Crosswinds in the flow of life

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us partake of a nuance of living, that being what might be called crosswinds in the flow of life. Now by ‘crosswind’ we mean the crossing of paths of various flows of life, bringing awareness, communication and orientation. Now make no mistake. The flows of life are countless, a complex reality, and accounts for the confusion for some that occurs on the path of their choice. Recognizing a cross-flow in the presence of your own flow is valuable.

Any cross-flow you recognize has elements or patterns similar to some of your own, otherwise they would not be noticed, our brother. There are similarities all over life, indicating how that network of life maintains its integrities, consistency, and mutual support. Life being understood as one system composed of so many. This addresses the use of the term ‘opportunities’ that occur through life, we have spoken of. When one’s life path touches another, opportunities occur that can benefit both, or even more—mentioning only two is a limited example of the larger reality for the purpose of understanding.

How does one then recognize a crosswind on their journey through life? A beginning for this is noticing that something has occurred in your life, unbeckoned, that you see no reason for and are confused by. Begin with the question: Is there an opportunity here that is beneficial? Is this an encounter with someone else’s path, their feeling, their thought, their understanding? Without surrendering your integrity, allow the consideration and choose to understand it.

Yet another understanding of the complexity of life, which speaks to its richness, diversity, and ongoingness. In this way, you understand that every life is significant. No need to fear this. It is a healthy part of living. Be at peace in the truth of your own integrity and inner values, for your instability is of little service to another and brings confusion to interpretation. There will always be more opportunities. Life does not quit on itself, or cast part of itself away. So enjoy the journey, our brother, recognizing opportunities and playing what some might call the ‘game of life.’ Namaste.

May 21, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross