Perceptions of form to formlessness

JANU: We are hammering out, if you will, any challenges to understanding the True Nature of manifest reality and the so-called nonphysical. What we are reaching for in understanding here, our brother, is that the difference in these realities is not all that different, having once referred to physicality as more realities than you might imagine, and this is true by way of the reason of oneness. You frequently query about how to comprehend individuality in a nonphysical reality. That is accomplished, our brother by—or should we say, through—the shape of consciousness. Now, shape is a limited term here but a beginning to your understanding.

When one has inner vision that penetrates the subtler realities of life, one can see images that represent individuals, but they are subject to change. And there are many factors involved, depending upon consciousness of observer and observed, but as realities become finer and finer, there are processes for former structure that are quite different. Humanity is strongly oriented upon visual imagery. One must realize that the imagery produced by consciousness-shaping is fluid and changes due to the need for recognition and the relationships involved.

Moving on, our brother, reality exists beyond any form or structure that a human would identify. De-humanizing your perspective to be more facile is one of the many processes that accompany moving the mind beyond physicality with a much larger perspective. You are learning that life is far more complex and still in motion, but all of this is taken in stride and becomes a natural perception of life, to the degree one allows it or desires it.

Allow the awakening to a grander reality of life expressions. Be patient with your discoveries. Allow this to normally occur. And, yes, you have known and experienced all of this before. Understanding, appreciating, and exploring oneness is a journey of its own. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

July 13, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross