Several more have committed to the awakening of humanity

JANU: There have been several breakthroughs in consciousness around the Earth, entering the field of serving humanity. These will develop into powerful Light centers, radiating throughout humanity. The number is varying. There are four unannounced at this time. And, yes, there are both males and females. That too is changing. Another area of social consciousness to awaken more fully.

We spend this morning’s journey supporting those centers of Light. Some of these are what you would call ‘Old Souls’ that have been on the Earth before and have earned this development in their experience. One or two come from other worlds in their experience and have earned this as well. There is growing, around the Earth, a network of more enlightened beings lifting humanity according to each one’s ability, or gift if you will.

This is part of Earth’s transformation into its comparative awakening, you see. Would that humanity could appreciate and perceive the many forms of reality that comprise the Earth. The Earth is a living world. Can you even count the number of life forms that exist, working as a system, living together, contributing in each way to the collective consciousness of the Earth?

Those committed to peace can be free of any fear of the Earth and society devolving into self-destruction. The future is bright and life is coming together, as we have said, steadfast, committed, encouraged, and convinced of the future of life that is Earth. Many realities, indeed. Namaste.

Feb. 17, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross