Awakening to a more conscious connection with life

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us consider, on the path of awakening, the journey of conscious connection with more and more of life. Animal pets, and wild animals, with direct connection that not only reveals their nature to you, but your nature to them. See not so-called intelligence, as interpreted by humans, as a barrier to intimacy. Humanity considers themselves the most intelligent creature on the Earth but do not often demonstrate it.

One need not see the presence of a creature to communicate with it. Learn to sense their presence, their consciousness. Allow the touching of each other according to each one’s capacity. Forget not that the Earth is such a creature, and one can have intimacy in this venue as well. The Earth has countless opportunities to become more aware, with more profound understanding, and the opportunity to serve and uplift life is always there. A plant has a consciousness, as does a tree. Every level of life, every type of life is an opportunity.

It is one thing to observe a creature, or any other life form, and quite another to connect with it. Now, this intimacy is not limited to creatures. Planets and suns have their realities as well. It is all life, our brother. Life is an open book; one only needs select the right page and become one with it.

You ask, ”How long should this process take to be realized?” The time is completely up to you. Your anticipations and perceptions and freedom of response and sensitivity are your choice. There are no secrets and neither are you. The illusion of separation is an illusion by choice, to help you focus on your individuality, your existence, without distraction. But, in time, our brother, that becomes a limitation to a larger life. Life has much to teach and you are part of the curriculum, you see. Be a good student and allow the rest of life to learn about you. You’ll find great peace in this as you partner with life. Namaste.

Aug. 5, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross