
JANU: At last, rising above challenges to our journeys. A lesson in solutions simpler than the challenges. So many in the world anticipate the opposite with a mindset a bit inflexible. Life is always present, as is wisdom, understanding, resource, inspiration, enlightenment, the Truth of Life. All omnipresent. All one with your Nature. A world emerging of all that you are. Your identity becoming all that you are. Challenges reveal your strength. Conscious union and strength are one, for Life flows through you. How can it be any other way for Life and you are one?

Exploring other worlds is the same allowing, you see. Merging with another person and merging with ‘all that you are’ are natural when in harmony with your own Nature. When exploring the Larger Life, whether physical or beyond, distance and time are not the concern, but presence is. Allow all that you seek to be present through the harmony of your Nature.

Linger a moment and savor the richness of presence. Namaste.

June 13, 2023                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A peaceful world with a violet sky

JANU:  Exploring other worlds is a necessity for the ultimate evolution of consciousness, for the consciousness of other worlds and the Earth’s are connected. Exploring through intuition and other means make possible these pathways of communication. To become conscious of the Larger Life, even in the smallest sense, enriches the potential of evolution, where everything is of the one life as well as realities beyond the physical. What adventure can be more profound than exploring these? And not only these worlds, but others as well.

We prolong the seeming entanglement of preparation to refine the exploring consciousness, better able to interface with and interpret new experiences, new understandings. These explorations are on your doorstep and the door is open. Let the light of the Truth of Life carry you through. Let us journey as such, even at this time.

There are worlds rich in one color or another, in optical appearance. One such is a rich shade of violet with elements of a purplish color. These hues are born of atmospheric elements deposited there by debris from space during cataclysms of other worlds, other bodies. This hue or color is viewed by inhabitants as the natural color of the sky and beyond, for what other perception is available? Yes, they are primitives by comparison, rich with traditions and beliefs, with adornments that reflect them.

It is a quiet culture, fairly passive. The colors of the topography are more placid. We see no large bodies of water. Their diet is atmospheric in the sense of the chemistry of the surface amenable to assimilation with little or no preparation. They are not human. They undulate across the surface and reach into large pockets of moisture that is not water. They communicate with each other through physical contact and body surface undulations that vibrate the atmosphere, as well as radiating impressions to each other’s receptors.

Not much for humans to relate to here, but life it is.

Their communication is more like music, full of variations in pitch, texture, color. Their evolutionary journey is quite unique. Science is not their forte, but consciousness is. They are creative and form groups from time to time to attempt communication with other realities. Very peaceful and they are not aware of our presence, an unwelcome disturbance. We leave them as we approached, in peace, wishing them well. Namaste.
May 13, 2023                                                        Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Love the Larger Life into consciousness

JANU:   We are loving the Larger Life into our consciousness. In the light of this, the darker areas of confusion, doubt, frustration, ignorance become gently filled with light, which is the Truth of Life. Once again, one feels or experiences potential and fulfillment coexisting. The preference of the Larger Life is who you are, as who you are, who we are. No limitations, ongoingness of life in eternal motion. Namaste.
June 17, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Exploring cultures helps us understand our own

JANU:   This is an excellent subject of exploration as you have outlined this morning. Might we begin in this way of exploration in understanding of the cultures and the lives of others in other worlds, as you put it. Not limited to that of course but a good beginning place, you see.

We know of one such world that you might find interesting. It is known to us as Dorean in the Ursa Major sector of your star charts, if you will. It is a world benighted with conglomerations of understandings and cultures that has struggled for synergism and is emerging from a dark period. Even the concept of “light,” as you will, is a concept there still. This world lives in darkness much of the time and exhibits tendencies to reconstruct itself, by this we mean the cultures, in the semblance of old patterns, if you will. The magic here, for any culture, you see, is the embrace of a new idea, a new understanding. What does one culture repattern or reconstruct itself on, if not what it has known? So, you see, your query, your quest in this direction is a valid one. To open the rebuilding of a culture and an understanding in new ways, with new references for repatterning, you see.

You will have the opportunity, should you choose, to provide service to this world as you explore new possibilities and understandings for cultural reconstruction in this quest you have chosen. For they would welcome such contact and exchange. The Doreans have a malleable constitution in perception and in thought process, willing to hear but for a moment to illustrate this point, if you will.

And now move on to another, in the same region, a world known by the name Volereahn. A much older world in terms of cultural development. Societal existence dominates primarily the waters and the air, not so much the land here, you see. These cultures have bridged a range of possibilities that existed for them for some time yet, not discovered immediately. These possibilities include the transition or migration, if you will, across densities within a limited range, allowing for movement from location to location without the need for conveyance. Shared understanding at distance, without the need for transmission and reception devices, you see. Mutation of species or conditions, even within themselves, for desired effect, you see. And the ongoingness of life without the need for sustenance as you understand it. If you traveled to this world in your current physical condition, many of these would be invisible to you. The world would seem almost deserted. But now and again you would see the coming and going of their image as if appearing and disappearing, you see.

This world we speak of is in an elliptical orbit that brings it in close proximity to the influence of another world, causing much modification or stress in the energy fields and forces within the planet. This has contributed to their experimentations with manipulations of energies. They have considered making a leap, so to speak, to this near passer-by. Have yet to accomplish this, though. An interesting challenge in possibility for them.

What we speak of here, as object lesson, is that the manner and shape of the possibilities of a culture are without limit and are a mixture of the fortune of opportunity and circumstance embraced by a consciousness open to possibilities and experimentation. Look at your Earth, if you will. Are there possibilities of circumstance and arrangements of your world’s realities, seen and unseen, proximities to celestial realities, forces that are available, yet untapped, yet still there, you see? Discoveries of even one individual untapped, unexplored by the society at large?

These are some of the many possibilities of this course of exploration. And, of course, this is but one of endless courses of exploration we would be glad to journey with you on. Let us continue with these journeys for the purpose of opening minds to new possibilities. We are the Brotherhood of Light, honoring your quest and bringing to your awareness the truth of life. Namaste.
Jan. 27, 1997                                                                 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Exploring memory 

JANU:    We are prepared, if you will, for today’s journey, as you have stated or requested, the creation of and access to memory. This begins with embracing the faculty as something to be valued, desired, embraced, assimilated, and nurtured. Become one with this. Reach into it. It is Life attracting to itself.

Explore the value of recall. What value understanding with no memory of it? What value relationships with no record? What value communication without memory?

Equally important is the integrity of its creation. What value misrepresentation of the Truth of Life? Accurate memory is a sign of wisdom, service, integrity.

Practice the creation and recall of specific memory.  Exercise this faculty. Allow it to become integrated consciously with your incarnate life. Explore memory not limited to this sojourn or any other and, when mature enough, the memory of others and beyond.  But begin with your own, even today’s. Practice, understand, be there in value. Allow it to be practical and enrich the life. Namaste.
Feb. 26, 2023                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Peace as a way of life

JANU:   Elaborate plans and desires confine the path of awakening to that complexity. Light and peace are not limited to complexity. They are much larger. Universal reality speaks to all of life. Refinements of application apply only to those applications. Reverse engineering these refinements as a path to universality, unlimited application, and creativity is a liberating experience.  Being free to be the potential of life means not being owned by any one expression or creation, free to know it for what it is and to recognize the freedom that allowed it. So walk the path of freedom and be. Find peace as a way of life, enriched by the Light, the Truth of Life, unlimited identity. Namaste.
Feb. 22, 2023                                                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Being the Light

JANU:    Being present with all people is an opportunity for their openness to the Light of life. Be truthful, inspired by this Light, for all that you do, all that you see, all that you speak. To speak truth, be conscious of it. Listen to it. Understand it. Allow transformation of your life pattern. See things ever more clearly about your own life, your own desires, your own understandings. See others, no matter where they are on their path, as being in their journey, no matter what it is. We are all journeyers. See and be the truth of this. Be patient with yourself. Be timeless in your perceptions, in your desires, in your service. Namaste.
Jan. 6, 2023                                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 For more discussion of this concept of opportunity, check out these attunements


Living in the Now with freedom 

JANU: The Light is descending upon the reality of the moment, perception of which begins with the freedom of being. To many, this is a fearsome possibility, for the unknown in the veiled existence has much uncertainty. Confidence in the freedom of being is found in the conviction, the hope and desire that freedom brings the truth, the diversity of life, the ongoingness of life, with strength and beauty, clarity and joy, understanding, peace and love. The incarnate life has all of these but the challenges are not seen for what they are, only as confusion, frustration, and life being against you.

Freedom is powerful, indestructible, full of conviction, confidence, and determination. It is in harmony with the Truth of Life. Living in the Now, perceiving in the Now, expressing in the Now shines light upon all of life. Choose to see into the truth of everything. No one is ever alone in this. All of life is connected. Embrace the Family of Life. Namaste.
Dec. 9, 2022                                                                                   Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Living in the Now

JANU: Consciously living in the Now reveals the Now reality of the flow of life where past, future, and present are one. There is a profound peace in this, for focusing upon that which has happened and that which is yet to happen is living in the past and the future.

Being in harmony with life is being in the Now. Healthy body and healthy consciousness find their balance and harmony in the present. Intimacy with life is in the present. Forgiveness, love, harmony, the richness of life is in the present. Life in the present has no need for wars, manipulation, repression, violence, deception because in the present the truest reality exists, as is the consciousness of Life itself.

Live each day to the fullness of this. Your intuition, your True Nature, the Truth of Life are always present. Become aware of the total you and live life as that. Namaste.
Nov. 20, 2022                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 The concept of ‘living in the Now’ has been a recurring one. So much so that a collection of journeys titled The NOW has been compiled, which the reader may wish to peruse. 


A change in social perception

JANU:   Importance of this progression of awakenings is the transformation of limited to unlimited consciousness. Limitations are learned by experience and the examples of others. They begin from the first consciousness. Moments of awakening into the unlimited truth of life are a challenge not always easy to embrace. Let us begin to restore confidence in the process by example through experience and understanding, making decisions and commitments to the results.

There stands the element of familiarity to what has been engrained; therefore, becoming more accustomed to the need to replace commitments to limited perceptions with alternatives. An alternative to dissatisfaction with social conditions is commitment to less limited alternatives. Even the transition from one perception to another is a process of application and experienced results. So dwell then, for a time, on a different perception of the merits of the social opportunity and its potential. Namaste.
Nov. 1, 2022                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross