Experiencing coexistence

JANU:   Yes, there is Light in everyone. Each one expresses it differently, for life has unlimited expression, creativity, and potential. All coexisting. The expressions of life evolve, enriching everything. Life is enriched by all expressions, all life patterns.

True peace is in harmony with all of life. “Is-ness” is experienced. ‘Right and wrong’ is a limitation. The Truth of Life, the Light, includes everything. Experience coexistence intimately. Namaste.
Sept. 10, 2022                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Peace: the journey of many realities

JANU:    As you can see and experience, peace is a reality of many layers, many nuances, many expressions, and many revelations. Peace, the harmonious relationship of all systems of being, connects with everything in a natural harmonious way, lending understanding and coexistence into the Light, the Truth of Life. Peace rejuvenates, heals if you will, and is a journey of exploration and understanding.
Aug. 20, 2022  B                                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Light Bringers

JANU: Partnerships in the service of the Light are a blessing for humanity. There are traditions of life that are created through service. These traditions are like a breath of fresh air in the lives of humanity, that gentle breeze that brings a sense of well-being and hope for the future.

There is a natural desire to be part of something larger. In the Larger Life, open-mindedness, free thinking, creativity coexists with a sense of community and mutual benefit. The isolation of the veil experience gives way to this as enlightenment unfolds and the attention on the Family of Life replaces the loneliness of isolation. This is part of the Truth of Life, the Light of Life. Join the Light Bringers. It is part of human destiny. Namaste.
June 24, 2022 B                                                               Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The journey home

JANU: Home is where you find it, for home is not just a place but a reality of being, which can be any time, anywhere.  The common desire by those who reach for the Truth of Life, the answers they seek, the ownership of being. It seems to nag at the consciousness and the emotions. Always there because it is the True Nature and who you are. Everything else is life in motion, realizing potential, and creating vehicles of expression. Never fully free of the pull to find home. The reality is that home coexists with all of these. Persistent desire penetrates the veil to understand. Each one’s journey has its own character, nuances, twists and turns, successes and disappointments, but the desire continues, as does the journey. Evolution and realization continue. Namaste.
July 8, 2022                                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


What is consciousness & its capability?

JANU:    The nature of the inquiry acknowledges that, suggests that all of life is a consciousness evolving and fulfilling its potential. But what is this life, then, with this imperative to discover, in this way, its nature and its potential? In simplest terms, life is beingness in motion, to include all realities, all potentials, and all manifestations, no matter the reality, you see. Human consciousness is part of this, as an expression of potential, one of countless realities.

The question remains: What is life and is experiencing this? What is the source of potential?

The macro and the micro are one in the so-called Body of Life. Be not limited by the perceptions of this or that: boundaries, time, space, motion, relationships, outcomes. The challenge is to become absolutely still in a non-nebulous reality. Now, life manifesting in motion has difficulty becoming conscious of or as the True Nature of life, but here in existence is the proof of such existence. But can a creation truly know its creator and be conscious as?

A practical understanding and application of the nature of life depends upon perspective or point of reference. Exploration of this subject is a practical incentive to expand consciousness. Use this as a catalyst for discovery, for all of the Truth of Life and its potential and manifestation. It’s a challenge even for the True Nature and maintain even a semblance of stable sanity.

There is a point at which significant departure from identification with the manifestation of life can remove one from its existence. For the human realm or reality of consciousness is by design identified with an evolving consciousness on a journey of discovery without end. Have some forethought and insight into the potential for transition into alternate existence and resulting departure from the current one. Becoming conscious of the process of reality of the movement of life, of its potential and actualization is only a moment of conscious reality.

Continue to explore, allowing the nature of reality to be what it is and to grow with what it can become, a peaceful journey full of life. Namaste.
Mar. 5, 2022                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The Family of Life

JANU:    Brotherhood is the theme here. What is meant here, in a non-gender specific reality, has to do with association, connection, coordination, cooperation, conscious union. Those who incarnate are a brotherhood. The incarnation is gender specific, the connection is beyond that. The veil encourages an identity, a gender specific identity, focusing on differences, identity differences. The larger Truth of Life is on beingness, our True Nature, our timelessness, our infinite potential, and our co-creative abilities and performance. This collective reality is inclusively known as life partners, collective being, even a community of many perspectives, a family of life, if you will. For even as incarnate gender specific identities, we are all the Family of Life in equality, sovereign dignity, and potential for enrichment. Take what you have learned and experienced from incarnate existence and create from it an enriched family of life. Namaste.
Mar. 2, 2022                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Being and creating Light

JANU  Being the light in a reality of light finds shadows of darkness that seem permanent, self-perpetuating, ignorance for many reasons. Our pursuit of enlightenment, of innate creativity, true peace, and joy of living radiate their own Light wherever they are.  So what we pursue here is the radiation of the Light of Life, falling upon whatever it may, revealing its Truth. Understanding, compassion, joy, and love create Light, our light, and can be seen whenever desired. The catalyst to this lies within the purview of the True Nature of everything, so be not only the Light bearer, but a Light bringer, a Light creator. Understand, experience, grow, explore the reality of the Truth of Life. We are one in this. Serve life by creating Light, the Truth of Life. Be a beacon whose nature is to radiate, not to control or interfere, just to be. Join with others doing the same. Namaste.
Feb. 21, 2022                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Integrity and the Truth of Life

JANU: Enormous is the influence of the Truth of Life, sometimes called the Light. When conscious of, and at one with, that reality everything falls into place while in motion. The nature of your being an unlimited relationship with life, the purpose of expression on any scale. Varying degrees of connection. The maintenance of integrity, not just physically, but life itself. Even a void has integrity. Integrity throughout the being embraces change and its truth. So, let integrity be a mark of your presence. Be the Truth of Life, especially when meeting challenges. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2022                                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Wisdom of True Nature on the Path

JANU:  Unencumbered by the physical sciences, the journeyer freed from the limitations of the so-called ‘laws of life’ can be involved with understanding and experiencing the Larger Life in ways not described by physicality, social conditioning of the perception of life, of what’s possible and supposedly what’s not. One can build the foundation for embracing the Truth of Life not described by these. Exploring reality without a frame of reference relies upon intuitional insight of the True Nature. When exploring this way, a less limited foundation for understanding is slowly being built, but can be a challenge for the conditioned human experience.

So what does, then, one focus upon when entering into these journeys? One focuses upon the wisdom of the True Nature and that of Life itself. Being more conscious is a desire fulfilled by these journeys, with unpredictable rewards. Awakening builds upon awakening. Achievements in consciousness build on each other, opening the door to unanticipated insights.

This is true for the True Nature as well, you see. The desire for awakening, exploration, discovery is not limited to the human journey. As your identity expands to include your True Nature, your perceptions evolve. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2021                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing the power of listening

JANU:    The power of listening extends to the power of communication, which extends to the sharing and evolution of the Truth of Life. We must begin with these things as foundational on the quest for awakening.

Life expression can dominate this side of the coin. Reacting to challenges, life expression is not listening. The challenge is to get your attention, to inspire listening to gain understanding and wisdom. For, understand this, that Life is listening to you, which inspires the challenges, you see, providing opportunity to grow. One doesn’t gain information by demanding it. Demanding is not listening; it is projecting agenda, preferences, limitations. It is not listening. How can one learn and evolve when only expressing your own agenda? All they hear is themselves.

Developing, refining the power to listen—the experience of listening—strengthens one’s relationship with Life, to a degree not achievable without it. Being at peace, as previously stated, eliminates the filters for clearer listening—filters of preference, bias, closed-mindedness. For clarity, peace is the harmonious relationship of all the systems of your being and their relationship with the flow of life. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2021                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross