Understanding sanity

JANU: We are firming up the diagnosis of the human condition as it pertains to its intimacy with the larger life, the life that is its future and its present. The human condition at this time reflects a growing uncertainty as to its future. The consensus of our opinion is that humanity will choose to see insanity for what it is and where it is.

You ask, “What is sanity, then, in this venue of exploration?” It is that which belongs to the Orders of Life that continue to exist and demonstrate the evolution of potential and the realization of destiny. Sanity chooses to gain, from experience, an advancement and understanding that reveals more of the truth of life inherent within any reality. Sanity is living life, of your choice, bringing about change with a sense of deepening purpose, then fulfillment. Sanity observes the Truth of Life without bias. Sanity appreciates the merit in the flow of life that its collective movement, even in the moment by moment of an individual and their experiences, imprints their consciousness.

A growing sanity embodies the eternal sanity of life and the commitment to oneness called ‘love.’ Choosing sanity is a wise path to choose. Always deepen your understanding of the Truth of Life some call ‘the Light.’ Namaste.

Nov. 6, 2014 B                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Seeing the truth in life

JANU: We are cementing relations, if you will, with the future of humanity by engaging and assisting in the awakening of humanity into what it is capable of. Humanity’s potential for developing its future in harmony with life is rooted in its True Nature, and it is wise for humanity to become conscious of that True Nature.

Now, the journey into manifesting potential is not always an easy one, for incarnate humanity, for many, is not consciously connected with its True Nature. The birth of the human experience is, of course, larger than that of the Earth for there are other worlds walking a similar path, but the nature of all of these is the love that life invested in this grand adventure. So, the awakening of humanity is in large measure to its own True Nature, the cause and source of its being, and its true power, through loving the life that bore it. When you view another in your world, see past the outer form, choose to see the radiance of the truth of life, some call the Light. There you will see the magic of it all, the beauty of it all, for you will see the love of life in motion, constantly creating, supporting, and embracing what it embodies.

It is all too easy to see only the brutality within the human condition. This is only temporary reality and a testing, if you will, of human resolve to do better. There is a human tendency to value more highly achievements when the achievements seem difficult to acquire. When one has a sense of ‘earning’ their place in life, they value that place more fully. This is a natural course of events in the path of awakening, of achieving potential and a better life. So set your ideals and your goals, your dreams and wishes. That is a natural part of life as well. The victories will come through commitment to a clearer focus, a clearer vision, a clearer desire, and these victories open doors to great ones, you see. Choose to see the truth in all you do and, especially, all that you are. Enjoy life. Namaste.

Oct. 27, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Mastering a conundrum of life

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us add a bit of insight to the conundrum humanity faces, having to do with a life of peace surrounded by the challenges of society as it is, a society of ambition, power, control, and abuse. Playing the game of life to succeed in current society seems to be in direct conflict with the desire for a peaceful life, rich with opportunity and harmonious relationships. Resolving the two is the conundrum.

Life is flexible enough, adaptable enough, to accommodate the two. Where you stand in either proposed ‘camp,’ if you will, is completely up to you. However, it seems to work best when the individual is conscious of both from a point of view of True Nature, freedom to be, True Power, and the right to live, so to speak. Each moment, each situation, each opportunity and challenge can be appraised from this point of view in a way that allows peace to remain at the core of your consciousness, gaining the insight to function in society effectively by being conscious of the dynamics involved. Everything you cherish in a peaceful life is available everywhere, at all times, in every reality, and becomes your norm for living when your awareness, your consciousness sees the truth in everything. Even another, filled with ambition, grabbing what they can, even at the expense of others, even unaware of the depth of their True Nature.

There is no requirement inherent in life for one to sacrifice their dearest principles in harmony with life to challenges and opportunities to the dealings of societal norms. Allow not your deepest truth and principles to be trampled upon by any circumstance, even to the point of departure from incarnate life, for your life continues, your values and principles, your hopes and dreams that you cherish, whether incarnate or not. It is a wonderful opportunity for wisdom and growth to live these principles while incarnate, a different playing field, with different challenges, than some other venues of life. You will grow in wisdom and experience, whether incarnate or not. But incarnate life broadens the foundation for the wisdom gaining and service to life.

Overcoming the conundrum is accomplished through awakening. The more you are aware of the truth of life, the wiser your choices, and the deeper the wisdom gained. Loving yourself plays a key role in this, for that opens the channel, so to speak, for awakening. Carefully considering this, we bid you namaste.
Nov. 4, 2014                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


True Peace and True Power

JANU:   We would have you know that the real power for moving forward in life is not political but the love people have for each other and the desire for each other to succeed and to fulfill their dreams that can benefit everyone. The real power and vision to realign governments and nations lies with the people. For the insight and understanding the people are privy to is far more sweeping and powerful than the vision of most governments. The evolution of principles and peaceful desire evolves where most governments drift towards chaos, conflict, and devolution.

These are general observations, for with any cultural structure the ingredients include points of evolution. So the conflicts exist in social structures bringing about a release or apathy in many. The evolution of power and its inherent limitations for endurance will still bedazzle many so-called leaders. Let us hope that lessons are learned and the letting go or detachment of the old ways leads to a clearer vision and wiser choices.

As we point toward humanity’s potential, destiny, future, much confusion still exists as to what works and what does not. Apparent power is a noisy thing, full of bluster and manipulation, while true power is much more subtle, but far more profound and eternal in its nature, leading to the truth of life and profound creativity. When understood aright, true peace allows true power to flourish in the life, and the challenges that seem overwhelmingly powerful are seen for what they are, mastered, and left behind. And with relative ease, we might say. So many of humanity’s illnesses, maladies, are the result of a life not at peace, the struggle to achieve what seems illusive and, even when gained, is not truly fulfilling.

True peace does not bring conflict and struggles, the wasting of energies and resources, suspicions and manipulations. The results of ignorance and unawakened mind, these struggles bring destructions, mutual destructions, resulting from battles, whether at war or in business or even religion. True peace brings solutions, harmonious solutions that truly benefit everyone and open the door for the path of creativity that can be made of life. Why would anyone choose the old ways, when experiencing a life of freedom and expansion and mutually beneficial connection? Not just on the Earth, but everywhere. Life is so much larger and richer than many realize.

So find what true peace means to you, what it can be and bring, and love it into your life. A grand way to serve others and build a future. Namaste.
Nov. 5, 2014                Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Politics and personal integrity

JANU: The element of discussion this evening has to do with the propensity of humanity to agree with the so-called authorities of the moment. Witness the political scene prior to elections. Many of the claims made are somewhat outrageous when viewed from the larger perspective. You ask, “Why is it then that humanity has a tendency to follow authorities without close examination?” There is a malaise in humanity. It is easier to follow others than think for yourself and process your life experience for its wisdom, gaining insight, and discovering what lives inside you.

Can you really say that one party or another is motivated primarily by the needs of the people? They have created a system that requires vast sums of money to be influential. Can one with a pure heart and a wise view of life maintain these qualities and succeed in politics? The system is powerful indeed to control this. The real power in society, although not yet fully used or developed, is the hearts and minds of the people.

The True Nature of individuals can still find expression in the complexities of human society. And this is a function of the clarity of desire and commitment to a better life that supports freedom to be, creativity, and a love-filled life. We of the Brotherhoods of Light have long known this and supported this in other societies, not only on the Earth but on other worlds as well. The issues of the day on Earth, for humanity, seem countless and overwhelming to achieve anything of this nature. The solutions, our brother, compared to the challenges, the issues, are always straightforward and have the flavor of profound simplicity.

The current condition of humanity includes the politics of the day but, while complying with the rules of society, temper them with a loving heart, an enquiring mind, true peace, and a love of the truth that lives within you, and who you are. Insights will come. Act on them. Test them for their merit. And be grateful for the opportunity to find peace. Namaste.
Oct. 31, 2014 B                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

A semi-update on same topic Nov. 5th:

JANU:  We are noticing that political tension in human consciousness is softening, even in other nations for their concern is for the influence American politics has on their economies. These cycles of worldwide tensions and concerns are a dynamic force, for this contributes to a lack of peace and certainty. Ideally, the next phase is reconciliation and cooperation for the benefit of people. Not always the case, you see. Politics aside, let us focus our attention upon the structures for living successful and happy lives unconditioned by politics and its vagaries.

Understanding the flow of life

JANU: We are examining as such the nuances of being preoccupied with the uncertainty of life and investing in it. Uncertainty is perpetuated by a lack of awareness of the depth, richness, and presence of life itself, for all the possible outcomes of any life expression are still a part of, and known by, aspects of life that are ongoing. When one can perceive and appreciate the eternal nature of life, uncertainty takes a backseat to the certainty that life will continue. How many worry needlessly as to the outcome of tomorrow, or next year, or ten years, whatever? How long will the Earth last? Where will humanity be? Will I die tomorrow?

The larger awareness of life understands that you may leave the body tomorrow, but you will not die. Life goes on and your journey will not end. Even if the Earth ended tomorrow, your journey will move on. Life moves on, has endless alternatives and opportunities. So why spend so much of your attention and energy and focus and planning on something so transitory, and not the life that continues on, always, bringing new adventures, new opportunities, deeper understandings?

Now even in the moment of uncertainty as to the smaller things in life, the more immediate, there are always solutions. Life is not unmindful of the minutia as well and, being an eternal being, there is cause to have faith in this and be at peace always. For in peace the solutions are clear, the choices are wise, the outcomes are worthwhile, and the vision clears, and the health remains.

When life flows freely through your existence, your resources to resolve issues become deeper and stronger. Be clear in your deliberations, trust in the outcomes, and allow life to unfold while you are committing to a conviction in the true power of your values, your integrity, your truthfulness in what you do. When you’ve tried to manipulate, be in denial, misinform others, and lie to yourself, the flow of life through yours gets confused and that is where the uncertainty comes from, our brother.

Micro-managing the life that you are and around you does not allow the wisdom of life to flow with you. Walk quietly. Listen carefully. Speak what you know to be true, from your integrity. Love yourself and others. Be at peace, and your life will flow more smoothly. Namaste, our brother.
Oct. 21, 2014 B                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The inner and outer life are one life

JANU: We are engaged in, if you will, the inspiring of human consciousness into a larger life. All of life benefits with this awakening of humanity.

Humanity has to realize the breadth and depth of its connection with the larger life, which includes other realities, other beings, and other worlds. The connection already exists, so the awakening is embracing consciously the larger life that has always been, changing, of course, as realizations occur. So-called religion is an attempt to awaken humanity to this reality but, being created by humanity, gets misinterpreted. Then human motives and desires and misinterpretations set in and the larger purpose becomes unknown to humanity. Yet the frustration and dissatisfaction with religion as it exists at this time grows deeper. The larger life existed, our brother, long before the religions of the Earth.

So what do you place your faith in? Your beliefs are focused upon what? Have faith in and believe in the truth of life, our brother, for it has existed for so long, in realities you are not aware of yet, successfully and you exist as an expression of that life.

Love beyond current understanding holds this life in existence. Through the journey within, life is revealed and understood and served, but the so-called outer life, our brother, is of the same life. But the one without the other leads to misunderstanding, confusion. And the cycles of understanding repeat, and those of misunderstanding as well.

Incarnation, our brother, is for the purpose of fulfilling potential and destiny and enriching life. Seeing what goes on around you can be seen and understood more deeply when the inner and the outer life are one. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 14, 2014 B                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


An intimate view of the human condition

JANU: As humanity is encumbered at this time with the results of its choices for individual and societal norms, in many ways it is accommodating its limitation of resources for understanding and true empowerment that it is aware of. Now, one does not paint all of humanity with one brush stroke, for there are many who are reaching for more and many who have achieved a great deal, but mostly individually and in small groups. The momentum of larger organizations in society continues to carry them in the directions of the past. When an enlightened and awakening society demands new directions, driven by their inner passion and vision of a brighter future, these organizations will change. For without the people, where can they go?

The awakening of humanity certainly has its struggles for the less enlightened ways struggle to survive, for it is what is known and leaving that behind can be confusing without understanding and seeing the next rung on the ladder of life. We of the Brotherhood of Light understand this, having witnessed this journey before. Even though we escort you on larger journeys of life, the more abstract the more profound, we are not ignorant of the realities of living and coping with varying degrees of ignorance of these things. So journeying on this path of awakening includes intimacy of understanding current conditions, as well as the challenges to come, the opportunities to come, the victories to come, and the larger life’s realities that are worth the effort individually and collectively.
We are the Brotherhood of Light, ‘light’ meaning the truth of life, and, in reality, our brother, humanity is part of this brotherhood and is considered to be an intimate part. So let us continue to journey together into the Light, into the future, into human destiny and the enrichment it brings to life. So we continue to serve humanity, brothers that they are, and we all grow stronger because of it. Condemn not a child that trips and falls, that disturbs the balance of things not knowing why. So you inspire and help the child arise once more, to begin again to adapt to the larger life with understanding. In the largest view of reality, of life itself, we are all children on the path, helping each other understand and try once more.
Oct. 16, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Be at peace and find true power in your life

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, communicating at will to explore the benevolence of peace, True Peace. Once again defining True Peace as not the absence of violence, but the harmonious flow with life, allowing all of the benefits, the support, the insight and power to create and serve and love. True Peace does not just benefit an individual, but supports life everywhere. Being at peace is a generous position in life. What it inspires in others, as well as circumstances, is the path to reclaiming your own true power, power over your life, not power over others for that is enslavement and will bring you down.

True power, True Peace, supports all of life. Many in your society battle this and battle that, whether it be false power, each other, illness, poverty. Everything is a battle and a fight in these areas. Some even struggle for sanity. Is it any wonder that depression exists? True Peace rejuvenates, invigorates, brings balance to your entire life. The systems of the body are no longer programmed for weakness, internal conflict, and diminished resources. True Peace is the path to true power and freedom, freedom to direct your life and become more than you have imagined, the true power to inspire others to possess their own freedom, their own True Peace. Creativity blossoms. The presence of loving energy expands. The resources of life are more available to achieve.

Many seek conquest of elements of life, yet the conquest that they need is over their own prejudices, attitudes, philosophy, conduct, and destructive tendencies. Conquer ignorance with understanding, despair with confidence and love. Conquer depression with caring for others. Conquer poverty by being prosperous in your thought and your relationships. Conquer anger and frustration with compassion. Conquer fear with ownership of who you are. Be at peace and find freedom. Namaste.

Oct. 2, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A life at peace

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us continue to explore the reality and benefit of profound peace. The peace we speak has more to do with the harmonious relationship between all elements of consciousness, physical being, and other realities of your nature.

So many of your world are dealing with illnesses, disease, outbreaks that keep appearing on the scene, plaguing humanity. The reality here, our brother, is that humanity’s consciousness is plaguing humanity in a world that is designed for its own natural balance, in harmony within its forces, natural energies, and systems of life. So the challenge here, our brother, is not new medicines. They are a band-aid, so to speak, on a festering wound that refuses to heal. In the short term, they bring relief, but in the long term the patterns of creation of disharmony still exist. Stepping up to this plate of responsibility takes courage and a willingness to leave denial behind and accept responsibility for all that your life includes and not placing blame everywhere but with your own patterns of consciousness, preferences, biases, angers and frustrations, lack of self-love.

How many wake up every morning peacefully happy, looking forward to the day with gratitude, expecting discoveries, insights, and a resolution of issues? Profound peace does not ignore the challenges of living but engages them without fear of loss, of discomfort. Profound peace is a foundation from moment to moment that life will continue without end, that you are a part of a Family of Life who have achieved great things and share your consciousness and your peace, to inspire others to a life full of freedom, rich experience, and mastership that will continue to grow. But profound peace is a personal experience as well, bringing enrichment to every moment. Life is very personal, very individual, very present. And the peace we speak of is the same.

Worrying about unforeseen possibilities, negative experience, losses that have yet to occur, is not wisdom, is not peace. Valuing, appreciating, magnifying the alternative brings peace. And when at peace, opportunities open to you, insights, understandings for you to choose from and engage. True Peace rejuvenates by way of the letting go of anything in your life that is not peaceful. The patterns of others, yet to understand, are not yours, but you can inspire others by living your truth through a life of peace and harmony within your being. And life flows more freely, in a natural way.

Peace is unmistakable, our brother, as the flow of life becomes obvious with moments of success, successes that can be shared with others. A life in a world at peace is a rich one, filled with happy moments and a loving life. Be at peace, and namaste.

Oct. 1, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross