Opportunities through Earth life

JANU: This second phase of the awakening series, titled “Associations and Collaborations,” outlines to a degree that needed not only in understanding but in experience and the transformed consciousness that are in harmony with the larger life that the total you, the complete being, chooses. Make no mistake, our brother. The life and experience of all that you are, guided by the True Nature, is a choice and a wise one that grows and evolves with the experience and understanding that comes with it.

The True Nature that we are is ancient. By comparison, the human journeys are far more recent. Other incarnate experiences led to the human ones by way of the experience of other travelers of more recent association. By way of research based upon desire and interests, it became known that the Earth presents an opportunity for many kinds of service. And many have taken on the mantel of conscious integration of the larger life of each one merging with the Earth life, raising the consciousness of the world and that of the planet as well. By ‘world,’ we mean its population. Now, this service and its result benefits all the creatures of the Earth in many ways. And understand this, our brother, certain species of the Earth have asked for this assistance, in their way, for humanity has the potential to lift the consciousness and serve the evolution of the Earth and all that it includes. Anchored in physical bodies, they are one with the planet and deeply connected.

So, you see, the associations and collaborations of this series are demonstrated through these. Many such opportunities exist in this Earth experience. So, you see, the reality of the larger life and the True Nature are involved and are present. As you commit to and take seriously the awakening, give the same respect to the opportunities it allows.

Physical life and so-called spiritual life are one. Your human reality and so-called identity, and the rest of what and who you are, are one. We are one, our brother, and are on this journey in this way, as are many others. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2016 B                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.