The Soul, Spirit, and unconditional love

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only

  1. My understanding is that the soul sometimes stays outside the body after trauma. Then how does one rejoin with their soul?
  2. How does Soul and Spirit communicate?
  3. What do you or your dimension know of unconditional love?

JANU: These are heartfelt and loving questions deep within this one, deep within the soul she speaks of. We might begin in this way.

The coming together of the soul and spirit, the soul and the being is accomplished in this way of understanding. Let there be seen between you a bond, a holy bond comprised of the ingredients of love, the thrust of life and the urge to create being in the image and likeness of the creator as you are. This bond is never broken. It is the cohesiveness, the cohesive force that holds life together. As long as you are, this bond is. Not possible to be separated from, for this maintains the existence, you see. The leaving the body you speak of are shifts in consciousness. The body does not own the soul. The soul infuses it with the thrust of life, maintained by the bond we speak of.

Communication, soul and spirit as you put it, is through oneness that we speak of often, connectedness. Communication in oneness is direct knowing, not so much this reality communicating with that reality, you see. The realities are one. The soul is spirit. Truly, our dear friend, what is not? Your communication then with this soul you speak of is the thrust of life returning understanding of experience to its creator, to its source through its continuous connection with that you are.

Unconditional love then allows all of this to be. To study, to know, to embrace any portion of life and its creation is to embrace unconditional love, for this is the field in which all is created. In the fuller understanding of life, there is no such thing as not love, un-love, however you put it. Unconditional love sustains you and allows you to create your adventures without judgment, without condemnation, but allowing in a fullness that transcends the understanding of many, the many who take advantage of it anyway by being, by existing. Unconditional love is understood and known as one embraces that understanding, that position of knowing, that perspective about themselves.

Unconditionally love who you are. And who are you indeed but the cradle of the expression of the first thought of the divine, the source of all life? Think you are not known, cherished, embraced, understood, looked over and cared for? Truly you are the spark in the eye of the creator, the light and the promise. Would that you knew the magnitude and the magnificence of the light and the life that you are. This understanding would cast away all fear, all doubt, all confusion, all limited thinking, limited reality in the experience. You would own your life and everything you survey. You would own every creation and experience and wisdom to be yielded therefrom.

The beauty of this path, the wonder and the magic and the reward is that through this realization, this embracing of the whole of the being, one sees and knows the true beauty of another, unconditionally loves them, supports them in their journey, observes them with care and fondness and compassion for their struggle and their seeming confusion, knowing, even as observed, this is only illusion. There is no power in any creation, save that allowed it, bestowed upon it through the unconditional love of the divine soul and spirit that you are. What is creation made of and what is creation born of? Answer this for yourself in the knowingness of your true being.

Examine your questions then, gently, carefully, deeply from your current perspective, your current identity and ego-personality centering and then gently shift to a new view, a new perspective as an all inclusive, aware, conscious, integrated being of unlimited knowingness and perception. Unconditional love without limit. And see how the questions come together in one simple, beautiful transcendent answer. And the answer is the unconditional love that is the nature of life.

There is no greater joy than realization of wholeness and the observation of the realization in another. It is life’s victory through and over its creations. It is returning home from the journey owning it all.

Your thoughts, your concerns, and your questions are precious indeed. And provide a wonderful opportunity to express this understanding and to convey on this understanding our unconditional love for you. These are simple joys, dear one. Profound beyond measure and go to the heart of your soul. They answer the call to oneness. As you gain this reality, share it with others, inspire it in them. Help them lift their hearts, their spirit and their soul into this wonderful joy.

You are so very near to this understanding, but a breath away. Your questions stand as testimony to this truth. In this state of consciousness, state of being aware, state of ownership of life, everything you perceive in what you do, your surroundings and others will never be seen the same again, for you see with larger understanding, compassion and insight.

We and others await your connection, your awakening into this larger understanding and we will greet you there, dear sister. You will be welcomed into the Brotherhood of Life in such a way that you will know this is real indeed and no illusion. For you will begin to perceive all of life and all of creations for the first time for what they are and you will understand their beauty and their potential for enriching experience. We congratulate you on your journey in this direction of understanding and be aware no one is ever alone in the quest for the truth.
April 13, 1996                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

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