Meaning and purpose in your life

JANU: Why does it seem universal among humans that their life have meaning? And what is meant by this? For a life to have meaning, meaning that satisfies that desire, it includes a path of self-discovery, understanding, and mastery. It includes having a positive contribution to the life of another. It includes enriching life in some way. It includes a legacy of contribution and understanding and, in a subtler way, a foundation for the continuation of the being, the spirit if you will, the adventure in consciousness.

It is useful to expand the desire for meaning in your life to entertaining what would give you meaning and purpose, specifically, for any creation, any contribution has a spark of desire and a vision. Life does not design your purpose for you but provides unlimited opportunity for the manifestation of your true desire. Now, your desires and your path to realization are filled with many interactions with others and their desires. Not even limited to other people, but the system that life is. Even while pondering such possibilities, the interactions continue, on one level or another. And, when understood, even these can inspire your vision.

Meaningful purpose need not be the entire sojourn. Even a brief moment of fulfillment can bring peace and satisfaction with having made the journey. For the contribution, our brother, is timeless and never wasted. It is another pattern of creation that life records and benefits from.

So, be sensitive to opportunities to fulfill your desire for meaning in your life. Call upon your imagination and creativity and the power of life itself to fulfill. Profound meaning need not be defined as that which others are aware of, but which brings peace within you, empowerment, and joy. And know this, our brother, your life has meaning, whether you are aware of it or not. And your life is far larger and richer than one lifetime.

Mar. 1, 2015                                                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross