The role of memories

JANU:   Reminiscing can be therapeutic by clarifying perspectives on realities of the past. One can add more constructive or positive understanding to a memory that didn’t seem to have one, bringing balance to what has been disturbing or regretted. Repairing a memory, so to speak, fulfilling its mission of enlightenment. Time matters not, for everything is now. Memories are as well.

Bring patience, understanding, encouragement, forgiveness, blessing to memories, which are life patterns that still have vitality for they still exist. Memories belong to the substance of being, the foundations of wisdom and decision-making. Relatable life patterns to those of others. These patterns have more in common with others than you may realize.

The role of memories in fulfilling life, finding freedom and happiness, moving on and evolving, is profound. Cherish them, for they are as jewels in the darkness of confusion and regret. Even these journeys are life patterns recorded in the memories. Namaste.
Dec. 22, 2020                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

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