Mastering challenges

JANU:    What is a life challenge, then? What are its merits? What success at wisdom comes from these challenges? Challenges can be found in every part of life. And what is the measure of success for any of these? The success is the wisdom gained, our brother, and the freedom to move on. You envision, at times, existence without challenges. A challenge can be both troublesome or a delight. The result is the same, the opportunity is the same: the ongoingness of life, mastership, and the movement through life of that needed to overcome a challenge.

How many see a difficult challenge, physical or otherwise, as an opportunity to gain understanding and a beneficial experience? Most of the energy and thought is against the challenge, attempting to push it away, ignore it, resolving it without enduring it. Some challenges can appear to be life threatening in the incarnate life. It is still an opportunity to experience its manifestation, and your ability to overcome, or repeat the life pattern at another time. Some challenges are opportunities to excel, to embrace, to find solutions, to serve life in some way.

Move from a perception that any challenge has any power over you, only what you allow it. Engage your challenges through the power of your True Nature, the Eternal You. Not to obliterate the challenge, but to master it, growing stronger with each success. Challenges are not your enemy in life, no matter the form they take. Patience with the course of each challenge yields the richness it has for you.

June 27, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross