Nature of manifest and unmanifest

JANU: The physical attempt through math and other means to describe ‘nothing’ are approximations, estimates, missing elements of reality beyond their computations. But they do point in useful directions. They are like road maps on a journey, not describing everything but a practical usefulness for direction, but based upon space/time orientation. But most of life is beyond this or not limited by it. This is where direct knowing comes into play, being.

You ask, “Does the unmanifest have a source?” This is where the understanding of ‘source’ and ‘manifest’ comes into play as being one. In the finer truth, they cannot be separated. They are each other. Then the subject turns to ‘finite mind’ and ‘infinite mind’ and what is their relationship? Truth being, our brother, they are one, again. Different expressions of the same thing, suited to the tasks presented and sought. Time/space deals with exclusions, borders, where and when. That is the frame of reference. So the foundation for understanding the unmanifest is limited. Nonetheless, the unmanifest is true. So the manifest and the unmanifest are one. The unmanifest is reference in potential, the manifest is created to explore the potential, bring depth and richness to it, and expand the foundation for further exploration.

This consciousness grows into the oneness reality of superconscious and conscious mind. Added to it, becomes the ability to grasp each other. Needless to say, our brother, the dynamics and parameters of your consciousness and your life will change. Priorities expand. Life becomes more profound and meaningful. Namaste.

Jan. 2, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See also post of Jan. 22 for preliminary discussion.