Awakening 7: Passivity

JANU: This morning’s journey is the subject of passivity. By this we mean choosing an openness, being passive to the flow of life, of consciousness, the Truth of Life in the presence of preconceived perceptions, preferences achieved by social conditioning. In the awakening of consciousness, this foundation, this theme opens the consciousness to more unrestricted access to what is, beyond limitation. Now, understand this, our brother: limitation is a fluid thing, adjusting to capabilities of the moment and of potential in embracing more of life, more of the True Nature, more of the oneness with everyone and everything.

Passive does not suggest one without standards, ideals, values. It is one who can consider honestly something new to their experience, to their understanding. Certainly, this is part of awakening. No longer allowing the old understanding to block the new, at least during the moment of initial embrace. Integrity of the True Nature, when honored and cherished, is the measurement of the rightness of any new understanding. Your True Nature, your true integrity, your true being is your guide. And that guide is evolving as well, our brother, for its nature is the source of life.

Cosmic consciousness is a universal embrace of infinity, of unlimited reality. Now, the human consciousness is not used to such things, so awakening is a gradual reality, allowing for assimilation, understanding, processing, maintaining sanity, balance, and rationality. Passivity does not violate these, but allows them to grow and evolve, open to larger truths, larger life.

‘Standing firm in the face of reason’ is a tradition that keeps one limited. So consider carefully the path of awakening in the light of this understanding, and find peace in it. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.