Maya Angelou

Editor’s Note:  Maya Angelou passed away on May 28, 2014. She was a remarkable person, who stood in her integrity and always spoke truth, from her heart. It was truly an honor to have her join our journeys. The reader is also encouraged to investigate the profound legacy of her own writings.

 A Tribute

JANU:   We are serving then this evening one who belongs to a larger destiny than one lifetime. The passing of Maya Angelou this day is of one who has served the awakening of humanity for thirteen sojourns. She brings with her an entourage of those she has benefited and those who have enlightened her. Her legacy will last long into the future for she will continue to serve humanity while out of the physical body. She will inspire many around the world into a larger understanding, each according to their capability. Collectively, she enhances life. She has channeled higher consciousness a good portion of her lifetime. Yes, she is known on other worlds, by a different name, of course. And her origins are not of the Earth. She leaves this life with a love for people and a wisdom not many will achieve, for now. We honor her on her journey. Namaste, our brother. May 28, 2014 B

 A message from Maya Angelou

JANU:    We have a request, our brother, from Maya Angelou, who wishes to speak at this time regarding the future of humanity. Let us welcome her with honors.

MAYA:  I am Maya and you are correct. I do love life and people. My presence in the world was a blessing for me as well. It taught me many things but, in particular, the power of love as a foundation for understanding peace and the beauty of life. The inspirations you mentioned came from the people that I met, for their lives were an inspiration. And all lives are, when you have the capability of seeing them clearly. Once again, founded in love. That is the empathy of life and that I hoped to bring to the consciousness of humanity: a growing empathy for each other. For where is wisdom without it? Do not judge each other harshly. Let forgiveness be a ready tool or feature of your life.

We all sing as one on this side of life, brother, as you are learning. Thank you for the invitation to visit. May we do so again. I am with you and I am Maya and we are one.

May 29, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross