Seeing the future of humanity (Service)

JANU:   For this evening’s service, may we continue to delve into the human journey and its future.  It is possible to anticipate the future by the attraction, or pull upon, elements of the human experience to change, for there is a natural evolutionary attraction between potential and the present. Now, what sorts of elements of humanity are being attracted to their future in this way? We see, at the moment, health and well-being as primary candidates for a future with much change. There is a ‘oneness’ connection between present and future. The decisions needed to facilitate this change will occur to humanity as it proceeds.

Those areas of consciousness that individuals will say they have no willingness to change, or they are held dear, need examination, for humanity cherishes the status quo and changes not understood as to their destiny inspire confusion and fear. But what we speak of, it is possible to see the nature of the potential if one attunes to the destinies of their own life and the flow of life in which they exist. If you are an eternal being, one with life and all of its capabilities and power, what is there to fear? Needless to say, our brother, the elements of the future, for each one and for humanity, are quite different than the present. And as you evaluate and observe the present humanity, can you not see an imperative of change to manifest the future?

The service this evening represents the service the natural flow of life provides to all of life. And this is part of it, our brother. Namaste.

Feb. 7, 2014 B                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross