conscious reunion is the theme, otherwise called awakening of humanity. All of life has a True Nature. The Larger Life embraces this and all of life has its causal reality. And even that has a ‘Larger Life.’ ‘Tis good to discuss reality beyond this. It seems pointless to the binary consciousness as the realities are beyond comprehension, but the nature of the consciousness is part of this.

You ask, “What is the merit of understanding this?” The merit is: the perspective to place everything in a larger context, without limit. Doing so embraces an evolution of consciousness in harmony with the flow of life. A freedom without limitation to be, to realize potential, to serve, to evolve. If the merit in this is not obvious, it will be one day. Continue to wonder, to open the mind to understand more, to be all you can be. We are one in this. Namaste.
Apr. 6, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to the rest of who you are

JANU: Exploring the Larger Life, then, includes the nature of the so-called ‘dimensions’ or realities of life. Incarnating is part of this and it brings about intimacy in exploration. So what is the nature, then, of physicality, of the so-called ‘third dimension’? Its nature is energetic and is composed of principles of life that create and allow the perceptions of density, fragility, and manipulation of the creative principles. Identification with the experience limits perception to those parameters of existence. But, for more and more, this is not enough. Inquiries are made as to the nature of things, the how and why of existence, the true beingness behind the manifestation. This is why many create deities as source of unexplained questions of reality. Partnering with deity to somehow rise above ignorance.

So, you see, the reality of this plane of expression is a nature that is co-creative. Understanding and connecting with, utilizing, the forces of creation can be haphazard when unawakened to the larger reality of life and one’s own True Nature. Being a more conscious co-creator enhances exploration and experience in this dimension of life. Identifying as a physical being is confusing when reaching for one’s spiritual nature and a conscious co-reality. Penetrating the veil of the incarnate experience is a challenge that seems insurmountable, but the solution to this is part of its nature and is part of the journey of an evolving consciousness, which becomes wisdom.

So, reach into this opportunity with enthusiasm, anticipation, and the growing freedom of consciousness and direct experience. We are one in this. The True Nature is the journeyer, which includes all that you are, all that we are. This is part of service, to inspire people, and oneself, to awaken to the rest of who they are. Namaste.
Feb. 6, 2020 B                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The journey of the Larger Life

JANU: Such it is, the liberation of awakening:

Peaceful foundation centering.

Clarity, a growing clarity of understanding.

A gentle compassion for those who seek enlightenment.

Integrity that speaks for itself.

A deepening love of life and respect for its eternal nature and potential.

A desire to enrich another while honoring their integrity, their path to enlightenment, their service to life, their freedom and sovereignty.

Realizing there are no secrets in the Larger Life. All is known, for life is one and everything is from that life. How can there be secrets when the secrets, so-called, come from life itself?

 Anger, frustration, and confusion melt away, replaced with eternal patience, commitment, and journeys without end.

Life is rich. The physical body is a miracle but temporary. Life is a miracle and permanent. And so are you. So are we all. Experience the power of true peace and enlightenment and your own True Nature. Namaste.
Jan. 23, 2020                                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the Earth experience

JANU: The human experience includes linkage to the consciousness and reality of the Earth, for is not the body, the physical body, made of the Earth and other energetic coordinations as well? Many abuse the planet, consume its resources without thoughtfulness or consideration, disturb its peace with wars and weapons, and find confusion in its violence of nature, weather, physical movements. Is it not wiser to understand, relate to, have empathy for what the Earth needs, of which your body is a part, for balance, survival, continuation, well-being?

These qualities are relatable to mental and emotional health, function, evolution, as well as the subtler bodies involved in the human experience. And your own True Nature, your own spirit, is connected to, at one with these realities, for everything coexists. What can you point to that is completely separate from the rest of life? The collective of life is extremely wise, rich with patterns of experience, memories, creative expressions, relationships. Awakening to these with direct experience enriches your existence and your contribution to everything you touch.

Life is in motion, always. Live in harmony with this natural flow of life. Find peace through this, awakening into genius, the full measure of the reality of love and all of its qualities. Love who and what you are as Life loves itself. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Fundamentals of awakening

JANU:    Each so-called individual True Nature is an immense repository of experience and wisdom, but these repositories coexist as do the Natures of each being. We are speaking of more than human being here, many species, many worlds, many realities. All of life coexists. Life is rich with diversity beyond imagination. Its destiny a collective of destinies beyond number. Each so-called individual is the Family of Life. In the larger consciousness, species or types of manifestations do not limit the size, complexity and collective nature of the Family of Life.

The Earth human experience is but one of countless others. The distance or seeming isolation between worlds is not unlike the veil protocol while incarnating. It allows for individual creativity, experience, evolution, growth, without conscious impingement. But individuals eventually evolve beyond this limitation as they mature and their own veil dissipates, no longer needed, you see.

In elevated larger consciousness, there is no distance between cultures and worlds, for consciousness is not limited to time/space. Awakening, then, you see, reveals life beyond imagination, beyond limitation, diverse and miraculous, rich beyond words. Yes, even these concepts are fundamental to awakening. They are only the beginning. Namaste.
Aug. 26, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The Nature of Awakening

JANU: We are refining then the nature of our journeys, being all linked to our nature. As we expand into more universal consciousness, our nature can attune to more of life. When we encounter the temporary limits of consciousness, life is aware of this and opportunities arise to expand further. Giving more time and attention to expanding our reach strengthens our insight into exploration. Let us pursue then, with some diligence, a more penetrating perspective of exploration. You will find that, as we progress, the consciousness opens to more specific observations for inquiry, experience, and always service.

We are becoming one in consciousness, thinking as one, observing as one, journeying as one. More examples of coordination are coming. Be alert to these and the understanding of our nature is being revealed. Thank you, our brother. We are one. Namaste.

Apr. 1, 2015 B                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Spiritual baptism

JANU: For this morning’s journey, we are beginning to proceed along the lines of ‘spiritual baptism’ for humanity.   What this means is that there is and has been prepared for humanity a baptism or awakening to the truth of their being. A great joy of remembering and experiencing who they truly are, beyond the circumstances of physical existence.

This baptism is like a blessing of being touched by the True Power of their own spirit, moving beyond the life of perceiving that they are alone. This blessing reveals and touches the heart and the consciousness with connection and a growing intimacy with the love that life is. How can one who opens to this reality not want to share this and express this with those who will listen and are open? This is the ‘awakening of humanity,’ our brother. Spiritual baptism. And yes, it is very real. Nothing outside of you will convince you like the journey within, for that is the path to truly meeting another. The influence on each one is as varied as there are people, so-called individuals.

This is not imposed upon humanity but inspired by the collective True Natures of humanity. It is their blessing for awakening their incarnate experience, understanding the vital timing for everything. We have witnessed this before and it honors life itself.

Feb. 13, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross