What flows through your life?

JANU: In some ways, humanity is teetering on the brink of a revolution in consciousness, a shift in priorities of what is important and what is less important. Realizing, here and there, more and more, that the current values, perceptions, and choices can change humanity’s future dramatically. Opening the flood gates so to speak, the resources of the flow of life into the common experience. Bringing the richness of the vast resource that can be available, prosperity of a different kind.

It is possible for one to experience prosperity yet modest in material possessions and social influence or power. Awakening brings this opportunity. Struggling to achieve information of a common nature is enriched with insight, a flow of understanding, a broadening of awareness, and a peace that comes from knowing and understanding.

It can be said that materiality and influence are not in themselves what you might call ‘evil’ but being owned by them, valued by them, defined by them is as a prison to your spirit, your True Nature, and your peace of mind. People who are owned in this way are filled with a sense of needing more and more. Where is the peace in that? And taking more from others finds its way into this way of living.

There are those among you who are identified by, defined by giving more and more to others, helping relieve some of their stress and fear and deprivation. These are those that are awakening to the gifts of life to flow through them to give to others, enriching themselves in return but not requiring it.

The focus for this morning’s journey is the question: “What flows through your life?” It can be known by the results, not just around you or in others, but within you.

Nov. 14, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross