The Path of Excellence

JANU: For this morning’s journey, we shall embark upon the path of excellence for humanity. Excellence here is not understood as perfection, in the sense of free of errors or miscalculation or challenges. Excellence here refers to humanity exercising their potential and manifesting their destiny with the freedom realized by a growing awakening, clarity of thought and emotion, and the commitment to always refine and realize their ideals, growing in harmony with the larger life, and fulfilling their chosen responsibility to elevate their relationships and their service. They are in fact, our brother, emissaries of life and aren’t we all, each in our own gift and way and capability?

Excellence is not measured as the flawless life, but as a growing one, evolving and loving the opportunity to grow in the mastership of their circumstance and potential. The path of excellence includes the frailties and the power and wisdom and love to overcome them all and inspire others. Being the light in your life—and light explained as the Truth of Life—can’t help but bring light to others, for light has a presence in life, a vitality. It is a sustainer of life in motion.

There is a peace that comes with the mastering of the challenges of life, building a confidence in meeting new ones. Peace and confidence, based on a foundation of experience and understanding, go hand in hand. A confident humanity leaves behind self-made conflicts among each other fed by fears, insecurities, and a lack of confidence in self-worth and the trustworthiness of others.

Each day is filled with opportunities to build upon excellence in the thought, emotion, comment, and conduct. So examine your own reasons or motivations for how you conduct your day and choose wisely the outcome you prefer and live every day in a little greater freedom from the old ways of social conditioning. Natural excellence in your life is normal, even though uncommon. Your life can be the seed to inspire others into their excellence.

July 18, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross