A changing and evolving perspective

JANU: Establishing relations belongs to a category of human service. The relations we speak of have to do with conscious links with the True Nature, that includes all of your being. It is an interesting quality to be individualized in the incarnate life and then begin to experience the presence and the wisdom of your own True Nature. The designation of ‘yours’ is a limited perception, for ‘you’ are the True Nature as well. But a larger reality exists and that is: being one in consciousness and in deed.

In the beginning, a small amount of identity shifting begins to take place, slowly at first, to where you begin to perceive life, your thoughts and your feelings, no longer alone but more and more as one complete being. This takes getting used to, for social consciousness is focused on individuality as a human being. Growing experiences, being one with your True Nature, and your True Nature with you, changes your perspective by way of evidence, communication, and a growing history of experience as one. The advantage of this is engaging life as a human being but with the resource of all that you truly are. Knowledge and understanding bring a condition of peacefulness and a solid foundation for exploring more of life and the richness that brings.

How you see yourself and what you mean by that term, and how you see others, is changing. Being patient yet persistent is helpful. Take a view larger than one sojourn and it will put your experiences in a larger perspective. More timeless, more inclusive, and more gratitude for what is unfolding. Be at peace. Namaste.

Aug. 12, 2015 B                                                                              Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross