We are one

JANU: Let there be, then, an understanding that we as discarnate beings are not separate from you in any significant way. Life has many rooms but all of it is life, and there are doors, so to speak, connecting all of them. The doors are located, discovered in consciousness in the nature of your being.

As we journey together and communicate each of us passes through these doors, symbolizing attuned communication. When life connects with itself in this way, the connection is both ways, and once these doorways are activated so that the consciousness attunes more easily, preparation for communication is minimal. And, in fact, our brother, as familiarity builds, these attunement portals are always present, accessed in an instant by way of your interests and desire. So, your anticipations in the past of focused preparation give way to a normalcy of conditions of consciousness that embraces this reality and these journeys, our brother, are only the beginning.

Your health and well-being, your understandings, your intelligence, your wisdom no longer limited to the seeming isolation of the veil. There are doorways everywhere. Life is vast and growing. Building this relationship with the larger life is sane indeed when built, step by step, upon your true integrity, your True Nature, the truth of your being. These journeys help reveal any preferences, biases, pre-judgements, traditions of limitation you may have, and the root of these, and the mastering of them. The turmoil that exists in the lives of most people can be mastered, transmuted, if you will, into a peaceful sure-footedness, the foundation to move forward into a much richer life.

Being at peace is part of this path of awakening, as the demands of ordinary living, traditional society, influence your patterns of living. Frequently return to a moment of inner peace, bringing sanity to the life once more, returning to your outer life with a greater clarity. This is your birthright, so to speak, a quality of your True Nature, a gift you inherit from who you truly are. Be at peace. Namaste.
Sept. 9, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening II Set 5contains all prior attunements in this series.