Wisdom of True Nature on the Path

JANU:  Unencumbered by the physical sciences, the journeyer freed from the limitations of the so-called ‘laws of life’ can be involved with understanding and experiencing the Larger Life in ways not described by physicality, social conditioning of the perception of life, of what’s possible and supposedly what’s not. One can build the foundation for embracing the Truth of Life not described by these. Exploring reality without a frame of reference relies upon intuitional insight of the True Nature. When exploring this way, a less limited foundation for understanding is slowly being built, but can be a challenge for the conditioned human experience.

So what does, then, one focus upon when entering into these journeys? One focuses upon the wisdom of the True Nature and that of Life itself. Being more conscious is a desire fulfilled by these journeys, with unpredictable rewards. Awakening builds upon awakening. Achievements in consciousness build on each other, opening the door to unanticipated insights.

This is true for the True Nature as well, you see. The desire for awakening, exploration, discovery is not limited to the human journey. As your identity expands to include your True Nature, your perceptions evolve. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2021                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross